"Wait... Wait a minute. "

Shi Qiu looked confused, and couldn't help but interject: "The two of us are together?" When did I not know? "

Xia Yao was shocked: "Just yesterday." "

Qiao Xiyue was shocked in the same style: "When she was in the space gate plane world yesterday, didn't Xue'er already take your arm and swear sovereignty to us, saying that you are her boyfriend?" "

Xia Yao was stunned: "Good fellow, junior, you coaxed Sister Lan so happy yesterday, shouldn't you have lied to her?" "

Shi Qiu was dumbfounded for a while, not knowing what to say: "But yesterday it became like that, because of the effect of my auxiliary skills..."

"But you didn't object at the time." Qiao Xiyue was serious: "You also admitted it, now you don't admit it when you go out?" "

Shi Qiu: "..."

Xia Yao immediately said: "Yes, yes, junior, I see that you are introverted, simple and cute, you won't admit what you should have done, right?" "

The corner of Shi Qiu's mouth twitched: "I didn't do anything..."

Qiao Xiyue straightened her face: "Who said you didn't do anything?" "

"Xue'er's mother and fetus have been so intimate for twenty years, and she has never been so close to any boy!"

"You guys are that and that, this is also this, the photo of Xue'er hooking up with you has been put on the forum, and the whole school knows that Xue'er is in love, you won't just leave it alone, right?"

When Shi Qiu heard this, he glanced at Qiao Xiyue with some resentment and helplessness: "Senior sister, 'your cute little Xixi', are you right?" "

Qiao Xiyue's eyes were innocent and dazed: "What cute little Xixi?" "

Shi Qiu: "..."

"Oh, none of that matters." Xia Yao looked at Shi Qiu with a playful smile: "In short, junior brother, you honestly say, do you like Sister Xue'er or not?" "


"Do you hate her?"

Shi Qiu slowly shook his head: "Of course not. "

"So you just like her?"


Shi Qiu felt that he couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the two senior sisters.

You have to slow down first.

He was silent for a while: "I don't say this alone, Senior Sister Xue'er should not take it seriously." "

"Who said that?"

Qiao Xiyue said, "Ning Xue was very excited this morning, she was still telling us that she was with her junior brother, but she still didn't know how to talk about love." "

Xia Yao echoed: "Uh-huh, in fact, she has long wanted to soak you, and before she secretly asked me how to attract your attention under the premise of maintaining a cold personality, but this time the persona was broken anyway, and she simply went downhill with the donkey." "

"But I just saw that you felt a little shy and said that I didn't know how to face you, so I just saw you and ran away."

"You also know, Sister Xue'er, who is usually so arrogant, will definitely be embarrassed to become like that under your auxiliary skills."

Shi Qiu's head was full of black lines: "... It's true? "

...... No way?

Senior sister actually took it seriously?

Qiao Xiyue: "Of course, you can't trust us?" "

Shi Qiu scratched his head.

So, is he really so confused with his senior sister?

So out of singleness?

That's okay????

Recalling the delicate and beautiful face of the senior sister, the imaginative figure, and the elegant and cold temperament...

There is no doubt that Shi Qiu has never seen such a good-looking young lady in his last life.

In this life, there are probably only Qiao Xiyue, Xia Yao, and Yuli in the school who can be compared together.

But Shi Qiu didn't understand how he made his senior sister like it.

Could it be that the effect of the auxiliary skills has not yet faded, so the senior sister will involuntarily have a good impression of him?

No, it's all been overnight....

Shi Qiu was entangled for a while: "emmm... So should I call now to get her back? "

"Oh, no need, Sister Xue'er is in love for the first time, she now burns red when she sees your face, you go to her now, she has to open it directly."

Xia Yao chuckled, "You let her slow down, and when you turn back, you can directly hold the rose to find her to formally confess once." "

Shi Qiu: "... Senior sister, you shouldn't have a routine for me, right? "

"Of course not." Xia Yaoba raised his voice: "We never set people up, right, Sister Yue?" "

Qiao Xiyue nodded: "Yes, yes, we never set people up, right, Xiao Li?" "

Yu Li stammered: "Ah... Right... Yes..."


Shi Qiu was a little surprised.

Yesterday, I thought that Senior Sister would only become like that because of the effect of the auxiliary skills.

I didn't expect that Senior Sister actually liked herself?

If that's the case, shouldn't you do something yourself?

It's a man, so you can't let girls take the initiative, right?

But Shi Qiu has never been in love at all, and he doesn't know how to talk about love, let alone how to coax girls, so now his mind is basically at a loss.

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