The three people sitting in front of Shi Qiu were all stunned and looked at Shi Qiu blankly.

They also thought their ears had misheard.

The students eating melons in the café also thought that their ears had misheard, and they all had a stunned expression.

"Shi Qiu, what do you mean by this?" Yuwen Han was puzzled.

Could it be that this guy feels that he is very sought-after, so he deliberately said this and wanted to raise his value? Want to see who is paying more?

King Kong Rat frowned: "Yes, boy, you made it clear, what do you mean you mean you don't want to join any forces for the time being?" "

Shi Qiu smiled slightly: "It's literal." "

"I'm sorry for a few seniors, maybe I haven't thought about it yet, I've always been a lonely person, a loner, and suddenly have to be controlled by others, I may not be used to it."

"So now I probably don't want to join any of the forces."

The students in the café gasped.

Now they are sure that they heard correctly!

This freshman actually rejected all the invitations of the junior forces?!?

The short boy suddenly "poofed" and laughed.

"Junior, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Any student of Shan City University, if they are given a chance to join the three major forces, it is estimated that they will be willing to run naked in school for twenty laps, or the kind that can wake up laughing in their dreams."

"We took the initiative to invite you, and also gave you such generous conditions, you actually said that you didn't think about it?"

Many students in the café couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement.

"That's right, if I have the opportunity to join the Black Soul Society, let alone run naked twenty laps, let me run naked every day in school for the past four years..."

"That is, let me learn to bark wolves every day while running."

"That's it, let me dedicate my life to Senior Black Bone."

“???" The rest of the students turned their heads to look at the boy with strange eyes.

The King Kong rat was also happy: "Ha! It's really interesting, Lao Tzu has been in this school for three years, or the first time to recruit a new person so generously, and as a result, you actually told me that you didn't want to? I wonder why! "

Yuwen Han pondered for a while: "Shi Qiu, didn't Xiyue explain to you some 'rules' in Bai School?" "

Students who have no backers and are isolated and helpless will encounter all kinds of troubles in this school, which they old students know.

Shi Qiu touched his nose: "emmmm... I want to ask, there should be people who rejected the student council in the history of the school, right? "

Yuwen Han was silent for a moment: "Yes." "

"What happened to them?"

"Ninety percent is wasted, and less than one percent has established its own forces."

The forces in the school, in addition to the student union, which has always existed as an official organization, the rest such as the Black Soul Society, the zodiac gate, and large and small clubs, are also founded by the students themselves.

King Kong Rat is actually a good example, when the president of his student council invited him, but the conditions given were not very good, basically he wanted to be a white.

So King Kong Rat was angry, rejected the student council, and decided to go it alone and not join any forces.

Just using their class as a unit, they slowly developed a club, and finally became the current zodiac gate and became one of the three major forces of the school!

Shi Qiu smiled slightly: "That's not it." "

The students present, including several student union cadres standing behind Yuwen Han, all gasped.

At this time, autumn is such a big breath! It turns out that there is such an ambition!

Yuwen Han was stunned for a long time, smiled dumbly, and shook his head: "Classmate Shiqiu, I think you forgot the most crucial thing. "

He stared at Shi Qiu's eyes and said every word: "You are an assistant." "

Assist, it is indeed very delicious and very sought-after.

Especially for high-rated auxiliaries, it can be said that in any organizational force, the salary of high-level auxiliaries must be the highest!

But assistance is, after all, only assistance.

Ninety percent of the talents who have rejected the student union can survive, but these who can survive are also combat-type soul contractors who are particularly outstanding in physical attacks or demon attacks!

Never heard of an assistant who could be a lone ranger. Because if you don't join the club, you can almost say that you don't have any self-protection ability!

I've never heard of an assistant who can be the boss yourself!

"What about assistance?" Shi Qiu shrugged.

Yuwen Han didn't know what to say.

He sneered in his heart.

It is normal for young people to be ambitious, what man does not want to be the hegemon of one side?

But it is more important to recognize your own abilities, otherwise it is simply arrogant.

At this moment, Yuwen Han's curiosity about Shi Qiu just now completely dissipated.

It turned out to be just a young man who was frivolous and did not know the height of the sky.

Awakened a relatively talented soul, and thought that he was the son of luck?

When he was beaten by society, he knew how stupid he was!

Yuwen Han stood up, still smiling on his face: "Well, since you have already decided, junior brother, then I will not say anything more, I wish you good luck in the next four years in school." "

After that, he beckoned and left the café with the student union cadres he had brought.

The short boy also sneered, didn't even say anything to Shi Qiu, and directly led people away.

The King Kong rat scratched his head: "Uh... Boy, I actually appreciate your behavior, but people always have to do what they can. "

"Forget it, I don't know what to say. But if you change your mind one day, you can also come to the zodiac gate to find me. "

Shi Qiu smiled: "Okay, thank you, senior." "

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