She walked over to the windowsill of the room.

By the windowsill sits a vase with roses that Shiqiu gave her yesterday.

Lan Ningxue played with the petals of the rose with her fingers, secretly showing a silly smile from time to time, and taking the initiative to come up from time to time, sucking the good smell of the flowers with her small nose.

It turns out that this is how it feels to be in love!

I used to receive flowers a lot, so why didn't I feel this good way?


The office door was pushed open, and Yuli walked in: "Sister Lan, has the complete freshman information report been made?" Sister Xiyue was urging. "

"I..." Lan Ningxueqiao blushed.

This morning, she was thinking about her junior, how could she have the mind to make a report?

"Soon, you tell her, I'll bring it to her before dinner in the afternoon."

"Uh-huh, good."

Yu Li saw the flowers on the edge of the windowsill at this time, tilted his little head, and was curious: "Huh? Sister Lan, who sent your flowers? "

"Ah, this is..." Lan Ningxue pretended to be calm on the surface: "It's not who sent it, as far as I saw it on the road, I thought it looked good, and I bought it back by hand." "

"You buy yourself roses?" Yu Li wondered.

"Oh... yes..."

Although Yu Li usually speaks little, she is the most restrained and shy of the four girls in the class.

But her mind is more delicate, and she knows her sisters well.

Seeing Lan Ningxue's expression, he knew that it was definitely not that simple.

Yu Li smiled slightly: "Sister Lan, this flower should not be what you bought for yourself, right?" "

Lan Ningxue was shocked, and her heart was vainly defended: "Who said it wasn't?" I bought it myself..."

"You buy flowers for yourself, and you still need to be so carefully packaged?"

Yu Li pointed with his chin to the dismantled plastic bag in the garbage can.

Lan Ningxue opened her mouth and had nothing to say.

Yu Li looked at Lan Ningxue's speechless expression and smiled: "Sister Lan, in my impression, it seems that this is the first time you have accepted flowers from others." "

"Who is this boy?"

"He..." Lan Ningxue's eyes were flustered, embarrassed to say.

"Wouldn't it be..."

Yu Li suddenly remembered that yesterday in the cafeteria, Qiao Xiyue and Xia Yao's tacit understanding was troublesome.

"Could it be that it was sent by my junior brother?"

Where did Lan Ningxue think of Yu Li guessing, and her face instantly turned extremely red!

"Is that really him?" Yu Li was surprised: "Sister Lan, you won't... Really with my junior brother, right? "

"Shh! ~You... You whisper! "

Lan Ningxue covered Yu Li's mouth nervously, and said shyly: "Xiao Li, you have to keep it secret for me..."

"Well, I know." Yu Li obediently agreed.

Then she tilted her head again: "But, why... Could it be that the junior brother really ran to confess to you? ? "

Lan Ningxue's face turned red, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Then he said angrily: "I know, it must be something that Xiao Yao and Xiyue and those two guys did, right?" "

Yu Li smiled helplessly and nodded slightly.

Immediately, Yu Li told Lan Ningxue what happened in the cafeteria yesterday.

Yu Li sighed: "However, I thought that my junior brother was definitely going to hit a wall, and I wanted to persuade you not to be angry with my junior brother, but I didn't expect you to really..."

Lan Ningxue quickly defended when she heard this: "I looked at him seriously, I was afraid that if I refused him like that, he would be slumped, and then depressed, and then delay his cultivation, after all, we are in a class, if he is depressed, won't it drag us all down?" That's why I reluctantly thought of agreeing to him for the time being..."

Yu Li seemed to be stunned by Lan Ningxue's series of words, looked at her stunned, and didn't know whether to believe it or not, and nodded slowly with a dumb face.

"So it is..."

Lan Ningxue looked serious: "Well, that's it. "

Yu Li: "So you didn't make a report in the morning because of this?" "

Lan Ningxue: "..."

Yu Li smiled: "Okay, I see." That Sister Lan, do you want me to help you with the freshman information? It just so happens that I have nothing to do today. "

Lan Ningxue's eyes lit up: "Okay!" "

"Heehee, thank you Xiao Li, I know that you are the best, unlike those two dog things of Xiyue and Xiaoyao!"

"It's okay."

Yu Li said, sat down in front of Lan Ningxue's computer desk, and was about to start work, but suddenly froze.

On the screen, it was Lan Ningxue who brushed the B station in the morning and forgot to close the webpage.

One browser, a dozen unclosed web pages, all videos.

The title of the video is very eye-catching....

"My boyfriend doesn't return messages, what's the reason?"

"How do you fall in love with a guy younger than yourself?"

"When a girl is in love, should she take the initiative?"

"Girls, learn quickly! Learn these few tricks to make your boyfriend clingy in seconds! "


Yuli Cherry's small mouth opened slightly, looking at the screen stunned.

Lan Ningxue saw Yu Li in front of the computer in a daze for a long time, and wondered: "Xiao Li, what's wrong with you?" "

Yu Li: "Lan... Sister Lan, you forgot to close the webpage..."

"What page?"

Lan Ningxuehu was suspicious, and came over to take a look.

Yu Li: "..."

Lan Ningxue: "..."

Yu Li: "..."

Lan Ningxue: "..."

The two were silent for half a minute, and Yuli hesitated, trying to break the embarrassment: "... Sister Lan, actually..."

"Don't say it."

Lan Ningxue's face was expressionless: "You go, let me die alone for a while." "

Yu Li: "..."


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