“...... Of course not! Sister Lan, don't think too much. "Lan Ning Xue Road.

Duan Lan was puzzled: "Then why did you suddenly ask this kind of question?" It's not like a question you'd ask. "


Lan Ningxue paused, and then said with a serious face: "Actually, it's because I have a friend who has recently fallen in love, but her relationship has encountered some problems, so she came to me for consultation." "


"So can you help me with that?"

"This..." The corner of Duan Lan's mouth twitched: "I'll try..."

"So what exactly is wrong with her?"

Lan Ningxue looked distressed, and said faintly: "It's that she and her boyfriend have just been together, but she has never been in love, and she doesn't know how to progress her relationship." "

"And her boyfriend never took the initiative to come to her, but it was obviously her boyfriend who took the initiative to confess..."

"Say, why the hell is that?"

Duan Lan: "Hmm..."

After thinking for a moment, Duan Lan immediately said seriously:

"According to what you say, then this boy must be a sea king, I don't know how many young ladies have been provoked outside!"

"Nope... No way!? Lan Ningxue was taken aback.

"Aren't all those emotional bloggers on Weibo saying that?"


Lan Ningxue was silent for a moment: "It won't." "

"He's not that kind of person, I know."

Lan Ningxue believed her vision very much, so she said in an affirmative tone.

"You?" Duan Lanhu looked at her suspiciously.

“...... Ah, it's not..."

Lan Ningxue hurriedly worded: "It was my friend who said that her boyfriend is not that kind of person." And very reliable, very handsome, not only restrained and calm, but also milky and cute! "

"And he is also very hardworking, extremely talented, and will definitely be a big man in the future!"

Duan Lan was stunned for a while: "... How is the image of this person so similar..."

"Oh, oh, Sister Lan, you don't care who this person looks like first."

Lan Ningxue was afraid that Duan Lan would think of something, so she hurriedly interrupted: "Tell me quickly, what should this friend of mine do?" "

"Well..." Duan Lan thought for a moment and said, "If you follow what your friend said, then this boy should have no love experience. "

"Yes, yes!" Lan Ningxue's eyes lit up, and she nodded busily: "You're right!" "

Duan Lan continued, "And boys, after all, you have to focus on strength, right? "

Lan Ningxue nodded approvingly: "That's natural. "

Not to mention men, even if she is a girl, she has grown up in such a privileged family environment since she was a child, and she dare not relax in the slightest!

The world is that cruel.

Without strength, you are nothing.

When the alien race kills in, without strength, it can only be a plaything to be slaughtered! What's the use of looking good? At that time, you can only become a prisoner! Slave!

Duan Lan continued: "So, in order to cultivate, the more motivated the boy, the less he naturally cares about how to please the girl. "

"They should need girls like Kennaisuke more."

"Hmm..." Lan Ningxue nodded thoughtfully: "So you mean, I should... Oh no, no, that friend of mine should be more proactive? "

"That's the truth."

"But... But what if she doesn't know how to take the initiative? Lan Ningxue's white face flushed: "She has never taken the initiative with any boy..."

Duan Lan was curious: "What kind of personality is that friend of yours?" "

Lan Ningxue was embarrassed: "Just... It's almost like me..."

"Oh, then it's no wonder."

Duan Lan said: "Xue'er, your personality to outsiders is too cold and strong. "

"Although it is indeed easier to calm down the junior brothers and sisters."

"But if it's a boyfriend... Boys should prefer girlfriends who can occasionally be coquettish, right? "

Lan Ningxue: "Σ(△|||) ︴"

“...... Coquetry?? "

Lan Ningxue's cheeks instantly burned as hot and red as a crayfish.

Steam suddenly came out overhead.

Duan Lan nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, who would like their girlfriend to be as cold as a big ice cube?" "

Lan Ningxue recalled her chat with her junior on Feixin.

Although they chatted every day, Lan Ningxue was too shy and worried about the reservedness of her senior sister's identity, so she never said anything too shameful...

"Is it because I am too burdened by my senior sister and don't have the appearance of a girlfriend, so my junior brother has not come to find me?" ......"

"But coquetry... What exactly should be done? "

Lan Ningxue imagined her coquettish appearance, her whole body shivered, and her face burned unconsciously.

"Strange..." Duan Lan saw Lan Ningxue's gaze dull, looking ahead, her face was as red as an apple, and she couldn't help but wonder, and put her hand on her forehead.

"Is this kid really sick..."

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