Qiao Xiyue's face was also shocked: "What kind of ability is this?" Could it be... Magic? "

"Illusion is impossible! Have any of you ever seen any Tier 1 Soul Contractor's magic work on a Level 17 creature!? Duan Lan couldn't help but roar out.

She felt that her worldview was almost subverted....

Lan Ningxue's eyes were full of little stars: "Oh my God! That's awesome! My husband is really the best! "

The rest: "..."

Shi Qiu thought while stroking the wolf's head.

"If I hurt it now, it should reduce its favorability for me."

"And with my current attack power..."

"Even if I know where it is, I'm afraid it's enough for me to cut it for 10,000 years..."

"It's better to..."

Shi Qiu simply made another attempt.

"First-order auxiliary technique - soul extraction!"

Shi Qiu exhausted the last trace of blue and released the last skill.

He seemed to be able to see that the energy that only he could see was pumped out of the wolf's body and instilled into his body.

"Receive continuous buffs: Strength +8, Agility +10, Spirit +6, Life..."

"Receive continuous buffs: Strength +9, Agility +11, Spirit +4..."

"Received sustained buffs: Strength +7, Agility..."

"Targets are drawn by continuous health: -219, -256, -223, -248..."

Shi Qiu's eyes lit up.

It turned out to be a percentage of life extraction!

The health deduction of the wolf beast every second is about 1% of its maximum health.

And Shi Qiu could see the favorability of the wolf beast, and sure enough, the favorability of the wolf beast did not decrease!

This skill is judged against teammates.

So there is no "malicious" damage-type skill.

Naturally, it will not affect the favorability.

Belch...... Maybe it's also because it has a low IQ so it doesn't matter?

Duan Lan and Qiao Xiyue came over at this time.

"Shiqiu, what's going on?"

Duan Lan was full of doubts and wanted to untie it, and his expression was complicated: "What did you just do?" Why did this wolf become..."

"Shhh!" The wolf grinned at Duan Lan.

Shi Qiu made a face: "Xiao Hei, don't be fierce, these are my friends." "


The wolf seemed to understand, called twice, and sure enough, he converged, looked well-behaved, and shook his tail violently.

Duan Lan: "..."

Xia Yao walked over and stroked the neck of the wolf, and the wolf also cooperated and leaned down his head to let her touch: "Whahahahaha, so well-behaved ~ so cute..."

Qiao Xiyue took a deep look at Shi Qiu: "Junior, isn't that auxiliary skill you just used a little wrong?" "

Shi Qiu: "See for yourselves." "

Saying that, he raised his hand and waved his hand, throwing the attribute effect of the skill to them.

After the women read it, they suddenly realized.

"So that's the case, no wonder Cher just now..."

After learning the secret, Duan Lan did not feel disappointed, but felt even more incredible!

Shi Qiu's auxiliary skill, in addition to having a percentage recovery effect, actually has an effect on high-level soul contractors and alien beasts!

You know, generally this state-type skill will basically be invalid when it encounters a target with a much higher level than itself.

Because the higher the level, the stronger the base resistance.

So the reason why Shi Qiu's skill will succeed is because the opponent's system did not judge the effect of his skill as a hostile negative effect?

Duan Lan gasped.

"Classmate Shi Qiu, your skill can simply be said to be a bug!"

Even if this favorability effect is temporary, it is still quite a powerful ability!

“bug?" Shi Qiu touched his nose: "Hmm... It should indeed be a bug, because there are more bugs. "

"Huh?" Duan Lan was puzzled: "More buggy?" "

Shi Qiu didn't say anything, just clapped his hands at the wolf: "Xiao Hei, come here." "

"Whoosh!" The wolf cried out excitedly, broke away from Xia Yao's embrace, and ran to Shi Qiu's side.

The women looked at each other suspiciously, not knowing what Shi Qiu wanted to do.

But after a minute, the look on their faces became more and more shocked.

I saw that the body of the wolf was thinning at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The wolf, who was still strong as an elephant and whose muscles were like iron, gradually deflated the muscles on the surface of his body...

The wolf looked at Shi Qiu, his eyes still full of excited joy.

It's like a simple dog looking at its owner.

However, it does not realize that it is gradually weakening....

The vitality is gradually exhausting....

More than a minute passed.

The wolf closed his eyes safely, and there was a smile on the corners of his mouth.


Shi Qiu pulled the wolf's eyelids: "Dead? "

Wolf: "..."

Shi Qiu let go of his fingers and turned around: "Dead." "

Several senior sister teachers: "..."

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