"It... Really dead? Duan Lan's head went blank.

It feels like I'm dreaming....

Yu Li stepped forward, leaned over and pulled the wolf's eyelids, and confirmed: "Sister Lan, really dead..."


Duan Lan swallowed his spit.

She looked complicated: "Xiyue, when was the first time you killed a middle-rank alien beast?" "

Qiao Xiyue was silent for a moment: "Sophomore, 9th grade." "

Duan Lan: "Have you ever seen someone who kills a middle-tier alien beast at level 1?" "

Qiao Xiyue: "... Before today, if someone had told me that, I would probably have thought he was a deep well ice. "

Duan Lan: "..."

After confirming the death of the wolf, Shi Qiu summoned the scythe of death, aimed it at the position of the wolf's chest, and inserted it with a knife, hooking the heart out.

"Teacher, heart." Shi Qiu held the still warm heart and handed it to Duan Lan.

Duan Lan's expression was complicated, and he was completely speechless.

Taking the heart and putting it in the inventory, Duan Lan couldn't help but ask, "Shi Qiu, you... And what is the ability? Why would that wolf..."

Shi Qiu: "emmmm... Teacher, can I not say? "

Duan Lan was stunned for a moment and reacted: "I'm sorry, I was reckless." "

Shi Qiu's willingness to release the detailed attributes of the healing skill before has already shown that he believes in these teammates.

Such skills, as long as they are normal people, will have reservations about detailed attributes.

How is it possible to publish it casually?

But its real-time autumn didn't think so much....

He didn't want to release it, not that he didn't trust Duan Lan and them, he just felt that this skill was slightly embarrassing...

Duan Lan exhaled and fixed his mind: "Okay, now that the task has been completed, let's go back." "

When I came out of the space door, it was already evening.

Everyone got into Duan Lan's car again and drove back to Shan Cheng University.

In the car, Duan Lan opened the task panel.

"Task difficulty: junior grade A."

"Mission requirements: Enter the D3 area of the single-city space gate world, find and kill 10 medium-tier alien beasts, and retrieve the heart."

"Mission Rewards: 500,000 cash, 500 credits, 500 imperial points, advanced soul recovery potion*10, advanced life recovery potion*10"

Task Progress: 10/10 (Completed).

"Submit? Yes/No"

"Yes." Duan Lan submitted the task, and the hearts of the ten alien beasts were immediately exchanged from the inventory.

Then, after about ten seconds, Shi Qiu and the others all received the reward for the task.

Looking at the 600,000 cash in the inventory, Shi Qiu was inexplicably a little embarrassed.

This money alone may be the number that the average freshman can't earn by doing a semester's task.

Reality, inherently unfair.

Xia Yao licked an old popsicle and pouted: "The principal is really getting more and more petty, and the junior A-level task is so rewarding." "

"Sister Lan, next time we take over the task of the senior level?"

Duan Lan said: "No, the difficulty of the senior task is basically equal to the difficulty of the task of the quasi-graduate soul contractor. "

"For the time being, only Xiyue and Xue'er in our class have reached the level of senior year, and the junior brother has not yet grown up, and it is too early to do the task of senior year."

Xia Yao didn't insist, suddenly remembered something, and asked curiously: "By the way, junior, what does it feel like that healing skill you just fell on your body?" "

"Why do Sister Lan and that strange beast make strange noises when they receive your treatment?"

"Uh..." Several black lines appeared on Shi Qiu's head.

How does this make him explain?

Qiao Xiyue: "Xia Yao, how can the junior brother know that he has not milked himself." "

Xia Yao turned his head: "Then Sister Lan, what does it feel like to be treated?" "

"Do you still need to ask?" Lan Ningxue leaned her head on Shi Qiu's shoulder: "Of course, it is very comfortable." "

Shi Qiu: "..."

Xia Yao said happily: "That junior brother, are you back now?" Treat me too, I also want to..."

Lan Ningxue grabbed Shi Qiu and said seriously: "No, you can't, you don't want to, the junior brother is mine!" He can only let me Su bind! "

Shi Qiu: "..."

Back at school, it was time for dinner.

Xia Yao proposed to go outside for a meal together and then go back to the apartment.

This was also unanimously agreed by everyone.

Duan Lan first parked the car in the parking lot under the school apartment.

When everyone came out of the parking lot together and was about to leave the school, who knew that they were hit by a group of people.

There were several senior students walking in front of them, and it looked like they were coming towards Shi Qiu and the others.

Led by a bespectacled Sven man, followed by several juniors.

Qiao Xiyue tilted her head in confusion: "President? "

The Sven man smiled and said, "Oh, you are also in the sunset moon, that is just a coincidence." "

"I've been waiting for you here for most of the day."

Qiao Xiyue looked at Sven Nan, and then at Shi Qiu, and seemed to understand something, and said with a playful smile: "President, why did you suddenly bring so many student union cadres to squat under the apartment building of our class?" "

Sven Nan smiled and said, "Hehe, Xiyue, I don't believe that you can't guess with your ice and snow cleverness." "

Then, his gaze locked on Shi Qiu, and his gaze was deep: "This is Shi Qiu, right?" "

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