“...... Senior sister, aren't we going to the training gym? "

After the two spent dinner together in the restaurant, Shi Qiu saw another side of this senior sister - the terrifying physique of the big stomach king, and then was pulled to the cinema in front of him.

Qiao Xiyue thought for a while: "Hmm... I suddenly remembered that the training gym is not open today, so we have to train in a different way. "

"Watching a movie... Also counted as training? "

"Of course." Qiao Xiyue was serious: "Proper mental relaxation is also one of the necessary training!" You have just entered the university and are about to face a thrilling task in the future, you must be very confused and nervous about the future road, how can you not relax and adjust? "

Shi Qiu: "..."

"Walk, go!" Qiao Xiyue's eyes lit up, holding Shi Qiu's arm, and rushed to the cinema excitedly: "The movie is about to start!" "

After watching the movie....

"Senior sister, I don't drink..."

"It's okay, you can't learn, wine is the best mental tonic ~"

"But... Ahh

"How does it taste?"

“...... Not bad. "

"Another drink then."


At this time.

Feixin chat group.

Lan Ningxue: "Hey, Sister Lan, where is the junior brother?" Didn't you say that he had already moved into the apartment? @段岚"

Duan Lan: "He has already moved in, and I personally took him into the apartment in the afternoon." "

Lan Ningxue: "But I just went to his room to knock on the door, and no one was there." "

Duan Lan: "??? "

Xia Yao: "I knocked on the door earlier, and there was no one." "

Lan Ningxue: "What's the matter, is it because the junior brother is too shy to see us hiding??" "

Xia Yao: "Sister Yue, have you seen your junior brother?" @乔夕月"

Qiao Xiyue did not respond.

Lan Ningxue: "What about Xiao Yue'er?" Why is she gone?? "

Yu Li: "Hmm... She seemed to tell me in the afternoon that she had something to go out for the evening and might come back later tonight... It may not come back. "

Lan Ningxue: "..."

Xia Yao: "..."

Lan Ningxue: "... I seem to understand what's going on. "

Xia Yao: "Ahhhhh Did you secretly take the junior brother away behind our backs? @乔夕月. "

However, Qiao Xiyue still did not reply to the message, but updated a circle of friends.

"Slightly drunk after drinking, sitting on the beach and watching the starry sky with a confidant friend I just met, what a happy and pleasant night, hee~"

It was accompanied by a photo of the beach.

Qiao Xiyue sat curled up on the beach, the sea breeze blew her long hair fluttering and flying, her incredibly white and tender face still had some drunken redness, she looked pure and lustful, and the night scene was almost incomparably beautiful with peerless beauty.

But this angle was obviously filmed with the help of someone.

Who it is, it goes without saying.

Lan Ningxue commented below: "Very good, I kind of know what plastic sister flowers mean, I can't imagine that you are such a Xiao Yue'er [smile]"

Xia Yao: "Sister Yue, you are too much, teasing the junior brother actually didn't bring me, and you actually ate alone!" [Angry] [angry]"

Duan Lan: "That... Xiyue, don't get your junior brother drunk, come back early, and take him to train tomorrow..."

Lan Ningxue: "Come back and let you know what is called the beating of society [smile]"


It was late at night.

On campus, the student council president's office is still lit.

A Sven-looking student is sitting behind his desk, reviewing documents one after another.

"Are there any good seedlings among this year's freshmen?" Sven's eyes were calm and asked lightly.

"Yes, all the statistics of the eight major campuses, a total of fifty-three individual ability ratings have reached A level, and four have a single ability rating of S grade, including one freshman, and the total rating of the Soul System has reached S grade or above, and it is still an auxiliary."

The pen in Sven Nan's hand suddenly stopped, and the eyes behind his glasses flashed a little stunned: "What do you say?" Overall Grade S Assist? Are you sure? "

As student council president, he knows all too well what an S-level assistant means!

For those guild bosses, the most attractive thing for them is not to recruit physical C positions and mage C positions, nor to control fields and meat shields, but to be an auxiliary with real potential!

After the soul contractor cultivated to a certain realm, it was quite difficult for the system to improve every level.

Recruiting an S-level assist is undoubtedly giving himself the ability to take his strength to a higher level or even several floors without upgrading!

A level 20 soul contractor, if it is accompanied by an S-level assist, even if it is only a level 10 S-level assist, there is a chance to cross the level and live a few moves with the level 25 soul contractor!

If it can really be cultivated, the threat of S-level auxiliary is far more terrifying than those C positions!

"Yes, senior." The student in front of him was a little surprised, he had rarely seen the president look so gaffe.

"Which campus?" Chief Sven asked.

"It's our main campus." The student replied, "And it's assigned to Senior Sister Qiao's class." "

Chief Si Wen was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but laugh: "Very good!" That's great! Help me talk to Xiyue, this freshman, no matter what, pull him into our student union!" Also, help me arrange it, I want to meet this new student, as soon as possible! "


At the same time, several other major forces in the school also got the news one after another.

The system's total rating of S-level soul contractors was originally as rare as a treasure.

S-class assistance is even rarer among rare!

So the major forces soon prepared to start the plan to rob people....

"S-class auxiliary?"

On the rooftop of an apartment in the junior year, a tall man as strong as King Kong sat up from the terrace chair and jerked over the student in front of him: "Aren't you kidding me?" How long has it been since our school had an S-level assistant!? "

The student shivered: "Boss, how dare I joke with you about this kind of thing... Today's freshman conference, many seniors and seniors saw it, and there was even a legendary vision on the scene! "

The man loosened his collar and laughed heartily: "Hahahaha... Good! This new student is going to be decided! "

The student said timidly: "But boss, this freshman has just been assigned to the class of the vice president of the student union, I am afraid that they will start faster than us..."

The man waved his hand and grinned: "I'm afraid of an egg, if it's a big deal, I'll rob them with it!" Lao Tzu's King Kong Rat has always been much more generous than the guys who slammed the door in the student union! Can't rob them yet? "

How could the S-class assist be spared? Grab it anyway!

"Help me investigate the full background of this new student, and bring him tomorrow... No, I'm going to meet him in his class in person! "

"Yes... Be! Top dog. "

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