As soon as Hou Sheng heard this, he immediately understood what was coming.

"So you heard it all. Hou Shengyi showed that confident smile again: "I know, you are her classmate, right?"

"Oh, and what you don't know. Shi Qiu: "I'm her boyfriend." "

Hou Shengyi's smile froze.

He didn't think Shi Qiu was bragging.

If it was an ordinary person, Hou Shengyi might still think that Shi Qiu was young and bloody, and saw that the senior sister of the goddess was harassed, so he wanted to deliberately come up to vent his anger for the senior sister.

But with Shiqiu's talent, and how much the empire attaches importance to him now, the future status can be imagined, what kind of woman does not want?

There is absolutely no need to brag.

"So what are you going to do?" said Shi Qiu, "Find a way to kill me?"

Hou Shengyi's eyes were cold for a while, and he resumed his signature smile: "I don't think you misunderstood." "

"Your senior sister has already misunderstood me, in fact, I have never killed any men who have contact with her, it is just a coincidence. "

"It's just because those people don't know why they all died unexpectedly, so Lan Ningxue associates me with this matter. "

"Actually, I'm really innocent. Hou Shengyi spread out his hands and said helplessly: "If I really did it, so many descendants of powerful people, even if my family is quite powerful, I would have been finished a long time ago, right? "

Shi Qiu smiled faintly: "During the day, you killed Long Ming in front of everyone in the audience, and no one found out how you did it, it's not strange that your method escaped the eyes of the law enforcer." "

"If you believe that I did it, then I can't help it. "

Hou Sheng slowly narrowed his eyes: "So what are you waiting for me here?"

"What else can you do. Shi Qiu looked calm: "Someone harasses your girlfriend, you want to clean him up fiercely, isn't it normal? "

Hou Shengyi was silent: "... This is the Empress's fantasy realm, we are fighting privately here, and all our every move is watched by her. "

"That's why, you can't beat people in this world anyway, so it doesn't matter how many hands you have." "

Shi Qiu's eyes were cold: "Anyway, I just want to beat you up very simply." "

Say, he moved violently!

The scythe of death appeared in his hand, the speed was like a shadow, and the blade was in front of Nahou Shengyi in an instant!

Hou Shengyi's pupils shrank.

The speed of this freshman is even faster than he has seen in the ring before!


The scythe cut out a black shadow.

The huge rockery was cut in half in an instant!

Hou Shengyi retreated and dodged, but found that cold sweat oozed from his back!

This is the first time he has felt oppressed since participating in this competition!


Hou Sheng's eyes gradually became playful: "Do you know that everyone who knows me is afraid to make a move with me, and you actually dare to post it yourself?"

Shi Qiu: "Hmm... Then let's try it, anyway, you shouldn't be afraid of me as a level 9, level 21?"

"Hmph..." Hou Shengyi sneered: "If you want to experience hellish pain once, then I will fulfill you!"

Shi Qiu also smiled.

He gave himself a blessing of death.

Then summon the Shadow Spirit possession.

Double buff overlay!

"Uh——!" Shi Qiu swung his scythe again.

This time, Hou Shengyi only chose to dodge, and did not face Shi Qiu head-on.


After Shi Qiu's huge scythe swung, he retracted, and the moment his footsteps landed, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body!



Shi Qiu's scythe was inserted into the ground, and his hand tightly held the handle of the scythe, and he endured the pain so that he did not fall!

I actually got hit!

He forced Hou Shengyi to make a move, in addition to wanting to simply beat this guy, he also wanted to find out what this guy's ability was before the final.

However, Shi Qiu just felt that he was already very attentive and careful, completely focusing on twelve, paying attention to every detail...

But he still didn't know how Hou Shengyi made a move.

At this moment, Shi Qiu only felt as if thousands of maggots were crawling in his body.

It's like a million worms devouring your heart!

Fine sweat instantly broke out on his forehead, and his green tendons suddenly burst out. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

This is him enduring pain!

This is still Shi Qiu's willpower is relatively high, so he can grit his teeth and stand in place without snorting.

Change to any ordinary person, I'm afraid he has long been rolling on the ground hysterically!

Hou Shengyi turned around and looked at him playfully: "How is it, is it painful now?"

"This is the end of fighting me!"

"Your suffering will continue to multiply until you die. "

"That would be your pain like never before!"

"Just enjoy it, hahahahaha...!!"

Shi Qiu was still gritting his teeth and enduring.

Stubbornly refused to snort.

But that's not the way to go...

Shiqiu runs soul power.

A "blessing of death" fell on himself.

However, this time, even the blessing of death can only be alleviated, and cannot completely relieve pain!

Moreover, Shi Qiu closed his eyes and checked his properties panel.

At present, he is in a "normal" state, there is no poisoning, no burns, everything is normal with his nerves, and there is no illusion ...

So what's going on?

How the hell did this guy activate the soul technique?

"Zhen (Good Wang Zhao) is a weird guy..."

Shi Qiu thought deeply.

Hou Shengyi looked at his appearance and said with a smile: "It's very tough." "

"In fact, you don't have to do this, no one here will see it anyway, you don't have to worry about your face, shout, maybe it will be more comfortable." "

"Otherwise, it's not interesting to see you being tortured to death so silently, hehe." "

Shi Qiu's face was already full of sweat, but he still squeezed out a sneer.

"Okay. "

"Then I'll pull you to accompany me to feel the pain." "

"Feel free to remind you that you can't get rid of this pain I brought you." "

"Huh?" Hou Shengyi frowned.

He felt as if something was gradually surrounding him and turned his head sharply.

I saw hundreds of black crows, already surrounding him! .

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