The days flew by.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In universities, unless there are exams or emergencies, classes and practice are the mainstream.

As for tasks, the university stipulates that each class only needs to complete regular tasks twice a month, even if it is considered to be up to standard. Of course, if you are willing to do more, no one will stop you.

If the school has a special assignment to which class is an urgent task, it is calculated separately.

Under normal circumstances, even if the school only requires a class to do only two regular tasks per month, the amount of tasks done by each class in a month will definitely far exceed this number.

Because the credits earned on two tasks alone are simply not enough to "live" in college.

In the first year, the credits required for a class, even the most ordinary courses, need 5-10 credits.

And the ordinary freshman class can only earn 20 credits if they do a task and break the sky.

In other words, doing one task is enough for two or three lessons.

When the credits are spent, if you don't continue to do tasks to earn credits, you can't even afford to attend classes! You can only rely on yourself to cultivate and explore slowly.

Shi Qiu certainly didn't have this concern.

He also received his first month's allowance, which was so large that he was shocked.

As an S-class soul contractor, the university provided him with two million cash, 500 credits, and a large number of cultivation potions and recovery potions with various effects...

With nearly a thousand credits and more than two million in cash, Shiqiu can be described as rich, and the courses are almost full.

When other students must think carefully about what class they should take credits to take today every time they earn credits, the way to choose courses in Shiqiu is basically to hold the course selection table and tick all the way with a black water pen.

Cultivating potions, other students have to nervously calculate the time every time, pinching the time to cultivate, and Shi Qiu basically takes it as a cool white drink, puts it in a thermos cup and carries it with him...

Several times, Shi Qiu chose more advanced courses, and unexpectedly found that he was the only student who came to class in certain subjects....

So Shiqiu's daily life in these days has become very simple.

During the day, I chose classes everywhere, and when I was tired of class, I opened my mobile phone and sent a flying letter to my senior sister to talk about love, and chatted to make my senior sister play.

I returned to my apartment in the evening and practiced while taking drugs.

If you develop resistance, or continue to knock, it doesn't matter if you waste medicine, you can't waste time anyway.

When the medicine was completely ineffective, he fell into bed and slept.

Shi Qiu's comprehension ability was very strong, and after three days, he felt that he was about to upgrade again.

Open the system panel, your experience bar has come to "726/800".

Shi Qiu sighed secretly, the experience required for level 1 and level 2 upgrades was too different.

The average student progresses to level 3, I am afraid it will take two or three months.

And yet he did it in less than a week....

In addition to the abundant cultivation resources, it is more because Shiqiu has a third-world cheater and can hang up 24 hours to eat experience.

The only thing that made Shiqiu a little depressed was his "puppet martial corpse" skill, and he still hadn't found a suitable corpse as a contract object.

That evening, Shi Qiu finished the day as usual and prepared to return to the apartment after class.

Walking in a relatively remote place on campus, Shi Qiu suddenly sensed the existence of danger.

Due to the characteristics of the God of Death, Shi Qiu is very sensitive to killing intent.

And these killing intents are coming at him!

Shi Qiuyuguang swept away, and saw several boys surrounding him.

"Shiqiu, huh?" The leader was a flat-headed young man with a sneer, and several other boys also looked at it with bad intentions.

Shi Qiu looked at the flat head, using the cheat, he found that the other party turned out to be a level 7 soul contractor.

It should be a senior senior.

The remaining three are all level 1 Soul Covenanters, which should be freshmen, and the system ratings are all B-level, and they are all offensive Soul Covenant Souls.

"You know me?" Shi Qiu asked calmly.

"Know you? Ha! The most arrogant newcomer since the establishment of Shan Cheng University, who in the whole school does not know you now? The other party sneered.

"Looking for me?"

"Hehe, of course something." The flat-headed young man's eyes flashed with a cold light: "Moreover, you have a big deal!" "

Several students around showed sneers.

Shi Qiu: "Oh, then you say." "

"We're looking for you, but we can't say it here." The flat-headed young man pointed back with his thumb: "Change places with us." "

Although there is no monitoring here, it is still a place where people often pass by, and it is not easy to do it, in case it is discovered by the instructor when it is patrolled, it will be bad.

So the flat-headed man planned to take Shiqiu to a more remote place first.

"You'd better cooperate obediently, don't shout and shout, otherwise..." The flat-headed young man's eyes were cold, ready to threaten this junior to obediently follow him.

Who knew that Shi Qiu's eyes lit up and said, "Oh, it's not convenient here, right?" Okay, or shall we go outside the school? "

"Huh?" The flat-headed youth was stunned.

Several other boys were also surprised.

This is the first time they have seen such cooperation.

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