Duan Lan asked again at this time: "Shiqiu, have you used all your system points?" "

Shi Qiu nodded: "I used it." "

Duan Lan: "Well, I won't ask you what skills you have lit up, and in a while we will directly take a simpler task and go to the nearest space door for a circle." "

Actual combat has always been the best way to grind the team.

After that, Teacher Duan Lan took over a "simple" task in the system.

Shi Qiu's system is already bound to Qiao Xiyue's system, so as long as you open the "Tasks" panel of the system, you can see the tasks received by the class together.

"Task difficulty: junior grade A."

"Mission requirements: Enter the D3 area of the single-city space gate world, find and kill 10 medium-tier alien beasts, and retrieve the heart."

"Mission Rewards: 500,000 cash, 500 credits, 500 imperial points, advanced soul recovery potion*10, advanced life recovery potion*10"

Shi Qiu narrowed his eyes slightly.

At the beginning, Shi Qiu did not fully understand why the school assigned him, a freshman to the senior class.

On the surface, the difference in the internal strength of the team is too much.

He is a level 1, no matter how strong his talent is, what is the use of following?

Shout 666 after the team?

But when he saw the task reward, Shi Qiu seemed to understand something.

The rewards obtained by the junior level tasks are naturally far from comparable to the tasks of the freshman year.

People who awaken S-level souls are extremely rare, and such talents will be very eager to cultivate them as quickly as possible.

If you are placed in the freshman team, the growth rate is too slow.

However, in the junior team, the experience points and resource rewards for completing a task will far exceed those of the lower grades.

Just like playing online games, there are large and small ones, which must be faster than slowly brushing themselves.

Shi Qiu thought to himself, if he guessed correctly, the credits earned for the tasks done in the freshman year should only be in two digits, or even single digits! The cash obtained may only be less than 10,000 words!

Cultivation requires resources.

Credits are required for any activity in school, whether it is attending classes or renting a training room.

Those credits earned on freshman assignments limit their development.

The resources obtained by students who are directly thrown into the senior year are undoubtedly tens or hundreds of times that of these ordinary freshmen!

It can be regarded as the allocation of resources by the school for students with different talents.

Subsequently, Qiao Xiyue and the others changed their clothes.

Everyone left the school together and drove to the entrance of the space gate in the single city area.

Duan Lan drove, and Shi Qiu and Lan Ningxue sat alone in the back row.

All the way without words.

Lan Ningxue was silent, and Shi Qiu's personality was naturally even less likely to take the initiative to talk.

Xia Yao looked back, lowered his head and opened Feixin: "Sister Lan, why don't you take care of people's junior brothers?" Didn't you still bet with Sister Yue in the morning, saying that you must get your junior brother before her? "

Lan Ningxue: "??!"

"Xia Yao!! Can you a girl not use such weird words? What does it mean to 'get it'? When did I say such a thing? "

Xia Yao: "Hee-hee, isn't it?" "

Lan Ningxue: "What I said is obviously a trick, okay?" "

Xia Yao: "(Stream Batch, Stream Batch.jpg)"

Lan Ningxue: "And I will say that, I just don't want to make the sunset moon so proud!" "

Xia Yao: "It's all the same." "

"But Senior Sister, if you don't do anything anymore, Sister Yue will win."

Lan Ningxue: "What do you know, Xiyue is taking the initiative to attack, not faceless, cheeky tactics, don't want the image of a senior sister at all, if I don't do anything, take the initiative to attract junior brothers to provoke me, isn't it more attractive for me?" Won't I win then? "

Xia Yao: "Well, it seems to make sense..."

Lan Ningxue: "Then quickly give me an idea, how to attract the attention of the junior brother under the premise of maintaining a cold personality?" "

Xia Yao: "I don't know, I'm also good at cheeky tactics." [Hee-hee] [hee-hee]"

Lan Ningxue: "What do you want to do?" (kicks .jpg)"


Shi Qiu didn't know at this time that the content of the two senior sisters' mobile phone chats was surrounding him.

He was closing his eyes while looking at his system skill panel.

For the first time, he teamed up with a few seniors to brush quests, so he wanted to see his auxiliary skills first.

Of the three auxiliary skills, two should be useful.

"Skill: Blessing of Death."

"Effect: Target slowly regains health (1% max health per second without interruption). The target's temporary favorability to the Reaper host is +20 (this effect doubles when cast on targets with intelligence below 50)."

"Side effect: The skill is cast successfully, and the target enters a state of distraction for a second."

"Evaluation: Mortals will inevitably not be able to withstand the temptation of death, and may have unexpected effects."

Then there's the second skill.

"Skill: The gift of death."

"Effects: Target Temporary Double Attack +11%, Temporary Speed +7%, Temporary Soul +12%, Temporary Health Cap +8%, Temporary Reaction +14%, Temporary Defense +5%, Temporary Resistance +5%, Temporary Pain -7%, Temporary Favorability to the Reaper Host +20 (this effect doubles when cast on targets with intelligence below 50)"

"Side effect: The skill is cast successfully, and the target enters a state of distraction for a second."

"Evaluation: Mortals will inevitably not be able to withstand the temptation of death, and may have unexpected effects."

Shi Qiu nodded in satisfaction.

Pretty good, both skills seem to work pretty well.

The addition is a percentage buff, which means that even if you have a low level, this gain will not be so chicken for a few seniors.

But what made Shi Qiu a little incomprehensible were the following words.

+20 for the temporary favorability of the Grim Reaper host?

Is this a hairy effect?

And these two skills actually have side effects?

"The skill is cast successfully, and the target enters a state of distraction for a second."

What kind of state this "lost mind" is, Shi Qiu is still unknown.

"But it's only for a second, so it shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

Shi Qiu pondered.

"As for the third skill soul extraction... EMMM will forget about it for the time being..."

"When you want to pit your teammates, take it out and use it..."

Half an hour later, the buggy stopped and arrived at the location where the space door was located.

Shi Qiu saw the space door for the first time, and when he got out of the car, his eyes couldn't help but expand.

It was not so much a door as a spatial crack, and a suction force came out from inside the door, and the aurora-like distorted light and shadow drifted in it.

Shocking, and weird!

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