Looking at this six-pointed star map, Shi Qiu was crying and laughing, not knowing what to say.

This hides the information, is it activated a little late?

It is worthy of being a "god" level soul, and this talent value is really perverted....

But that's fine.

Shi Qiu's abilities are unknown to the whole school except for the auxiliary aspects.

It's always right to keep a few hands.

If he is known, I am afraid that he will have to be treated like a monster, right? ......

Shiqiu looked at other functions of the system.

The main interface of the system is very similar to the interface of many mobile games.

On the interface, there are "Attributes", "Items", "System Mall", "Soul Ability", "Forge", "Strengthening", "Tasks", "Trading Line" and other functional options.

Shi Qiu directly opened the Soul Contractor ability, and a panel similar to a skill tree appeared, forming several branches from left to right, representing the growth of abilities in all aspects.

The branches are:

"Physique - (can enhance the basic attributes of the host)"

"Undead - (Undead that can unlock or enhance the various undead contracted by the Grim Reaper)"

"Damage – (Damage type skill that unlocks or enhances the Grim Reaper)"

"Assistive—(Assistive skill that unlocks or enhances the Grim Reaper)


"Golem - (Unlocks or enhances the ability of the Grim Reaper to control the Golem)


"Horcruxes – (Soul Artifacts that unlock or enhance the Grim Reaper)"

"Judgment - (strengthens the ability of death to judge life)"

Shi Qiu secretly thought that it seemed that he could strengthen the ability of all aspects from the Lord according to the direction he wanted to develop.

Shi Qiu didn't know that there were only about 3-4 branches of the average person's skill tree, and the best result in the history of the empire was 5, but the branches of Shiqiu's skill tree reached a full 7!

This is an extremely terrifying concept, enough to drive any force in the empire crazy!

If it spread, those guild members would send someone to appear in front of Shi Qiu the next day, either to win him away or make him disappear completely.

After thinking for a while, Shi Qiu first clicked on the branch of "physique", which stretched to the right, and divided more choices, such as "strength, agility, spirit, life, charm, etc."

Then he clicked on the undead column and found that there would also be many branching options in that column, and various undead development routes appeared.

For each ability that evolves, or unlocks a skill, it costs 1 system point.

Normally, for every level up, a soul contractor will receive 1 system point. However, newly awakened soul contractors will have 3 soul contracts.

This also means that even if the average person is poor all his life, it is impossible to light up all the skill trees.

Even most people can only specialize in one or two roads.

Shi Qiu thought about it, but first carefully checked his golden finger, that is, the "third world cheating tool".

He probably took a look and knew the function of this cheating tool.

To put it simply, this auxiliary tool can help Shiqiu see all the attribute information of himself and others, and it will also come with host upgrade rewards.

This means that as long as the host is upgraded one level, it can get additional rewards.

Because Shi Qiu had just awakened the Qiu Soul, Goldfinger directly gave him a newbie gift.

"Ding! The host cheat tool has been successfully bound to the system! Cheat Tool Starter Pack has been distributed! "

"Pack cheat code: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0EF524F960FA05AC19AF77A2BDB9CDAEB47F1852"

"Hmm?" Shi Qiu suddenly felt that this cheat code was inexplicably a little familiar, what was going on?

Oh yes, in his last life, he seems to have seen a similar string of code on his college roommate's computer.

But Shi Qiu said that he was still simple and did not know what it was.

Enter the cheat code in the cheat and the package will be quickly sent through the system.

"Congratulations to the host! Get the Cheat Experience Pack: 100,000 Cash, 200 Imperial Points, System Points*10, Automatic Experience Absorber*1"

Empire Points, which can be used to purchase some special items in the Marketplace; The automatic experience absorber, simply put, can help Shiqiu automatically absorb and accumulate experience in the experience pool anytime, anywhere.

In other words, even if Shi Qiu does not practice now, this experience absorber will continue to accumulate experience in it.

"Good guy, this is equivalent to 24-hour online hang-up experience?"

Shi Qiu was shocked, undoubtedly his cheater was a little too perverted.

Of course, the experience gained by hanging up is naturally not as much as the experience gained by real cultivation.

He opened his skill tree again and improved his abilities first.

Although Shiqiu's system points are more than ordinary people, he doesn't want to use them indiscriminately.

He first spent 7 system points to strengthen all the basic attributes of the physique column.

Then it took 1 system point to unlock a "Scythe of Death", and another 2 system points to unlock a contract undead and a damage skill.

"Congratulations to the host! Unlock the Grim Reaper Horcrux: [Death Scythe], cost system points: 1"

"Congratulations to the host! Unlock the Reaper Undead Pet: [Urling], cost system points: 1"

"Congratulations to the host! Unlock damage-type skills: [Soul Eater], consume..."

Spending 10 system points in one breath, Shi Qiu felt as if his body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Shi Qiu's palm opened and his heart moved.

I saw a black light flickering, and a five-foot-long, pitch-black Scythe of Death appeared in his hand!

"Dang!" Stick the scythe in the ground.

Well, really mighty and domineering.

There are 3 points left, and there are still some things to unlock....

Oh yes, auxiliary.

I almost forgot that I was an assistant....

Shiqiu opened the auxiliary column, and there were three first-order auxiliary skills at the bottom, one was to add milk (add blood) and the other was to add buff.

There is also a more special one, called what soul is absorbed.

"Effect: Within a certain period of time, the host slowly absorbs the vitality of teammates (the judgment of teammates is based on the favorability of the target to the host), and strengthens its own strength, agility, explosiveness, spirit..."

"Range: Effective within 50 meters."

Shi Qiu: "??? "

After seeing this effect, Shi Qiu was directly shocked.

Why do you call this a support skill!?

What is this? The magic power of teammates sacrifice heaven is boundless???

As for second-order skills, you have to unlock all first-order skills before you can learn them.

Shi Qiu hesitated for a moment, and directly lit up the three basic skills.

Although that third skill is slightly awkward... But who knows if it will be used?

"Knock knock..."

At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the door outside.

Shi Qiu walked over and opened the door, suddenly stunned.

I saw a tall young lady with a beautiful appearance standing outside the door.

Qiao Xiyue smiled and squinted: "You are the new junior brother?" "


ps: Kneel for flowers, tickets and other data ah~~ these data are very important in the early stage, crab brothers are cute ~~

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