This day.

The autumn is still as usual.

In the morning, I took a class to strengthen my physique, and after class at noon, Shiqiu came to the training hall exclusive to my class.

As if nothing had happened.

Shi Wenlei and the pingtou man have been missing for two days.

Presumably, the Black Soul Society and Shi Wenlei's father had already noticed that something was wrong.

This matter cannot be hidden, and it is imagined that it will cause an uproar in the school in the near future.

However, Shi Qiu was not worried.

Not only are I not worried.

He also reported an idea of watching a good show....

The seniors should not have finished class yet, and the training hall was empty, only him.

Shiqiu turned on the lights, and the whole venue lit up.

He entered a testing room, and almost every training hall would have one such small room, which was used to test the power of the soul contractor's skills.

Shi Qiu came to the console, manually entered the physical defense of "100" points, the magic resistance of "100" points, and then pressed OK.

The reason why he entered 100 is because his current defense and demon resistance values are almost 100.

A humanoid target was immediately erected in the test room.

Shi Qiu took out the Scythe of Death, condensed his soul power, and slashed towards the target with a soul devouring slash.


The target was struck and the whole trembled, but the appearance did not appear to be damaged in the slightest.


"Physical damage 113 + magic damage 124!"

Shi Qiu squinted slightly.

His current upper limit of blood value is in his early 400s!

In other words, when facing an opponent similar to his own defense against demons, a soul devouring slash as long as it hits completely, it is enough to kill him for half his life!

Put away the scythe of death, Shi Qiu summoned the black spirit again.

Wuling instantly split into dozens of black crows, and hula-la flew towards the target.

Then it turned into black hell flames, burning on the humanoid target.

The system's synthetic beep sounded again, and the screen numbers kept beating at breakneck speed: "Sustained real damage!" 30、19、38、11、24、31、51、62......"

"Real damage?"

Shi Qiu groaned.

It seems that this move should ignore defense and demon resistance.

His black spirit is actually a "living" black flame.

Once burned by this flame, conventional methods cannot extinguish it.

If Shiqiu does not take it back, it will burn until everything burns out.

Unless it is the ability to use space, or the ability of time, to let the flame "cut" itself in space.

But as far as Shi Qiu knew, there were very few soul contractors like Xia Yao who could use spatial abilities.

Those who can really manipulate it are rare.

At this time, the system's prompt tone suddenly keeps popping up.

"Warning! Damage is about to reach the limit!! "

"Warning! The inside of the system is being destroyed!! "

"Warning! Please stop testing now!! ......"

"Warning! ......"

Shi Qiu was stunned.

Limit value?

He remembered that Teacher Duan Lan had not told him that the test target in this training room did not have an upper limit on the damage value?

Duan Lan said that this target was precisely manufactured by the mechanics of the empire and could absorb almost all the energy from outside.

So it is almost equivalent to a bottomless black hole, no matter how much impact it receives, it will not be destroyed.

The life of this machine can be used for almost several decades.

Qiao Xiyue and their group of seniors of more than ten levels fought against this thing every day, and there was no problem.

A Level 3 Soul Contractor, why shouldn't he break this thing?

"Warning! The system is being continuously hit..."

"Warning! Unrecognized energy detected is destroying internal components! Self-test reason: unknown! "

"Warning! The system is ... Nourish Nourishment......~~~!! "

Clouds of black smoke came out from behind the humanoid mechanical target....

It wasn't the smoke of the black flame...

Hellfire is smokeless.

That smoke... It's because the machine system was blown up ....

Shi Qiu was suddenly stunned.

Could it be that it is because the energy of the Grim Reaper does not belong to this world, so it cannot be absorbed? ......

Shi Qiu quickly summoned Wu Ling back.

But it was too late, the humanoid target had been burned beyond recognition, and there was a strong burning smell in the test room....

Several black lines appeared on Shi Qiu's head.

He seriously doubted that the machine was not targeting him....

You can't absorb hellfire, you said earlier!

Real damage is not considered energy?

What kind of inferior product is this??

"Hmm, curious flame


At this time, who knew that Qiao Xiyue's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Shi Qiu was stunned, turned around, and saw Qiao Xiyue standing behind him looking at him with a smile.

“...... Uh, Senior Sister, when did you come? "

"I've always been there, but I was a little tired just now, so I just found a place to rest for a while."

Qiao Xiyue said, raised her arms above her head and straightened them, closed her eyes, and stretched lazily.

The senior sister wears the standard fitness clothes for girls when they exercise, and the tights outline the perfect body curve, and this lazy waist is easy to make people's blood swell.

Shi Qiu thought to himself, where can a young and pure little virgin see this? Quickly sniffed.

Not snot, of course ....

Just suck back something that's about to come out of the hot air.

Qiao Xiyue didn't notice it at all, looking at the scorched target machine, curious: "What skill is that black fire just now?" Can you actually burn the target machine like this? "


ps: Ask for flowers and ask for tickets ~~~~~(TロT)σ

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