Seeing Lan Ningxue's expression, Shi Qiu inexplicably felt a little funny, and touched his nose: "Hmm... In fact, it was also the first time I confessed to someone, and I didn't know what to say. "

"Sue... Confession?!? "

Lan Ningxue was shocked, and her voice couldn't help but raise again.

Junior... Confess to yourself!?

Shi Qiu: "Yes, I am also a boyfriend and girlfriend with someone for the first time, and I have no experience." "

Boyfriend and girlfriend??

Lan Ningxue completely crashed.

And so on....

The boyfriend and girlfriend he was referring to was....

Me with him?!

"When am I with you..." Lan Ningxue's cheeks were flushed, and she subconsciously wanted to refute, but she couldn't help but stop.

She wanted to hear what Shi Qiu wanted to say next.

"Yesterday's incident was an accident." Shi Qiu said: "I didn't understand the effect of the skill, it was my bad. "

"I didn't expect an accident like that, but I will definitely take full responsibility for what I do."

"But I don't want to let Senior Sister be with me so confused because of my skills, so I want to compensate Senior Sister for a confession."

When Shi Qiu said this, he cast an apologetic smile: "But... I also have no experience in love, and even this rose is Xia Yao's idea. "

"Xia Yao?" Lan Ningxue was stunned.

She seemed to understand what was going on....

It must have been after he left, Xia Yao and Xiyue, the two troublesome girls, were talking nonsense again!!

Lan Ningxue knew these sisters too well, and she could even make up what these two guys probably said!

Lan Ningxue lowered her head and tangled: "Its... In fact, you don't have to care about yesterday's incident... I..."

Speaking of the back, Lan Ningxue became quieter and quieter, and even she couldn't hear herself.

She originally wanted to say, in fact, you don't need to care, it's just the effect of the skill, everyone thinks it hasn't happened....

But I don't know how, when the words came to her lips, she just couldn't say it.

Lan Ningxue looked up at Shi Qiu's sincere eyes, suddenly a little flustered, and lowered her head again.

"He seems to take it seriously..."

"Xiyue and Xia Yao, what did they say!"

"Seeing his sincere appearance, if he rejects him like this, he will be very disappointed, right?"

"If you don't get it right, it will affect your cultivation..."

"And then get depressed..."

Lan Ningxue's little head was crazy and cranky.

This is the first time that someone has confessed to her that she has been so entangled.

Shi Qiu looked at her suspiciously: "Senior sister? "

"Huh? ..."

"What's wrong with you?" Shi Qiu: "What did you just say?" "

"Didn't... Didn't..."

Lan Ningxue's expression was complicated: "You... Do you think we are suitable? ... I'm two years older than you, and we're still a little bit far apart..."

"It's okay." Shi Qiu was puzzled, and didn't feel anything: "Age is not a problem, as for the strength gap, it is only ten levels." "

Many people may not be able to rise to more than a dozen levels in their lifetime, but Shi Qiu does not have that worry.

He is a traverser, and there is a third world cheat, what is the big deal to upgrade by more than a dozen levels?

"Quite so..."

Lan Ningxue lowered her head and played with her fingers, her expression flustered: "But... But I've never been in a relationship before, and I'm not ready

for it..."


Shi Qiu saw Lan Ningxue's tangled expression, and his heart was clear.

Sure enough, it seems that after Senior Sister regained her senses, she still felt that something was wrong...

"That's fine." Shi Qiu tentatively said, "Then... Let's just assume that yesterday's events didn't happen? "


He actually said that it was okay??

Lan Ningxue was suddenly anxious, and slapped the table: "How can that work??" "

Shiqiu: ⊙▽⊙

Lan Ningxue froze in embarrassment: "I... I mean, why don't you have a little patience to confess to girls? "

"I have that with you, this and this, the photo of hooking up with you has been put on the forum, and the whole school knows that I am in love, how can you leave it alone?" You...... You will definitely be responsible to the end! "

The corner of Shi Qiu's mouth twitched.

How do I sound so familiar with this....

Shi Qiu tentatively said again: "What about us? ......"

Lan Ningxue's face flushed: "I haven't been in love..."

"But I do want to try it too."

"So... So, this girl is cheap for you! "

Lan Ningxue wanted to say a little more imposingly, but when she looked directly into Shi Qiu's eyes, she suddenly became shy again, and gradually whispered: "You... You've got to treat me well..."

Shi Qiu smiled slightly: "Yes, my girlfriend Senior Sister." "

Lan Ningxue: "!! "

Shi Qiu sniffed: "Huh? How do you feel something burned? "

"Hmm..." Lan Ningxue lowered her head: "But... It may be that the hot pot is a little hot..."

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