The remaining two points of Shiqiu have improved their "spirit" a little and their "agility" a little.

After today's battle, he realized the importance of basic attributes even more.

If it weren't for the fact that he had comprehensively improved the attribute panel before, I am afraid that he would have died tragically under the minions of the bloodthirsty leopard just now.

When he goes back tomorrow, it is estimated that he will also sign up for a few physical fitness courses.

As for these puppets....

Shi Qiu scratched his head, he really didn't know how to place them.

Unlike the undead, puppets have no way to summon them at any time and dissipate them at any time.

But you can't let them wander the streets, it will definitely scare people to death.

Anyway, the puppets don't have to eat, just find them a house to put it.

Anyway, there is no shortage of money now.

Finally, Shi Qiu calculated the results of today's "licking bag".

Shi Qiu opened the inventory of Shi Wenlei and the others one by one.

Generally, soul contractors kill each other, even if they kill each other, they cannot get the contents of the other party's inventory, and the system of soul contractors can only be opened with their own bound souls.

Unless the other party takes the initiative to give it to you.

But Shiqiu is different.

He can control the puppet, and naturally he can get the things in the puppet system.

There was nothing on those three newcomers, three poor eggs, hundreds of dollars each, a few packs of cigarettes, a few useless discount cards, and a mess of worthless clutter.

Shi Wenlei has a lot of good things in his inventory, 50,000 pieces on his body (bought murder and spent it), as well as all kinds of brand-name sneakers, clothes, figures, PS5... And perfume? I can't see that this guy is quite coquettish.

However, these things are not of much substantial significance to Shi Qiu, at most they are hung up on the system trading line and exchanged for cash.

Only an enchanted musket caught his attention.

That day, after Shi Wenlei left, Lan Ningxue turned around and asked people to send this thing back to Shi Wenlei's class.

Shi Qiu took the enchanted musket and checked the attributes with the system.

"Hmm... The material is good, but the properties are a little worse. "

Shi Qiu frowned: "Which craftsman did this, why is the workmanship so rough?" "

Shi Wenlei: "..."

However, Shi Qiu happened to have no long-range thermal weapons, and he could barely make do with it.

Shi Qiu opened the crooked man's inventory again.

He has 200,000 on him, and in addition to this, there are some equipment materials, all of which are inferior materials, and even Shi Qiu can't look at them.

There are also some daily necessities.

There is a USB flash drive.

Shi Qiu took out the USB flash drive and looked at it again, and then asked the crooked man curiously: "Is there anything useful here?" "

Crooked man: "Yes." "

Shi Qiu: "What? "

Crooked man: "I collected 80 G seeds for ten years. "

Shi Qiu: "..."

Crooked man: "Do you want to open it?" The password is..."

“...... No thanks. Shi Qiu threw the USB flash drive back to the crooked man: "You can keep it for yourself." "


Combat training hall.

Early in the morning, Duan Lan opened the door and walked into the training hall.

This is the dedicated training hall for their class, so no one else will occupy it.

Who knew that as soon as he turned on the light, he saw a figure sitting under the ring of the octagonal cage, which startled Duan Lan.

After taking a closer look, he found that it turned out to be Lan Ningxue.

I saw Lan Ningxue's chin on her knees, her arms hugging her knees, her eyes blank, as if she was in a daze.

"Cher?" Duan Lanhu exclaimed suspiciously.

Lan Ningxue heard someone call her, and only then came back to her senses: "Ah, Sister Lan..."

Duan Lan walked over with a smile: "Why did you come so early today?" "

Lan Ningxue smiled bitterly: "Yes, I can't sleep, so I came to train..."

Duan Lan was strange: "What's wrong with you, looking at you like this, it seems that there is something on your mind?" "

Immediately reached out and put his hand on her forehead: "Shouldn't it be sick?" "

"Sister Lan, I'm fine." Lan Ningxue thought about it, but couldn't help but ask, "That... Sister Lan, have you ever been in love? "

“...... Yes? Duan Lan was stunned when asked.

Seeing Duan Lan's reaction, Lan Ningxue asked curiously, "Sister Lan, shouldn't you have never talked about it?" "

"This..." Duan Lan was suddenly a little embarrassed.

Although she is the instructor of Lan Ningxue's class, she is actually only three years older than Lan Ningxue.

Moreover, most of her time in the past twenty-three years has been spent on cultivation, and she has no time to take care of the affairs of men and women.

Where is there time to fall in love?

But if you admit it, it seems to be inexplicably faceless....

If you are a guide in the elite class, don't you seem to have no experience at all?

"Ahem, of course I talked about it!" Duan Lan coughed lightly twice and said.

Lan Ningxue's eyes flashed with expectation, and asked, "Sister Lan, do you know how to talk about love?" "

"This..." Duan Lan was embarrassed.

How did she know this?

But then she also reacted and looked at Lan Ningxue with a strange look.

"Xue'er, why did you suddenly ask this?"

Duan Lan opened his mouth slightly, slightly surprised: "Should you..."

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