After Shi Qiu returned from the café, he went directly back to the apartment and returned to his room.

Directly refused the invitation of the three major forces in one breath... This wave of psychedelic operations, presumably in a few days, will become the "celebrity" of the whole school, right?

After a while, Shi Qiu's mobile phone sounded the prompt tone of "Didi Didi".

He took a look and found that it was Duan Lan who invited him to join the group to remind him.

"Duan Lan invited you to join the chat group of 'Five Beautiful Girls and Milk Dog Juniors'."

Shi Qiu: "..."

Seeing this group name, Shi Qiu knew that this was a class group.

Open a group chat.

Xia Yao: "Yo~Yo~Welcome junior!" @时秋 (sprinkler .jpg)"

Shi Qiu: "..."

Qiao Xiyue: "Junior, are you back?" Coming out to dinner together? We have a barbecue shop on the east side of the snack street outside the school. "

Shi Qiu: "No, senior sister, you guys eat, I'll just eat some instant noodle pads in the apartment." "

Xia Yao asked curiously: "Junior brother, which club have you joined?" "

Shi Qiu: "emmmm... I didn't add it, I rejected them all. "

Xia Yao: "Huh??" "

Duan Lan: "??? "

Qiao Xiyue: "The cat face shocked .jpg"

Xia Yao: "[Surprised] [Surprised] Why? President The conditions they give are not good? "

Shi Qiu: "That's not it, maybe I'm used to being alone, and I don't like to be bound by people." "

The group was silent for a while.

After a while, Xia Yao said, "Hahahaha... Worthy of being our junior! Na, I already knew that I would go with me together, and I didn't have a chance to see the president's expression at that time, it must be very wonderful hahaha! "

Duan Lan expressed concern: "Shiqiu, have you thought about it?" As a result, you may have a lot of trouble in school in the future. "

Xia Yao: "It's okay, junior brother is not afraid, there is a senior sister we cover you, see who dares to mess with the members of our class!" (patting the chest.jpg)"

Duan Lan: "By the way, Shi Qiu, did you see Xue'er in the apartment?" We didn't say that we would eat barbecue together, and we couldn't find her in a blink of an eye. "

Shi Qiu was dazed: "I didn't see it." "

Xia Yao: "Oh, I know, Sister Lan said that she is dead, let's not look for her, she wants to be alone and quiet." "

Shi Qiu: "..."

Duan Lan: "..."

Qiao Xiyue: "Red, red, red, fire, trance, hahahahaha

After a few more conversations, Shi Qiu put the phone down.

It's nice to have someone covering it.

Or a few humble and cute seniors.

This soft rice seems to be quite fragrant....

But Shi Qiu didn't want to spend four years of college, and he spent all his life covered by a few seniors.

Before that, you must first improve your strength.

Shi Qiu sat down on the bed, closed his eyes, and opened the system menu.

For the system of this world, he is not fully familiar with it.

Shi Qiu's current Soul Contract Level is Level 1, and the level represents the degree of mastery of the Soul Contractor's own Soul.

Every time the soul contractor fights with people, uses the ability to contract the soul once, or every time he cultivates himself, when his soul power is operated at various nodes of the body, the soul contractor's mastery of his own soul will increase, resulting in the so-called "experience points".

When you reach a certain level of experience, your natural level will increase.

That is, upgrade.

Due to the fact that Shiqiu has a cheating plug-in, coupled with today's actual battle, the current experience pool has also accumulated to "86/100".

It's almost about to break through to level 2.

Shi Qiu immediately held his breath and ran his soul power.

He wants to break through level 2 tonight!

Since awakening the Qisoul, he could clearly feel the existence of several soul power nodes in his body.

Cultivation is to run the soul power, so that the soul power circulates back and forth at various nodes.

In this way, the node will gradually get stronger.

This kind of cultivation requires a very concentrated mind, because the node route in the body is very complicated, and if one does not follow the mind, if the route of soul power operation is wrong, it may also have the opposite effect.

An hour later....

Shi Qiu opened his eyes and let out a breath of turbid air.

I didn't expect that such a cultivation would progress so slowly...

And very exhausting.

This kind of cultivation, which requires complete concentration, is too much for the consumption of spiritual power.

Shi Qiu had only been practicing for an hour, and he felt as if he had been working for a day and a night, and he couldn't wait to lie down on the bed immediately and sleep him fiercely for more than ten hours....

However, experience, actually rose by 2 points....

No wonder the senior sisters are already juniors, and they are only in their teens.

And later, the experience points required to upgrade will definitely increase.

Shi Qiu thought about it and opened the "System Mall" again.

It is said that the system mall has everything, as long as you want to get it, you can buy it, even if you want to buy a girlfriend.

The premise is that you have enough money and Empire Points.

Now Shi Qiu was holding a "huge amount" of 600,000 in his hand, wanting to see if there was anything that could help cultivation.


ps: Today the 9th is more, ask for flowers and tickets ah ~~~

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