Leave the hot pot restaurant.

Lan Ningxue held the handful of roses in her hand, walking beside Shi Qiu, looking at the handsome junior brother around her from time to time, and looking at the flowers in her arms from time to time, she couldn't help but blush and her heart beat, and her mood was also quite complicated.

Is he really with his junior?

"That... Junior, discuss something with you? Lan Ningxue said a little twisted.

"Huh?" Shi Qiu: "Senior sister, if you want to say anything, just say it." "

"Hmm... What we are together, can you not talk about it first? "

Shi Qiu was stunned: "Huh? "

Lan Ningxue pursed her lips and said seriously: "University is a dangerous place everywhere. "

"You have only been here for two days, and you have already offended many people, and now let people know that the person who is with me is you, I am afraid that you will become the target of everyone, so..."

Shi Qiu smiled slightly.

This girlfriend of his own senior sister is really worried about himself.

"It's okay."

Shi Qiu gently took Lan Ningxue's little hand and whispered softly in her ear: "I'm not afraid." "

Lan Ningxue felt the heat of her junior brother's words in her ear, and the feeling of her soft little hand being held in the palm of her hand by a warm big hand, and her delicate body suddenly trembled, and the whole person almost evaporated!

She jerked away Shi Qiu's hand and dodged two steps: "You... We just got together, and you just moved your hands and feet..."

Shi Qiu looked at Lan Ning's shy appearance, and couldn't help but smile: "Okay... But Senior Sister, you don't have to react so much, right? It turns out that you are so sensitive..."

"You! ...... Don't say it! Lan Ningxue's beautiful eyes glared at Shi Qiu.

"Good, good, good." Shi Qiu raised his hands, a gesture of surrender, and said with a smile: "I won't say it." "

"But your expression is obviously mocking me!"

"Wronged, I don't."

"You obviously have! I can see that you want to laugh in your heart! "

"Then laughing in my heart is a natural reaction, and I can't help it..."

"Aaaaa Stinky junior, you actually dare to make fun of me..."

The two walked away as they played, and a figure walked out from behind the roadside stall in the snack street.

Shi Wenlei looked at the distant backs of the two, and a flame of ignorance appeared in his eyes.

And his heart seemed to fall into an ice cellar.

Sure enough, it was that freshman!

Originally, he also reported a trace of luck, wondering whether the photos on the forum would be synthesized and fake.

After all, with Lan Ningxue's personality, Shi Wenlei really couldn't imagine that she would really snuggle next to the man like in the photo.

But now that the facts were in front of him, he had to believe it.

I actually lost.

And it was lost to a freshman junior!!

For the pursuit of Lan Ningxue, it is not only his personal pursuit, but also the requirements of his family.

Shi Wenlei's home has a large black background, and Lan Ningxue's family lineage, if she can soak her, will bring a lot of convenience to the family's business.

And Shi Wenlei had already boasted to his family about Haikou, saying that he would definitely be able to take down Lan Ningxue, so his family was willing to give him so many resources for him to pick up a girl, and also spent a lot of money to provide him with the materials to make that musket.

But now it has failed....

If he let his family know about this, then he would probably ...

Shi Wenlei thought of his father, who had severe mania, violent tendencies, and even a little pervert, and couldn't help but shiver.


Night path.

Shi Qiu and Lan Ningxue strolled together like ordinary couples.

When I arrived at the school, I could gradually see the students of Shan Cheng University.

Lan Ningxue stopped and said a little shyly, "Junior brother... It's almost time for school, you go first, don't let people see..."

Shi Qiu smiled and said, "Why, I'm sorry again?" "

"Shhh." Lan Ningxue pouted: "I'm for your good, there are many boys in school who pursue me, I'm afraid that you will be killed by their eyes!" "


Lan Ningxue looked complicated: "We seem to be progressing a little too fast... You've only been enrolled for a few days, and we're... If I let others know, wouldn't I be treated as a strange senior sister of the unspoken junior? "

"Oh, okay." Shi Qiu said, "Then listen to you, and we will play underground romance." "

"You... What an underground romance, it's strange to say..." Lan Ningxue twisted her head to the side.

Shi Qiu smiled: "Good." "

"I will definitely strive to become stronger and get to the day when I have the ability to protect Senior Sister as soon as possible."

Lan Ningxue squinted and smiled: "You can just have this heart, don't be too anxious, don't rush to think about those unrealistic things." "

"At least in the past three years in school, let my sister and I protect you! The cultivation of a soul contractor is not that simple. "

"Don't see that Xiyue and I are both soul incensors in their teenth grades, and ordinary students may not be able to touch the edge of level 10 when they reach their junior year. And I will also become stronger, oh, I won't let junior brother catch up with me so easily." "

Shi Qiu smiled slightly, thinking to himself: "That's not necessarily..."


Shi Wenlei returned to the school apartment, lying on the bed and thinking more and more angry.

He had thought that if his senior sister was chased by so many people, he might be snatched away by a senior with a strong background and strength.

But he never imagined that the one who finally snatched away the senior sister would be a freshman who had just awakened his soul for less than two or three days!

Shi Wenlei sat up abruptly.


I thought of the projection of Senior Sister showing Shiqiu's auxiliary skills.

There is no doubt that at that time, the senior sister's heart must have regarded herself as a joke!!

Otherwise, why did she hide the specific attributes of other items and deliberately display the double attack bonus?

There is no doubt that it is satirizing the musket he made!!

If this revenge is not rewarded, how can you stand in front of your senior sister in the future?

Shi Wenlei gritted his teeth.

He had already decided to make that kid disappear no matter what! And then snatch the senior sister back!

But how to make him disappear still needs to be well planned.

Shi Qiu is only a level 1 auxiliary, and the convenience of individual combat is almost zero, and Shi Wenlei believes that he can pinch him to death with one hand.

But if he did it himself, in case he was found out by Senior Sister, he would also die.

Shi Wenlei rolled his eyes and came up with a perfect solution.

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