"You... Why are you standing behind me and not making a sound? When Lan Ningxue saw Shi Qiu, she immediately blushed again and said angrily.


Shi Qiuhu was suspicious: "I just called Senior Sister, how many times have you called?" "

“...... Is that so..." Lan Ningxue was extremely embarrassed when she heard this.

Do you say this because you didn't hear your mind wandering?

Shi Qiu looked at Senior Sister, then looked up at the apartment, and asked curiously, "What are you standing here for?" Don't go up? "

"I... Of course I'm going up... It's just that I still have some of the work of the student union unfinished, so I thought about it temporarily, so I stood there and thought about it..."

Lan Ningxue stammered, and glared at Shi Qiu again: "Junior brother, you manage a lot!" "

Shi Qiu smiled: "I didn't expect that Senior Sister usually has so many things to worry about in addition to class cultivation." "

Lan Ningxue pulled her hair: "Hmm... Usually it's fine, but recently started, there are so many of you freshman year, and the information of several campuses must be integrated. "

Shi Qiu nodded, thought about it, and asked again: "That senior sister, have you had dinner?" "

"Eat?" Lan Ningxue was stunned.

"If not, let's go have a meal together?" Shi Qiu asked with a smile.

He couldn't think of any other tricks to date girls, and the only thing he thought of was eating.

Speaking of eating, Lan Ningxue remembered that she had been busy for an afternoon today, and she hadn't even eaten yet.

The stomach has long growled.

Lan Ningxue paused and asked tentatively, "We... With the sunset moon and them? "

"Senior sister, they all seem to have gone to class, and they haven't come back."

Shi Qiu shrugged: "So it should be just the two of us, alone." "

Single...... Individually!?

When Lan Ningxue heard this word, her heart jumped wildly.

He asked me to eat alone??!

Lan Ningxue looked up nervously at Shi Qiu's good-looking and clean smile, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart again.

He really looks good....

Handsome, good personality, high talent....

A boy like him, taking the initiative to ask girls to dinner, coupled with such a heartwarming smile, there should be few girls who can resist, right?

"Hmm..." Shi Qiu saw that Lan Ningxue did not respond, and thought that Lan Ningxue was not very willing: "If Senior Sister is not convenient now, then forget it..."

"Convenient!" For some reason, Lan Ningxue was suddenly afraid to slip away with her junior's meal.

Shi Qiu: "? "

Lan Ningxue found that her voice was too high: "I..."

"I mean... I happen to be going to eat, and the dinner I eat for nothing, why not eat it? ...... It's a fool not to eat! Junior brother, your task bonus has also arrived, you won't mind inviting senior sister to a meal, right? "

Shi Qiu: "Uh... Of course. "


A snack street in Shancheng, a hot pot restaurant with a very new and trendy decoration.

In a private room.

Shi Qiu looked at Lan Ningxue, who was sitting on the opposite side with a stunned face, completely different from his usual temperament, and was eating a lot.

There was also a table of food that had been wiped out.

Lan Ningxue drank the last mouthful of hot soup and put down the bowl with a satisfied face, only to find that the junior brother was staring at her stunned, and she was suddenly a little embarrassed.

"I... I haven't eaten anything today, I'm a little hungry..."


Shi Qiu nodded stunnedly: "I probably know why you and Senior Sister Qiao are best friends, you two really have the same characteristics..."

Lan Ningxueqiao's face turned red, and her apricot eyes widened: "Stinky junior brother, you dare to ridicule your senior sister?" Do you know what happened to daring to make fun of your senior sister in college? "

Saying that, he kicked the junior brother's calf under the table.

However, this kick fluttered gently, as if it was more like a girlfriend coquettish after a tantrum.

"Hehe, don't you dare."

After eating the hot pot, Shi Qiu ordered some after-dinner sweets.

Eat with my seniors, chat, talk and laugh at the same time.

Lan Ningxue was afraid of the embarrassment of this meal at first, but the more she chatted with her junior, the more she was attracted by his conversation.

I was also amused by my junior several times.

Lan Ningxue said with a smile: "I thought you were not good at words, so you can still say it." "

Shi Qiu smiled lightly.

He is not a person who lacks a sense of humor.

The so-called introversion is actually for those outsiders.

Shi Qiu is a loner, also because he doesn't like to make too many friends in the first place.

He thought that would be too much trouble.

I don't bother to perfunctory those people.

Greasy and sleek, getting along with everyone is not his style, nor the life he wants.

Therefore, when Shi Qiu came to this university, he only dated Senior Sister and Teacher Duan Lan.

The rest of the time, he was alone, even sitting alone in the corner during class. Even if a few female students saw that he was good-looking and came up to greet him, he was lukewarm.

After laughing, Shi Qiu paused: "Senior sister, in fact, I invite you to dinner today, I have something I want to give you." "

Lan Ningxue was curious: "What is it?" "

Shi Qiu was a little embarrassed at first, but then he also figured it out, he is a big man, twisting and pinching like what?

So he directly took out the bouquet of roses hidden under the table.

Lan Ningxue saw Shi Qiu take out the rose, and her head was directly stunned: "You you you you..."

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