"Knock your head?" Shi Qiu was puzzled: "Join them, there are really so many welfare benefits?" "

"Actually, it's not just a matter of benefits and benefits."

Qiao Xiyue's expression suddenly became serious.

"The competition in schools is brutal, and here students compete with each other and even trample on each other, because resources are limited, and there are so many people divided into resources, so... You get the idea. "

"If there is no good backer, people who are weak will soon be targeted and become 'meat pigs' to be slaughtered."

Shi Qiu was abrupt.

No wonder Teacher Duan Lan said before that even in school, it is not so safe.

"That... Does the school care? Shi Qiu asked, "In this way, won't there be many talented people who will fall into infighting?" "

"Huh..." Qiao Xiyue smiled bitterly: "The chief instructor should have told you about it at the freshman conference yesterday." "

"To become a soul indenturer is no longer a child who eats, drinks, and Lazar needs to be protected. Soul Contractors must learn to protect themselves in order to be able to serve the Empire. "

"As for a lot of people, it's wasted... If those talents can't even survive the infighting in their student days, what kind of talents are they? What else to talk about going to the battlefield and fighting with alien races? "

Shi Qiu was silent for a while, and suddenly smiled.

He understood.

Such a rule is really special.

It is equivalent to trapping a group of hungry beasts in the same cage.

Even if the breeder feeds food every day, the food is limited.

In the end, the one who eats the fullest, who can enjoy the best piece of meat, must be the most ferocious beast.

As long as the beasts in the cage do not go too far and do not bite all the other beasts to death, then who eats more, the keeper naturally does not bother to ask.


"I am the vice president of the student union, and if I follow my position, of course, I hope that you can join our student union."

Qiao Xiyue smiled, took out her mobile phone and shook it: "Just now, the president sent me a text message, saying that he wanted to persuade you to come to the student union no matter what." "

"It's the first time I've seen him speak in such a tone, and it seems that he values you very much."

"Of course, if as a teammate... And friends, I prefer that you decide according to your own wishes, not influenced by us, so as not to regret it in the future. "

"I see." Shi Qiu smiled: "Thank you, senior sister." "

"Hehe, what's polite, I'm your senior sister." Qiao Xiyue blinked playfully.

However, at this time, Lan Ningxue, who was standing behind Shi Qiu, was looking at Shi Qiu's back stunnedly.

Her eyes gradually became dazed.

After remembering everything, her cheeks slowly flushed with layers of redness, and the roots of her ears involuntarily became hot and red.

It was so hot that it almost cooked her....

"I... What the hell did I do..."


Half an hour later, Shi Qiu came to this small café opened in the university.

There were not many people in the café, but almost everyone couldn't help but look sideways at their table, including a few baristas and waiters on the bar.

Shan Cheng University is not open to the public, so the part-time workers and consumers here are naturally students.

The family figures of the three major forces are actually all concentrated in such a small place! Undoubtedly shocking news!

No matter which force Shi Qiu chooses to join today, it will undoubtedly spread to all campuses of the entire school immediately.

At this moment, Shi Qiu was sitting opposite several family members of the three major forces.

These three people, no matter which one goes out, can set off a bloody storm in Shan City University or even the entire Single City with a casual flip of their hands!

However, Shi Qiu did not show any timidity.

In the previous life, although he was introverted, his heart was quite mature and he would not easily show his emotions.

This also made Yuwen Han's gaze at this young man a little deeper.

If ordinary students, especially freshmen, face the leaders of the three major forces, they may be directly scared and can't say anything, right?

It was the first time he had seen him so calmly.

Moreover, Yuwen Han investigated, and Shi Qiu did not have any background.

It will not be like those big families, who have seen a lot of the world since childhood.

This is even more curious.

Yuwen Han took a sip of coffee and put the cup down: "Shiqiu, I don't go around the corner, I'll talk about the benefits I can give you after joining our student union." "

"Our student union is an official organization, join us, I can guarantee that every time the school benefits, curriculum arrangements, and various places, your name will be prioritized at the top of the list, and I will also help you arrange resources properly."

"Also, you should know that the school will issue subsidy bonuses to soul contractors every month, right?"

Shi Qiu nodded lightly, indicating that he knew.

Yuwen Han said lightly: "These subsidies are actually handed over to us by the school and distributed by our student union. "

"Generally speaking, the student union will take 10% of the subsidies issued by the school, as ... Hehe, labor fees. The remaining 90% will actually reach the students. "

Shi Qiu was shocked when he heard this.

Good guys, it turns out that there is still this operation?

Yuwen Han smiled: "But if we are members of the student union, naturally we don't have to deduct this 10%." "

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