Half an hour later.

Black Soul Society Apartment.

Shi Wenlei walked into the apartment and was immediately stopped by several senior students.

"What for?" The person who stopped him asked without any anger.

"I'm here to do business with your vice president."

Shi Wenlei grinned and took out a black card to show the senior: "I'm an old customer." "

The seniors glanced at each other, gave him a look, and let him in.

"Upstairs 704, go up."


Shi Wenlei took the card and walked upstairs.

When he arrived at room 704, Shi Wenlei took a deep breath and pushed the door in.

The room was dark, with loud metal music, and in the darkness you could faintly see a few enchanting women sitting on the sofa.

Shi Wenlei felt like he had followed KTV.

The short senior sat in it.

It was the guy who invited Shi Qiu to enter the Black Soul Society yesterday.

"Senior." Shi Wenlei greeted with a smile.

The short senior looked at him, waved his hand and let the others go out.

The music also stopped abruptly.

"Sit down." The short senior pointed to the sofa next to him.

Shi Wenlei sat down.

"Talk about it." The short senior picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip: "Which kid messed with you again this time?" "

"The target I said this time, the senior must be very interested." Shi Wenlei smiled.

"Oh? Talk about it. "

"Shiqiu." Shi Wenlei gritted his teeth: "It's the arrogant freshman who refused the invitation of the three major forces this year!" "

The short senior was stunned for a moment, and looked at him a little playfully: "Interesting, he's only been here for a few days, how did you get into trouble with him?" "

Shi Wenlei was silent.

Of course, he didn't want to say such a shameful thing.

Who wants to tell someone that they chased a girl but were compared by a new apprentice who came for a few days?

But the short senior guessed: "Oh~ I know, the man next to Lan Ningxue on the forum is him?" "

The corner of Shi Wenlei's mouth twitched.

Seeing his face, the short senior knew that he had guessed it, and laughed: "Haha, I didn't expect this newcomer to be quite good at picking up girls?" "

Shi Wenlei had to accompany the smiling face: "Senior, this person just rejected you yesterday, you should also see him very unhappy, right?" "

"That's nature."

The short senior looked at him: "So what kind of result do you want?" Scrap him, or kill him? "

"Of course kill him!" Shi Wenlei did not hesitate.


The short senior nodded and held up two fingers, representing the asking price.

Shi Wenlei: "Two hundred thousand? "If you want to destroy an ordinary newcomer, it is only about 100,000, but Shi Qiu is an S-class soul contractor, and 200,000 is definitely not expensive.

The short man chuckled: "It's two million." "

Shi Wenlei's face sank.

"Two hundred... No, senior, he's just a Grade 1 freshman who has just awakened his soul! "

"And it's still an auxiliary, it's not difficult to kill him at all, two million is too much, right?!"

You know, even the junior A-level tasks only have a reward of 500,000!

The short senior sneered: "You think the price of an S-class soul contractor is the same as that of ordinary people?" Don't be silly. "

"He is the focus of the school, kill him, the school picket side will be very troublesome, and everything needs to be taken care of."

"It's just that he has a lower level now, and when he upgrades, it will be more expensive."

"You'll see for yourself."

"Or, you can choose to do it yourself."

If the short senior knew that Shi Qiu's monthly subsidy had reached two million, he might open a higher price.

Shi Wenlei was anxious: "But didn't that kid provoke you too?" If he doesn't give your Black Soul Society face so much, Senior Black Bone doesn't want to kill him? "

The short senior leisurely said: "He provoked us." Senior Black Bone has explained that if he refuses to join, he is an enemy. "

"But even if we kill him now, what good will it do us?"

"We can wait until someone buys his life, or wait until we fatten him up and raise his level, and then slowly slaughter him."

"That's how benefits can be generated."

The short senior smiled contemptuously: "Do you understand, little brother?" "

Shi Wenlei's face fell.

I have long heard that the people of the Black Soul Society have never eaten people and did not spit out bones.

Now it seems that it is even more ruthless than he imagined! And scary!

The short senior took a leisurely sip of wine, with a playful smile, and a look of eating Shi Wenlei.

The Black Soul Society could wait, but Shi Wenlei couldn't sit still.

Just looking at Shi Qiu and Lan Ningxue together today, his lungs were about to explode.

When the Black Soul Society wants to move, I'm afraid they already have children!?

“...... Okay, two million yes, I bought it! "

Shi Wenlei gritted his teeth and felt a little distressed.

Although his family is quite rich, his father is the head of the black market, but it is not a joke to spend two million in one go.

And it's actually used to kill a level 1 auxiliary! When you think about it, you feel like a loss of blood.

"Good, refreshing, I like to do business with customers like you, haha!"

The short student patted him on the shoulder with a smile.

Shi Wenlei was helpless in his heart, but he could only accompany the smiling face.

This is the powerlessness of ordinary students in the face of the three major forces.

Even if he knew that the short senior was deliberately "slaughtering" him, he couldn't say anything.

Shi Wenlei couldn't help but ask, "That senior... How long does it take to kill him? "

The short man thought for a moment: "Within a week." "

"So long?"

Shi Wenlei was surprised, the other party was just a level 1 assistant.

"I said, there are many aspects that need to be done, it's not that simple."

The short senior casually pointed to a flat-headed young man, "This matter is left to you, do you know if this matter is done for Xiaoshi?" "

"Second in charge, there's no need for me to go in person, right? The other party is just an auxiliary, wouldn't it be good to send a few new members who just joined? "

The flat-headed youth is a sophomore this year, a level 7 soul contractor, and in terms of combat, he is similar to that of a summoner.

He thought that it was just a Tier 1 assistant to let him a sophomore senior make a move.

The short man said leisurely: "The S-class Soul Contractor School is keeping an eye on it, I'm afraid of accidents, and I don't want anything to go wrong." "

The flat-headed young man was helpless: "Okay, I see." "


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