Qiao Xiyue smiled on the surface, looking very natural and generous, maintaining the reserved and dignified nature of her senior sister.

However, the moment he saw Shi Qiu, his heart immediately jumped.


It's just the little boy next door who came out of the anime!

What is wrong with a boy who looks so thoughtful?

What a foul!

Shi Qiu was stunned for a while, and then reacted: "Are you a senior sister in the same class as me?" "

Qiao Xiyue: "Hmph, clever." "

"I heard Sister Lan say that there is a new member of our team, still a freshman junior junior, so I will come over to say hello to you."

Shi Qiu smiled shyly: "Hello senior sister, my name is Shi Qiu." "

"My name is Qiao Xiyue, well... If you are the squad leader of our class, or you can say the captain, you are very welcome to join our class. Qiao Xiyue took the initiative to extend her hand.

Shi Qiu also stretched out his hand and made brief contact with Qiao Xiyue's white and tender little hand.

Qiao Xiyue blinked her eyes playfully: "I said, you don't plan to talk to me here just like that, right?" Are you going to invite me in? "

"Of course, please come in."

Shi Qiu turned sideways.

Qiao Xiyue walked into the house, but unexpectedly found that Shi Qiu had already sorted out all her luggage.

Water cups, computers, and books are neatly placed where they should be placed, and the room is obviously simply organized and clean.

"Wow, junior, did you clean up the room so quickly?" Qiao Xiyue couldn't help but sigh.

No girl doesn't like a clean guy.

"I can't imagine that this junior brother is so self-disciplined..." Thinking of his messy room, Qiao Xiyue couldn't help but blush.

Shi Qiu smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

Like most crossers, Shi Qiu was an orphan. Even in his previous life, he was an orphan and grew up in an orphanage, so his ability to take care of himself and be independent is relatively strong, but this also casts his more introverted personality.

"Oh, this is for you." Qiao Xiyue took out a card and handed it to Shi Qiu.

"What is it?"

"This is your student ID card, which is your proof as a student of Shancheng University, as well as the school's subsidy for soul contractors in the future, and you also need to sign for it through this card."

"For every soul contractor, the school will give out a generous subsidy every month." Qiao Xiyue smiled: "You should have heard all of this, right?" "

Shi Qiu nodded: "I've heard of some, but I don't understand." "

Qiao Xiyue explained: "The soul contractor is the key cultivation object of the empire, and every month, the empire will distribute cash subsidies, imperial point subsidies, and various cultivation resources to each student through the school. There are some valuable resources. "

"Of course, not every soul contractor receives the same subsidy, the higher the talent, the more attention will naturally be paid to by the school and the empire, and the more resources will naturally be obtained."

Qiao Xiyue smiled and said, "A person like you, junior brother, who has a total rating of S grade in the soul system, will naturally get the highest level of resources. "

Shi Qiu was silent for a moment: "But didn't the total rating of my previous test show 'unknown'?" "

"Even if the overall rating shows that it is unclear, the school has decided to classify you as an overall grade of S or above."

Qiao Xiyue said seriously: "Because only people with a total rating of S or above will have a vision like the one you did when you tested at noon." "

"As for why your system's overall rating doesn't show, I don't know."

Shi Qiu nodded thoughtfully.

Qiao Xiyue smiled playfully: "But as your senior sister and teammate, I have to remind you that the more resources you get, the more people will blush you." "

"The struggle within the university is brutal. I have even seen many geniuses above the A-level Qisoul level, and they have died in the conspiracy and calculation before they can survive in their freshman year. "

Shi Qiu was slightly startled.

I thought that the biggest enemy of human beings in this world is foreign enemies.

I didn't expect the internal competition to be so fierce.

Is it true that no matter where human beings go, they can't escape infighting?

"But you don't have to worry too much, you are my junior brother, I will definitely protect you." Qiao Xiyue patted her chest with a big grin, looking like a big sister.

Shi Qiu smiled: "Then thank you Senior Sister." "

"Hmm~ It's just the right time, let's go have dinner together?"

Qiao Xiyue blinked: "After eating, we can still go to the training gym together, in the future, we will be teammates, just in time to run in advance?" "

Shi Qiu hesitated: "Just... Both of us? "

"Of course."

"What about the other seniors? Belch...... I'm talking about other teammates in our class. "

"They..." Qiao Xiyue paused, and her eyes rolled quickly: "They all went to carry out tasks outside the school, and they couldn't come back for a while, so we will be together tonight." "

Shi Qiu scratched his head: "But Teacher Duan Lan didn't say that he would meet with the other senior sisters tonight..."

"Well, then she must have forgotten about it." Qiao Xiyue looked serious.

"Is this so..." Shi Qiu always felt that something was not quite right.

"Hey junior, what kind of expression are you?" Qiao Xiyue raised his face: "Don't you believe me?" "

“...... Of course not. Shi Qiu smiled bitterly.

"So what are you waiting for? Let's go! Qiao Xiyue happily took Shi Qiu's arm and pulled him out.

Shi Qiu's head was still confused, and he had already been taken out of the apartment by his senior sister.

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