"Senior sister... It's not good, Senior Long Ming is back..."

A boy came panting and said while panting next to the tall girl while holding his knees.

Qiao Xiyue turned around and took back the mobile phone, but did not look at the boy, but naturally leaned on the guardrail, Bai Nenqian's thin fingers scratched the mobile phone, and said nonchalantly: "Come back and come back, what the fuss about." "

The boy smiled bitterly: "But Senior Long Ming is very angry, saying that you played him miserably this time..."

Qiao Xiyue was lazy: "It's not the first time he's angry again." "

Boy: "... The senior said that in order to date you, he risked his life to break into the restricted area of the capital space and died nine times, and finally took the black crystal from the hands of the alien race, and as a result, you also agreed to his appointment..."

After a pause, the boy said cautiously: "Senior Long Ming said, those alien races may want to take revenge on him for this matter, if you don't give him an explanation this time, he will report this matter to the guild president..."

"Oh." Qiao Xiyue smiled, and her eyes narrowed into a slit: "Then you let him run the space door again and return that black crystal to those alien races, won't it be okay?" "

Boy: "..."

Qiao Xiyue glanced at him: "What are you doing here?" Don't hurry up yet? "

The boy cried with a sad face: "Senior sister... I'll say so, Senior Long Ming will cut me off!" "

"Oooh, then do you want to be cut by him, or do you want to be cut by me?" Qiao Xiyue said, raised his hand to make a scissor shape, clicked and wiped.

Boy: "... Okay senior, I'll go. "

After the boy left, Qiao Xiyue immediately operated the mobile phone with both hands and opened the chat group of the mobile phone with interest.

Qiao Xiyue: "Sisters, come quickly!" Our class is finally going to have new people! Still a cute junior brother! "

Yu Li: "(⊙?⊙)"

Xia Yao: "Really, really?" Sister Yue, I want to see the photos! [Color] [Color] [color]"

Qiao Xiyue sent several secretly taken photos in a row.

Xia Yao: "[Excited] Wow by wow, really handsome and handsome!" "

Lan Ningxue: "[In a daze] [in a daze] such a cute little dog... (呲溜呲呜.jpg)"

Yu Li: "That... What is his position? "

Qiao Xiyue: "He is an auxiliary Oh, his Qiu Soul is very special, I have never seen it, but the auxiliary direction has an S-grade rating." "

Xia Yao: "Ahhhhhhh [Happy]"

Lan Ningxue: "Where is the junior?" I'm going to check it out too! "

Qiao Xiyue: "She left with Sister Lan, she should have gone to the apartment to arrange a residence." "

Xia Yao: "Sister Lan, Sister Lan, can you push my junior's flying signal to me first?" I think I have a lot of support tips to communicate with him! @段岚 (well-behaved.jpg)"

Duan Lan: "... You guys restrain a little, don't scare away the junior brother when you meet later, he is a very shy and shy boy. "

Lan Ningxue: "Shy? Oh roar~ Isn't that even better?! ~[excitement][bad laugh]"

Duan Lan: "..."

Qiao Xiyue's fingers quickly typed.

If anyone saw their chat history, they would be very surprised.

The few school flowers who usually look cold on the outside and hardly communicate with other boys are now enthusiastically studying how to divide the new junior brothers...



The other side.

Duan Lan took Shi Qiu to the student apartment.

The school does not recruit many new students every year, so the treatment of students is naturally good, especially the elite class students, the apartments they live in are single rooms, and the floors also have supporting public facilities.

"This whole floor is from our class."

Duan Lan said, pointing to the room opposite the door: "That's my room." "

"The other doors are the rooms of your four teammates, you are a freshman, if you have any questions you don't understand, you can come to me, or find your senior sister... emmmm, I think several of your seniors will be happy to help you. "


Shi Qiu walked into his room and looked around, secretly speaking.

The environment here is ridiculously good... The equipment and facilities network furniture are all available, almost all of them are similar to the configuration of five-star hotels, the only regret is that no one seems to have lived here for a long time, and a lot of dust has fallen on the corners of tables and cabinets.

After Teacher Duan Lan left, Shi Qiu finally had the leisure to put down his luggage, put everything out, tidy up the room, sit on the sofa in the living room and open his system panel.

"Hint: Third World cheating tools have been fused!"

"Host hidden information unlocked."

Shi Qiu was stunned.

Unlock hidden messages?

So, are the few ratings that I have been withheld visible to?

Shi Qiu immediately opened his panel to check it.

"Name: Shiqiu"

"Level: lv1"

"Soul Crush: Death"

"The ratings of each capability are as follows: Six Stars Map .jpg"

"Physical Damage Ability: SS Level"

"Magic Damage Ability: SSS Level"

"Range Damage Ability: SSS Level"

"Defense Capability: SS Class"

"Field Control Capability: SSS Level"

"Auxiliary Ability: Class S


"System Rating: SSS Level"

I saw that Shiqiu's six-pointed star potential map, the direct items were all pulled to the full grid, and even except for the auxiliary, the other items directly exceeded the pattern!

"Hiss..." Shi Qiu suddenly gasped after reading it.

Good guys....

Co-authored It turns out that my support ability is my weakest one??

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