After beating Hou Shengyi away, Shi Qiu did not return directly to his residence.

He came to Lan Ningxue's room and knocked on the door.

It took several seconds in the room before a wary voice came: "Who?"

Shi Qiu smiled bitterly, this girl probably thought that Hou Shengyi had folded back again, right?

"Senior sister, it's me. "


The door opened, and Lan Ningxue looked surprised: "Junior, why are you here-?"

Shi Qiu pointed back: "Oh, I happened to pass by just now and saw that Hou Shengyi-." "

Did you just run into him?"

Lan Ningxue's face changed suddenly, and then her expression became serious, and she took Shi Qiu's hand: "Let's talk first." "

Entering the room, Lan Ningxue looked at Shi Qiu nervously: "You... You didn't have any communication with him, did you?"

Lan Ningxue thought to herself, maybe she was too nervous for a while.

With such a large campus, it is not surprising that two advanced players meet.

Besides, Hou Shengyi didn't know that Shi Qiu was his boyfriend, and there should be nothing wrong...

Who expected that Shi Qiu's next words almost made her collapse.

Seeing Shi Qiu smiled, he said: "Oh, exchanged, and exchanged a lot, that guy also said that he remembered me, probably quite a deep impression of me." "

"Clam?!" Lan Ningxue was startled.

Shi Qiu: "Senior sister, I heard the conversation you had just now. "

"This..." Lan Ningxue looked at Shi Qiu nervously, and tentatively said, "Then you ?...... with him"

Shi Qiu: "Well, I said you were my girlfriend, and then I just had a fight with him." "

Lan Ningxue: "!!"

"You... You're not doing well, are you?"

Lan Ningxue held Shi Qiu's face and looked at him nervously.

She also didn't know what level of fighting Shi Qiu's so-called "fighting" meant.

Does it mean shaking your fists like a child fighting, or really using soul power?

Shi Qiu couldn't laugh or cry: "Senior sister, this is an illusion, even if you die, you can be resurrected, even if Hou Shengyi wants to kill me, right?"

Lan Ningxue bit her lower lip and said, "Even so, I don't want you to fight him, you don't know what kind of fate the person who fights him will have, don't say whether you die or not, his ability is enough to make people worse than death!"

Lan Ningxue once saw with her own eyes a rich son who provoked Hou Shengyi in the capital, and that person's soul level was 24!

In the end, I really couldn't bear the pain, and committed suicide...

Hou Shengyi is also a top master who can leapfrog the enemy! If he is kind-hearted, he will kill people, just like yesterday against Long Ming, give him a pain, if he encounters someone who has a feud with him, first torture you until half death, destroy all your will, and then send you on the road... That's called true cruelty!

Listening to Lan Ningxue's story, Shi Qiu nodded with deep understanding: "Hmm... That's true. "

"However, fortunately, you are now the focus of the Empire. "

Lan Ningxue exhaled: "As long as you can score in the top five in this competition, you can go to the capital, and when the time comes, there will be a group of imperial officials to accompany, even if you leave the illusion realm, he should not dare to attack you casually." "

"It's not me, it's us. Shi Qiu smiled and took Lan Ningxue's hand: "Have you forgotten our agreement?"

"Hmm..." Lan Ningxue felt the temperature on her junior's hand, and unconsciously blushed and lowered her head.

Obviously they have been together for so long, why is his heart beating faster when he grabs his hand?

"Well... All right. Lan Ningxue didn't want her junior to see that she was embarrassed, so she withdrew her hand and said seriously: "There will be a competition tomorrow, you should go back and rest." "

"Hehe..." Shi Qiu scratched his head: "I'm not afraid that Senior Sister will miss me, but I won't play well in tomorrow's competition, so I came to see you?"

"What are you talking nonsense?!" Lan Ningxue's face was as red as if she had been struck by someone.

She pushed Shi Qiu: "Okay, you go back quickly, don't affect me here, I still have to cultivate and prepare for tomorrow's competition, I'm not as talented as you, if I encounter a strong enemy like Lin Wenhan and Ghost Tooth tomorrow, I'm not sure yet..."

"Okay then. Faced with Senior Sister's duplicity, Shi Qiu could only smile: "Then Senior Sister, you have a good rest, see you tomorrow at the competition venue." "


After closing the door, Lan Ningxue leaned back against the door and smirked stupidly for a long time.

This guy is too stupid, how could he mess with Hou Shengyi for me?

What if the strength is found out before the game and affects tomorrow's game?...... (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Lan Ningxue smirked for a while, and suddenly began to feel sad and regretful again.

Am I in too much of a hurry?

I haven't been alone for so long, and my junior brother finally came to me once, why did I push him out the door like this?

Even if... Even if there is a competition tomorrow, I will definitely prepare for cultivation tonight... That... You can also practice together, right?......

"Oops! What kind of mess was I thinking?"

Lan Ningxue covered her face blushingly, her heart trembled, and she rolled around on the bed like a girl.


After Shi Qiu returned to his room, he kept recalling the battle with Hou Shengyi just now.

How the hell does this guy's soul technique cast spells?

Shi Qiu touched his chin, puzzled.

This Hou Shengyi's ability is indeed weird.

It is not at all obvious how he casts spells.

Fighting him will lead to unpreparedness.

But his weaknesses are also quite obvious.

That is, the physical skills are relatively weak, and there is no large-range AOE skill, so when facing the Wuling group attack, it seems a little helpless...

Shi Qiu analyzed.

At the same time, the pain was indeed unbearable.

Shi Qiu is the body of the god of death, so he can last so long, and if he wants to change to someone else, it is estimated that he will be the same as Long Ming, and he will have to bleed to death in less than 30 seconds...

Such an opponent, if he runs into it tomorrow, then it will be fine.

What if they run into senior sisters?

Let the senior sisters and them suffer like that, Shi Qiu always feels a little distressed.

"By the way..."

Shi Qiu squinted slightly, and there was a sinister light in his eyes.

If this guy was eliminated by others before he met Senior Sister...

Hey... Person....

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