Shi Qiu was silent.

So it is, no wonder there are so many people who want to enter the student union.

10% a month, how many resources will be reduced in a year....

The short senior from the Black Soul Society smiled playfully: "Resources don't exactly represent everything, right? The right environment for you is key. "

"Shi Qiu, your Soul Covenant attribute should be a dark attribute, right?"

"Our Black Soul Society is all dark attribute soul practitioners, and for your future cultivation and upgrade, joining us is definitely the most beneficial to you."

The short senior chuckled and licked his lips, and there was a chilling temperament on his body: "Moreover, we will also try our best to meet all your needs." Whether you want money, power, or women. "

"We can give you what you want."

Shi Qiu smiled.

In this world, the strong are respected, whether it is a man or a woman, as long as it is strong enough, you can enjoy more privileges.

As long as it is strong enough, it is legal and reasonable to marry as many women; Similarly, if a woman is strong enough, no one will say anything about how many men there are.

Seeing that Shi Qiu didn't seem to be very interested in these, the short senior added: "Even, who you have a festival with, you can want anyone's life." "

Shi Qiu's eyebrows suddenly raised.

King Kong Rat snorted coldly: "I have nothing to say, I can give it, I have just said it all!" "

"I'll just say one thing, what the Student Council and the Black Soul Society can give, I give double!"

Saying that, he slapped a contract in front of Shi Qiu and said roughly: "I'm a rough person, I don't talk very well, you can see it yourself." "

"Sign it if you want, or if you have additional conditions, you can ask for it immediately!"

King Kong Snorted and said, "Also, junior brother, remind you, if you want to join the two of them, you'd better think clearly!" These two forces, one is hypocritical and has a lot of, and the other is doing some unclean things! "

Hearing this, Yuwen Han's eyes instantly revealed a gloomy chill.

The short man said dissatisfied: "Senior King Kong, when we spoke just now, we didn't belittle your zodiac gate, right?" "

King Kong Rat sneered: "Why, am I not telling the truth?" "

The short man grinned.

Yuwen Han was obviously also very dissatisfied with the speech of the King Kong rat.

The three of them went head-to-head, faintly releasing a soul power aura, looking as if they were about to fight...

The people in the café shivered, and some timid students even ran out in fear.

If these people fight, this café must not be annihilated in an instant?

However, there are also many curiosity that drive them to stay, and these students are also quite curious about which side Shiqiu will choose in the end.

Shi Qiu silently picked up the contract and looked at it.

The benefits given by the zodiac gate are indeed very generous, and the regulations in the last few columns of the contract have deliberately left out a few lines.

If Shiqiu has any additional requirements, you can fill them in immediately, which is very sincere.

And the boss of this zodiac gate is obviously a rough man, and it is difficult for him to be able to sit here and lobby with the other two for so long.

But a lot is also clearly stated in the contract.

If Shi Qiu joins, then he will be a person of the zodiac gate after that, and then he must be dispatched by the zodiac gate, and as long as it does not violate the laws of the empire, he has no reason to refuse!

The duration of the contract is five years!

That is, after four years of college, there is still one year left in school, and you must work for the owner of the zodiac gate, that is, the King Kong rat!

The Student Council and the Black Soul Society naturally have the same requirements.

After all, when people recruit you, it is equivalent to looking for you to work for others.

You take other people's resources, how can you not do things for others?

It makes sense.


Shi Qiu was silent for a long time, as if he had decided something.

He put the contract down.

Yuwen Han squinted at Shi Qiu: "It seems that you have already decided?" "

"Yes." Shi Qiu Dao.

When the King Kong rat and the short boy heard this, they immediately turned their eyes to Shi Qiu and looked at him expectantly.

All the students in the café also pricked up their ears, eager to put their ears on their tables.

If they hadn't dared, they would have immediately gathered around to eat melons.

Shi Qiu slowly spoke: "But... I'm so sorry. "

"I probably don't plan to join any forces yet."

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