"Your work?" Lan Ningxue glanced at him.

The boy opened the suitcase and saw a well-made musket lying inside.

Muskets are made of very expensive materials, which are only available in high-order heteroplane space, and are difficult to buy on the market.

The gun also has strange patterns attached to it, which is obviously a weapon that has been enchanted and strengthened.

Lan Ningxue raised her eyebrows, and finally there was a trace of interest in her eyes: "So it is, enchanted weapon..."

She picked up the musket in her suitcase, and the system immediately gave her the attributes of the musket.

"That's right."

The boy grinned, and although he wanted to try to maintain humility and a flat attitude in front of his senior sister, his teasing eyes had betrayed him.

"Just yesterday, I have learned my third-order auxiliary skills."

"This enchanted musket has the effect of increasing attack by 12%, and it also comes with 100 spirit points and 180 soul power efficiency!"

The boy is an A-level auxiliary soul contractor.

There are many types of auxiliary soul bonders.

One is a state-type assist, similar to Shiqiu's current ability, adding milk and buffs to people or cursing enemies.

One is a protective assist, which is good at creating various enchantment barriers to protect teammates.

There is also the type of boy in front of him, who is good at enchanting or making rune construction, in layman's terms, this kind of auxiliary is more like enchanters and forgers, which can attach powerful abilities to the weapons of teammates, and can also create various weapons and equipment.

Assists that can boost the percentage attribute for teammates have always been in demand.

The boy has just gained this ability in his sophomore year, and naturally feels proud capital.

"Increase attack power by 12%..." Lan Ningxue was silent for a while.

Remembering yesterday in the space door, Shi Qiu's auxiliary effect of almost full attribute percentage bonus, this work really makes people not know how to evaluate...

However, she finally nodded lightly and said lightly: "Well, for your stage, it is indeed a good work." "

"But, take it back, I don't need it."

Lan Ningxue put the gun back in the box and pushed it back to the boy.

This musket is made of good materials, but unfortunately it is wasted.

The boy's smile suddenly froze, and his face suddenly changed.

"This... Senior sister, you don't want it? "

The boy didn't expect this result, and he couldn't keep his composure anymore, and said eagerly: "I know that you are about to participate in the 'assessment' of the capital space gate, and you must need a good enchanted weapon..."

"If you really want to send it, just put it there." Lan Ningxue didn't bother to waste saliva with him, said lazily, and sat down to continue working.

There is something in the boy's heart that is not a taste.

Although Senior Sister accepted it, it seemed to be an attitude of indifference.

The picture he imagined should not be like this.

Everything has been given away, but it has not got the desired effect. The boy was a little unwilling, and laughed dryly: "Senior sister, are you free this weekend?" I want to invite you to a movie..."

"No time."

"Then next weekend..."

"Not available."

The boy's face stiffened for a while, and he smiled again: "Then we can not pick weekends, anyway, there are not classes every day." "

Lan Ningxue glanced at him coldly: "Shi Wenlei, it's interesting to lick a dog?" "

Boy: "..."

"Go back, if you have time, do more useful things."

Shi Wenlei stood behind Lan Ningxue, his eyes gradually becoming a little gloomy and angry.

He had been pursuing Lan Ningxue for a whole year.

The task given to him by his family was to chase Lan Ningxue before graduating from college.

In this regard, Shi Wenlei was very happy, because he liked Lan Ningxue in the first place, which was equivalent to picking up a girl.

Lan Ningxue is not only beautiful, her body is spicy, but she is also a cold goddess in the eyes of all the male compatriots in the school, and conquering such a woman will make Shi Wenlei feel very satisfied.

Originally, it didn't matter to him that Lan Ningxue was cold to him, because Lan Ningxue was like this to almost everyone.

But this morning, he saw a photo on the forum....

This is the point that makes Shi Wenlei unable to sit still.

Lan Ningxue actually suspected of having a boyfriend!

Seeing the photo, Lan Ningxue snuggled next to the boy, holding his arm, and the intimate act, Shi Wenlei felt a burst of annoyance.

"You obviously also please men, and you still pretend to be a cold fairy in the world with me?"

Shi Wenlei scolded in his heart.

Lan Ningxue sorted out the freshman file and turned around.

Shi Wenlei's gloomy expression immediately returned to a sneer.

It's like the Sichuan opera changing face...

Even if he scolded this woman in his heart for pretending to be high, on the surface, he did not dare to be disrespectful to Lan Ningxue.

After all, Lan Ningxue's strength could easily pinch him to death with one hand.

"If you have so much spare time, go and help me allocate the resources for this year's freshmen."

Lan Ningxue yawned lazily and slapped the file in her hand onto Shi Wenlei's hand.

“...... Okay, senior sister. "

Shi Wenlei took the file and flipped through it casually.

Soon, Shi Qiu's name came into his field of vision.

What made him feel very eye-catching was Shiqiu's subsidy this month.

"Two... Million!?! "

Shi Wenlei almost bit his tongue, thinking that he had seen one more zero.


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