
Lan Ningxue returned to the student union office and sat behind the swivel chair of her desk, her face full of sadness.

"Hey, what to do..."

She pinched her eyebrows, feeling a headache.

I thought that I could pretend that nothing mattered like before.

But when I saw it, I found that I couldn't face my junior brother calmly, and when I saw him, I would remember what happened inside the space door.

Lan Ningxue had such contact with a boy for the first time, and that feeling was still fresh in her memory, and her heart was messed up when she thought about it.

So ashamed that I even clenched my toes....

Lan Ningxue's cheeks were red, and she scolded: "It's all caused by him, this auxiliary skill is too unorthodox, right?" "

Nevertheless ....

But the junior didn't seem to have done anything yet.

Although it became like that yesterday, Lan Ningxue's memory is still very clear, and the junior brother is not a person with a different image and heart.

Some people come from large families, have noble appearances, and gentlemanly manners, but their hearts are very sinister.

Lan Ningxue grew up in a rich family since she was a child, and she also saw a lot of the so-called celebrities and aristocrats, those so-called "gentlemen", elegant and decent on the surface, but it was still difficult to hide her dirty nature under the superior eyes, and when she had the opportunity, her hands would still desperately grab the girl's waist.

And the junior brother has a clean appearance, and his hands and feet are also very clean.

Otherwise, if you change to an ordinary man, and you take the initiative to paste it like this, I am afraid that you will already take the opportunity to get oil, right?

"Obviously he said that he wanted to tease the junior, but when he really did it, he still couldn't let it go like the sunset moon..."

Lan Ningxue smiled bitterly.

On the computer in front of him, the data on the screen automatically scrolled, just rolling over to Shiqiu's bill this month.

Lan Ningxue saw the subsidy written in the last line of Shi Qiu, and even she was startled.

"There are actually two million!?"

Lan Ningxue's jaw almost dropped in shock.

When did the principal become so generous!?

You know, the general freshman subsidy is only tens of thousands of yuan a month!

Although S-level soul deeds are rare, they have not been out of school before, why is the treatment given by the principal so much worse this time?

Lan Ningxue felt a little confused.

The income of soul contractors in this world is far beyond that of ordinary people.

But equally, the monthly expenses and expenses of the soul contractor are unimaginable to ordinary people.

The cultivation of a soul contractor requires a lot of investment in money and resources, and if you want to cultivate a qualified soul warrior, it will cost at least hundreds of thousands a month, and if you want to cultivate an excellent point, it will cost hundreds of thousands! Many celebrity families, in order to cultivate a good soul contractor, it is not unusual to consume millions a month.

Therefore, ordinary students need to work hard to do tasks, earn money, and earn credits.

Because subsidies are far from enough, once the resources are not available and the strength is not improved fast enough, then it will soon be eliminated at the same time.

The school has an assessment every semester, and once the strength cannot meet the standard, it will be forcibly sent to the front line, sent to those cities that are in the midst of war to become a big soldier, and participate in the war against alien races in different spaces.

And these sent people are basically cannon fodder, nine dead for a lifetime.

The subsidy alone gave two million, which was a precedent that Lan Ningxue had never seen before.

If she hadn't known about Shi Qiu before, Lan Ningxue would even wonder if Shi Qiu would be the illegitimate son of the principal...

But when she thought of yesterday's incident at the space door, she was relieved.

Let's not talk about the fact that he single-handedly killed a middle-tier alien beast with a level 1 power.

Just for his powerful percentage assist skill effect, he deserves to be cultivated like this.

This is only his first-order auxiliary skill.

"Principal, this old fellow, his eyes are quite poisonous..." Lan Ningxue smiled, and she was inexplicably happy for her junior.

After being silent for a while, Lan Ningxue used the mouse to revise the amount of subsidy behind Shi Qiu.

"Just help your teammates."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, right?"

"If his cultivation can't keep up, won't he be holding us back?"

"Hmm... That's right, that's it. "

Lan Ningxue was frantically looking for reasons for herself in her heart.

After the modification, Lan Ningxue felt much more relaxed.

Then, using the printer in her office, she printed out the specific list.

At this time, someone pushed the door and walked into the office.

Coming in was a lean boy dressed like an upstart, but with a dog-licking expression.

"Senior sister, where did you go all day yesterday? I can't even find you, hehe..." said the boy with a smile.

"Where do I have to report to you?"

Lan Ningxue was expressionless, sorting out the list in her hand, without even looking at him.

The boy laughed: "Of course not, of course not." "

"Are you in trouble? I'm just going out, I'm busy. "

"Uh... It's okay. "

Seeing that Senior Sister was still as cold as that, the boy was not in a hurry, and smiled: "Actually, Senior Sister, I just finished a 'work' yesterday, and I want to give it to you as a gift, I think you will like it." "

Saying that, the boy took a suitcase in his hand and placed it on the table.

It was a delicately decorated suitcase, the leather on the surface alone was worth a lot, and looking at the boy's smug expression and proud look, people couldn't help but wonder what he would come up with.

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