"Senior sister, isn't the subsidy for this freshman a little wrong?" Shi Wenlei couldn't help but ask, indignant.

School expenses are limited, and Shiqiu receives such a high subsidy, which is surprising that other people's subsidies will be cut.

"You have to ask the headmaster about his old man."

"It's not... By what? Just because he is an S-class auxiliary? Shi Wenlei suppressed the anger in his heart: "This person is the illegitimate son of the principal, right?" "


Lan Ningxue's face was expressionless: "I just teamed up with him yesterday on a mission, this is the effect of his first-order auxiliary skill, you can see for yourself." "

Saying that, she raised her hand and waved, and a systematic projection light curtain stood in front of Shi Wenlei.

"Buff effect: temporary double attack +11%, temporary speed +**%, temporary soul power +**%, temporary health cap +**%, temporary reaction +**%, temporary defense +**%, temporary resistance +**%, temporary pain -**%, to the Grim Reaper host ****..."

In addition to the first double attack, the specific data part, as well as the part of the special effect behind, were deliberately hidden by Lan Ningxue.

After all, it is Shi Qiu's skill attribute, and without permission, Lan Ningxue will certainly not easily show the detailed data to others.

Shi Wenlei was stunned and opened his mouth: "This... Is this a first-order auxiliary skill effect? ......"

Double attack bonus 11%!!

"Nope... That's impossible!! How can someone have a percentage attribute bonus effect in the first order of auxiliary skills! And so many more..."

As for how much percent of the properties of other items have been added, there is no need to delve into it....

First-order auxiliary skills already have a percentage bonus effect, even if it is 1%, it is of great significance! And it's such a multi-attribute bonus!

What's more, judging by the expression of the senior sister, it is obviously impossible to be just 1%!

"Now you understand?" Lan Ningxue said expressionlessly: "Moreover, such an effect can be repeated for one person three times." "

"Three times..."

Shi Wenlei's body swayed leisurely, and he almost fell to the ground!

No wonder Senior Sister couldn't look at his enchanted musket.

That musket, which he loaded with three rune engravings, had reached the limit, and it was impossible to load any additional imprints to achieve the effect of 12% attack power...

As for the fixed spirit and soul power efficiency added, for Lan Ningxue, a ten-level soul contractor, the effect was simply negligible.

And an ordinary buff in Shiqiu can make people's attributes so improved.

This is still his first-order auxiliary skill! First-order auxiliary !!

This is the point where Shi Wenlei is most hit and collapsed.

The so-called subsidy is not what he cares about the most, and with his family's background, there is actually no shortage of money.

But the high subsidy also means that the school attaches importance to what level of talent you will cultivate. What Shi Wenlei needs more is the recognition of the school and senior sister.

But he didn't expect that the A-level auxiliary and the S-level auxiliary would actually be so different!!

Shi Wenlei's hand holding the file trembled slightly, and after a few heavy breaths, he suddenly reacted to something.

Shi Qiu had just declined the president's invitation yesterday.

In other words, he did not enter the student union.

But on the list here, Shi Qiu took a 100% subsidy! There was no deduction from the student council's cut!

Shi Wenlei asked: "... Senior sister, but this time and autumn is not our student union, right? Did you forget to deduct his subsidy? "

"He..." Lan Ningxue's eyes flashed with a hint of panic.

But immediately, she quickly recovered and said coldly: "Can you manage it?" He's my teammate in the same class, I'm going to cover him, do you have an opinion? "

"But he just refuted the face of the chairman yesterday, and you gave him a full subsidy, and the chairman will be unhappy if he knows it..."

Lan Ningxue narrowed her eyes: "So you plan to make a small report with the guild president?" "

Shi Wenlei laughed stiffly: "How could it be... I've always been on your side..."

"Then don't ask more." Lan Ningxue sat back in her seat, turned her chair to the computer, and leisurely said: "I have other work to be busy, you can go out if you have nothing to do." "

“...... Be. "

Shi Wenlei exited the office, took out the file again, and looked at Shiqiu's information and photos in detail.

"How is this figure so similar to the man next to the senior sister of the forum yesterday?"

"Did you say..."

Shi Wenlei's eyes widened sharply.


At night.

Lan Ningxue came out of the teaching building and walked to the apartment building, suddenly thought of something, and stopped in her steps.

"If I go up now, I shouldn't just bump into him, right?"

"What should I say if I bump into him?"

"But you can't always hide from him..."

"Huh? Why should I hide? It's a big deal, just learn the spirit of Xiyue, which doesn't matter and doesn't matter. "


"What would she do if it was Sunset Moon?"

Lan Ningxue lowered her head, and her little head was crazy about making up her brain.

'Junior, I just saw you cute that day and deliberately teased you, you won't take it seriously, right? ’

'Hee-hee, don't be embarrassed, sister is just joking with you.' ’

'Come, junior brother, give my sister a smile~'

Lan Ningxue: "..."

There was no doubt that Lan Ningxue felt that it was impossible for her to say ahh

This kind of words, it is possible to talk to Qiao Xiyue in private.

When you really face the face of your junior, how can you say it? Shame is dead....

"Senior sister?" At this time, Shi Qiu's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Aaaaa???a ......"

Lan Ningxue's figure froze for a moment, turned around, and found that Shi Qiu was standing behind him at an unknown time.

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