The next day, in the morning, at ten o'clock.

All 16 players who advanced to the final round had breakfast and walked into the arena under the guidance of the judges.

Shi Qiu glanced at the other players, almost everyone looked like they were scrappy, and their eyes were firm.

After entering the round of 16, you can already get a very rich reward from the empire.

But the top 5 is the top 5 of the competition!

The stadium is still the same stadium.

16 people walked into the venue under the guidance of the referee, and there was a huge cheer from the audience.

There were more people on the scene today than in previous rounds.

Those players eliminated in the previous round, as long as they are not in a hurry, will basically stay to watch this last round.

This is a live ticket that is free of the "250" fee, don't look at it in vain.

And today is the last day, and the instructors, teachers, and school leaders of each school are also allowed to enter the venue directly to watch the game.

Shi Qiu and the others also saw Duan Lan, who had not been seen for a long time, and the principal on the audience.

Duan Lan was in the third row of the audience stage, looking excited, and shouted at Shi Qiu not far away: "Shi Qiu, Xiyue, Xue'er, Xiao Li, Xiao Yao, you guys have to come on!!"

Although Shi Qiu said before the game that he had ambitions to win the top five in the class.

But Duan Lan only listened to it at that time, and did not pay attention to it, after all, no one knew the cruelty of the college ranking competition better than her.

But she didn't expect that they actually all made it to the finals!

"Haha, Sister Lan finally came to see us play. Xia Yao saw Duan Lan on the audience stage, and waved at her happily.

Qiao Xiyue turned her head and asked, "Xiao Yao, Xiao Li, how did you prepare yesterday night?"

"Don't worry, Sister Yue. Xia Yao said with a smile: "Xiao Li and I both used the experience polymerization potion last night, and now our level has broken through level 12!

Yu Li also nodded gently: "Hmm..."

As soon as the 16 contestants entered, all the drones in charge of broadcasting flew over, surrounded the contestants, and "clicked" and "clicked" non-stop.

The discussion on the audience stage was also lively:

I just looked at the list, and there are actually 7 players in this year's ranking final, all from Shan City University!"

"Shan Cheng is this year's organizer... There won't be shady scenes, right?"

"What do you want? This is a college ranking competition! Shan City dares to engage in shady scenes?

"Don't say it, I want to watch Hou Shengyi vs Shiqiu today! The first place in the official paper ranking vs. the last place super dark horse, think about it is exciting hey!"

"Chu Shi, I also want to watch this one, in my opinion, this year's final eight achievements are the two of them, and the ghost tooth among the others has a certain competitiveness..."

As soon as Hou Sheng heard these words, he glanced at Shi Qiu, who was not far away, and remembered the events of yesterday night, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

Unlike being as gentleman as he seems, he is actually a very vengeful person.

Due to the particularity of his soul-crushing ability, he has always been unscrupulous, and no one can catch evidence to arrest him anyway.

Therefore, if there is a feud, Hou Shengyi will definitely report it on the spot, and will never stay until the next day.

But Shiqiu was an accident!

This is the first person who has fought him and survived!

And now it is no longer a question of revenge or not.

Originally, Hou Shengyi had always been very confident in the champion of this competition, and from the moment he competed, he had already decided that the champion must be his.

But now the sudden killing of Shiqiu made him even have a trace of doubt about himself - can he really win the championship today?

At this time, the bald referee finally stepped onto the head stage and picked up the microphone: "After all the players have gathered, now announce the rules of the final round of the college ranking competition, which is the final round." "

The noisy gymnasium suddenly fell silent, and everyone listened carefully as the bald referee announced the rules.

The bald referee paused and continued: "Today's rules are very similar to yesterday, it is still a 1v1 ring system. "

"But. "

"The difference is that today there is a distinction between venues. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The bald referee said, raised a hand, and gestured.............

I saw that the four referees guarding the four corners of the gymnasium saw the gesture and nodded one after another.

Then they pasted something similar to a formation charm on the ground at the same time, their hands were sealed, and there were words in their mouths...

"The venue—"


With a "——!", four light curtains rose at the same time, forming four barriers in the oversized field in the middle of the gymnasium, firmly enveloping the field.

The players, the crowd of spectators on the audience, and the spectators in front of the TV were still confused, only listening to the bald referee continue: "In today's game, each game will randomly produce a physical terrain, which may be deserts, woods, valleys, ruins, or even in the sea..."

"It's also possible that you'll randomly pick up the terrain you're least good at, depending on your luck. "Bald referee: "However, after randomly coming out of the terrain, both players have a chance to choose to reset the random terrain. Only once, though. "

"If you randomly pick up terrain that you're not good at both times, it's just bad luck. "

When the contestants heard these words, they booed each other.

Lin Wenhan pinched his chin and squinted, "Interesting..." At the same time, he was already silently calculating the countermeasure in his heart.

Shi Qiu thought to himself.

In this case, the terrain mechanism must also be taken into account because of 1.8 elements...

"Other than that, there's a little rule. "

The bald referee continued: "Today's game is a little different from the previous round. "

"I know that all of you here, in addition to pursuing the prizes and prizes of the ranking match, are more here for the top five exchange student places. "

"But today's game, even if you break into the top five, you may not be able to get this place!"

When the players heard this rule, they were all stunned.

Finishing in the top five may not necessarily get a spot?

So how do you calculate this quota?

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