"Forget it, let's wait until we think about it..."

Shi Qiu smiled bitterly.

Xia Yao tilted his head and was curious: "Junior brother, what are you thinking?" "

“...... It's nothing. Shi Qiu changed the topic: "By the way, senior sister, do you know where there is a death penalty field in our single city?" "

"Death Field?"

"Well, that's where the city defense forces executed those most heinous death row prisoners."

"Yes, yes, but those places are closed, and people who are not from the city defense army cannot enter."

Qiao Xiyue was strange: "Why did you suddenly ask this?" "

"Nothing... Just about cultivation. Shi Qiu smiled helplessly and shrugged.

If you want to collect contract puppets and build a corpse legion, you must first find the dead, and you must also be a dead person who has just died.

But that's not a small challenge.

In addition to the battlefield, where can Shiqiu find so many dead people?

Can't you go outside and kill innocent ordinary people indiscriminately, right?

Let's not say that ordinary people have little combat effectiveness to make them puppets, and Shi Qiu is not a perverted murderer, and he has not lost his heart to that point.

The only thing that can make Shi Qiu think is the execution ground.

Besides, unless someone stupidly came to give him a head....

As soon as Qiao Xiyue heard that it was a matter of cultivation, she didn't ask in detail, and it was also a private secret that everyone's different cultivation methods were also private.

"If you have a problem with cultivation, you can go and ask the teacher in class."

Xia Yao followed: "Although your Qihun is relatively rare, they have taught so many students, as long as they have taught the same type of Qisoul, they should still be able to give you a little advice." "

"And in addition to auxiliary courses, in fact, you can also apply for some other basic courses, anyway, we are an elite class, you will definitely not lack credits or something, and there is definitely no harm in taking a few more courses."

Shi Qiu thought for a while: "Are the classes in the school also divided according to grades?" "

"Uh-huh, yes." Xia Yao said with a smile: "But you have just awakened your soul, you don't need to think about the course above level 1 first, you should adapt to school life in the first week." "

"Oh... Actually, I have already upgraded to level 2. "

Shi Qiu said, bursting out soul power, showing the strength of level 2, and said lightly: "Just last night." "


The third girl immediately looked at Shi Qiu in amazement.

Shi Qiu doesn't look like someone who likes to pretend to brag.

And the soul power in his body will not deceive.

He is indeed level 2.

But how is this possible!?

If you don't count the first night when she was pulled out to drink by Qiao Xiyue, Shi Qiu was only one day when she stayed at this school!

In just one day, it actually rose to level 2??

Qiao Xiyue Ying's lips opened wide, unable to speak after half a ring, her face full of disbelief: "You... Really upgraded? ...... How did you do it? "

Xia Yao also said in shock: "Junior brother, you open the plug-in, right?" Didn't you just start class today? How did it come to upgrade so quickly? And it was promoted last night? It won't be a system error..."

Yu Li did not speak, but it was difficult to hide his shock.

Shi Qiu secretly thought that I was really open.

Gathering his soul power, Shi Qiu said: "I don't know, I'm just a normal cultivator, and I don't know how to upgrade." "

Third daughter: "..."

Xia Yao raised his eyebrows: "Junior brother, it turns out that you will also Versailles." "

"Do you know that after ordinary freshmen awaken their souls, they have to cultivate for at least a week before they can break through level 2!"

"You upgraded in one night, and you told me you don't know how to upgrade?"

Shi Qiu smiled helplessly.

"Probably because I used the 'Spiritual Power Injection', so my cultivation is more efficient."

Shi Qiu couldn't say anything about the cheater, so he casually found a reason.

Qiao Xiyue looked at Shi Qiu stunnedly, and did not say anything for a while.

Although Shi Qiu said this, she still felt strange.

Even if you use a mental power injection, it is too outrageous to break through level 2 in one day.

Unless the junior brother is practicing all day long, then maybe it is not possible.

But this is impossible.

Even if you work hard, it is useless, people's physical strength and soul power are limited.

Normal people practice for an hour, and if they don't take drugs, it is already the limit. Moreover, the junior brother made up sleep in the apartment yesterday morning, and followed them to the space door world to do tasks in the afternoon, and there was no extra time at all.

In other words, the junior brother used the time last night to cultivate to level 2!

Highlight an outrageous one!

However, Qiao Xiyue would never have imagined that Shiqiu was really hanging up 24 hours a day to cultivate anytime, anywhere...

Even if he is now eating at the same table with his seniors, the experience pool in his body is still accumulating automatically.

I don't know when it's going to be upgraded again....

Looking at Shi Qiu, Qiao Xiyue inexplicably had a premonition in her heart.

This junior of his own has unlimited prospects in the future.

Such a talent, if it really grows.

The so-called behemoths in the eyes of ordinary students, such as the student union and the Black Soul Society in the university, may no longer be nothing to him in the future...


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