"This is..."

Hou Shengyi frowned.

Although he had heard of Shi Qiu and knew that Shi Qiu was this year's dark horse rookie king, it was the first time he saw Wu Ling.

His intuition told him that these things that looked like crows were extremely dangerous!

"Hey. Shi Qiu was already covered in sweat, but he still squeezed a sneer from the corner of his mouth: "Do you know what hell feels like?"

After speaking, he grabbed five fingers of his hand!

Wu Ling got his order, and hundreds of crows swarmed towards the Holy One!

Hou Shengyi didn't know what that crow was, but he knew that being attacked by these things would definitely not end well.

He quickly used his body technique to dodge.

However, under the attack of Wuling, all his dodging space had been completely blocked.

No way, as soon as Hou Sheng raised his hand, he swung out a hand knife, instantly "cutting off" the wings of several crows.

Hou Shengyi was puzzled in his heart, thinking that these crows didn't seem to have much combat effectiveness?

However, the next moment, he suddenly felt a burning sensation coming from the hand where he had just cut off the crow's wings!

Hou Sheng was shocked, looked down, and saw that his right palm attached 163 burned a black fire.

The black fire was just a flame at first, and then it gradually burned more and more vigorously, crawling above his arm, climbing up his arm, and then quickly spreading and igniting his entire body!


In just a few seconds, Hou Shengyi didn't even have a chance to react, and the black fire had spread throughout his body!

And that flame is different from ordinary fire!

If it was an ordinary fire, even if Hou Shengyi lay in the brazier and let the flames burn his body, it would not be a problem for him to run the soul power protection body and hold on for several hours.

But this black fire burned on his body, and Hou Shengyi found that his protective soul power had no effect at all!

Not only that, the damage that Hei Yan gave him was not only physical, Hou Shengyi even felt that his soul seemed to be undergoing unprecedented torture!

It's like falling into hell.

The soul is struggling in the hellfire brazier!!



That personable Hou Shengyi was completely unable to maintain his original calmness at the moment.

He screamed in pain and rolled on the ground like crazy, trying to suppress the flames on his body.

However, of course, Black Yan cannot be suppressed...

Because it was a real hellfire!!

"Huh..." Shi Qiu wiped the sweat from his forehead, he was still enduring the pain that Hou Shengyi's skill that didn't know what brought to him: "Pretending to be presentable, I thought I met the first person who could endure the pain of hellfire." "

"It turned out to be called out..."

After Hou Shengyi was tortured by the black flame for almost three minutes, his body began to gradually melt.

"You..." Hou Shengyi lay on the ground, his eyeballs cracked, his eyes were blood-red and stared at Shi Qiu, stretching out a hand to him, trying to touch him.

But of course he can't touch it.

Hou Shengyi's eyes widened angrily, watching his body being burned and melted little by little, feeling the feeling that his soul completely disappeared from this world little by little...

Shi Qiu, as the god of death, knows that feeling best. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

In his cognition, there should be no life that can endure the feeling that his soul is burned and dies little by little...

Unless that (CGBC) guy isn't life at all.


Hou Shengyi disappeared completely.

The body was burned by the black flame.

Not even a trace of ashes remained...

"Ahem... Whew... Whew..."

At the moment when Hou Shengyi completely disappeared, the pain in Shi Qiu's body finally disappeared.

Because the spellcaster disappeared.

The effect of the skill naturally stopped.

Shi Qiu rushed, supported the ground with one hand, almost didn't fall down, gulping for air.

Don't say, this Hou Shengyi is indeed a ruthless person...

This was the first time someone had been able to cause him so much pain.

If the pain is graded, then the pain brought by Hou Shengyi's skill must be at least ten times the top!

It is indeed not at all what the average person can endure.

"Buzz ——!"

At this time, a holy light fell.

Where the holy light fell, Hou Shengyi's body slowly reappeared...

In the end, he appeared intact in front of Shi Qiu again.

Although Hou Shengyi was "resurrected", his face was still pale, he looked up at Shi Qiu, his expression was almost twisted together, even Shi Qiu could not analyze what that expression meant, as if he saw the devil.

"Although I still don't understand, how the hell did you cast a spell on me..." Shi Qiu looked at him and chuckled: "But your move is really ruthless, even I almost didn't carry it." "

"So how to say. "

"Want to do it again?" said Shi Qiu, the corners of his mouth raised, and with a slight raise of his hand, a black crow just fell, standing on the back of his hand.

As soon as Hou Shengyi saw the crow, his pupils suddenly dilated and he shrank back sharply.

"You... I will definitely repay this hatred!" Hou Shengyi gritted his teeth and said, "Shiqiu, you remember for me!!"

After that, he turned around and moved instantly, and ran away with a puff of smoke, the escape speed was really the fastest that Shi Qiu had seen in his lifetime... There is not one... Those 20+ leopard-shaped alien beasts in a foreign territory are weaker than this, okay?

"This is called, put the hardest words, run the fastest way?" Shi Qiu shrugged.

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