Shi Qiu: "Actually, that's not a skill..."

"That's my special ability to contract souls, undead summoned."

Qiao Xiyue was puzzled: "What is an undead?" "

Shi Qiu: "This..."

Shi Qiu didn't know how to explain it.

There are no gods in this world, and naturally there is no concept of the dead.

"Okay, I don't know how to explain it."

Qiao Xiyue tilted her head and wondered: "But junior brother, your soul is really strange, obviously it is just an auxiliary, why does it have such a powerful lethal ability?" "

"It's a pity that your other abilities have been hidden, and I'm really curious about what the ability of your other items is, in addition to assistance, what is the rating of the ability of other items."

Shi Qiu: "emmmmm..."

"That's right, junior." Qiao Xiyue smiled and said, "Now idle is idle, why don't we practice against each other?" "


"Yes, since ancient times, the most useful way to cultivate is actual combat."

Qiao Xiyue said: "And teammates practice against each other, which can help understand each other and increase cooperation..."

"Of course, universities are complicated after all, and if you have any abilities that you want to keep and don't want to show to others, that's fine."

"Senior sister, you said and laughed." Shi Qiu smiled: "We are originally teammates in the same class, if even the teammates in this class can't trust each other, then what else can we talk about going out on a mission together to resist foreign races?" And I don't take you as an outsider. "

Last time the three major forces pulled together, Shi Qiu himself as a newcomer, if Qiao Xiyue wanted to coax himself into the student union, it would be easy.

But she didn't do that, and gave herself advice sincerely.

And after getting along in the past few days, Shi Qiu can also truly feel the sincerity of several senior sisters.

Unlike the student council president who wanted to woo him that day, their eyes were full of interests when they stared at themselves.


While talking like this, the two walked into the actual combat training room together.

The two stood ten meters apart.

Shi Qiu took a deep breath and raised his hand to prepare to condense his soul qi: "Senior sister, then I want to go up." "

After saying that, I was ready to start.

"Wait a minute." Qiao Xiyue interrupted suddenly.

Shi Qiu: "? "

The corner of Qiao Xiyue's mouth slightly curved up in a good-looking arc: "Before I start, I have to tell you about the 'class rules' of our class." "

"Huh??" Shi Qiu was a little confused: "Sparring ... And class rules? "

"Of course there is." Qiao Xiyue was serious: "And it is a very important class rule." "

Shi Qiu: "... That senior sister, what are the class rules? "

Qiao Xiyue had an evil smile on her face: "The team members in our class often compete with each other, but those who lose must be punished." "

Shi Qiu looked strange, looking at Senior Sister's bad expression, he had a hunch that this "class rule" was definitely not a good thing...


"yes, well... In fact, it's Truth or Dare. "

"Truth or dare?"

Shi Qiu was stunned for a moment, and at the same time his heart was relieved.

I didn't expect such an easy punishment.

That's easy.

Big deal, when the time comes, if you lose, just choose the truth.

Anyway, he has no secrets to tell. And his biggest secret, Senior Sister will definitely not ask.

"Are you thinking, it's a big deal to lose, just choose the truth?"

Qiao Xiyue raised her eyebrows, and her eyes saw through everything.

Shi Qiu: "..."

"I advise you not to, because this is not ordinary 'truth'."

Qiao Xiyue squinted: "If you choose 'Truth or Truth', the losing party will be bound to the 'Truth or Truth Contract' sold by the winning party with the system mall, and at that time, as long as the winning party thinks, all the mental fluctuations of the losing party will be sensed by the winning party's insight." "

The corner of Shi Qiu's mouth twitched: "The system mall still sells this kind of thing..."

Qiao Xiyue: "Of course, the mall sells everything." "

Shi Qiu: "... So how long is the time limit of this contract? "

Qiao Xiyue smiled: "Permanently." "

Shi Qiu: "..."

"So you get the idea." Qiao Xiyue spread her hands: "No one in our class has chosen the truth so far." "

Shi Qiu smiled bitterly, and asked tentatively: "... What is the general punishment for that big adventure? "

"Don't worry, it's usually just a small punishment game."

"Oh..." Shi Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"The specifics are generally decided by the winning side. Not...... I thought, by the way, the last time Cher lost to me, I just asked her to wash my feet every night in a gothic white silk maid outfit for a month. "

Shi Qiu: "??? "

Shi Qiu looked shocked.

Imagine Lan Ningxue, who is usually cold, beautiful, dignified and elegant in front of her junior brothers and sisters, wearing a maid costume and washing Qiao Xiyue's feet on the ground...


Qiao Xiyue gnawed her fingers, as if remembering something: "When Xia Yao lost to me last time... Oh yes, last month, I asked her to help me do ASMR for an hour before bed every day, and for a month. "

Shi Qiu: "..."

"As for Xiao Li..."

Qiao Xiyue sighed and shook her head: "She has also lost to me several times before, but I can't bear to start just by looking at that girl's pitiful and helpless face, and only let her help me provide a service called chuang every morning, just let her do it for a week." "

Hearing this, Shi Qiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This should be the wake-up service, which is indeed relatively light.

But suddenly, Shi Qiu felt that things were not so simple.

He couldn't help but ask with a strange expression: "This is called... Service, is it the serious kind? "

"What's the meaning of the serious kind?" Qiao Xiyue took it for granted: "Of course it's the unorthodox kind!" "

Shi Qiu: "..."


“...... What a shame! "

"That's why that's interesting. And..."

Qiao Xiyue smiled slightly: "I just like to see others so ashamed that they use their toes to pull out a toilet." "

Shiqiu: o((⊙_⊙))oshak.jpg....

Qiao Xiyue gently pulled her hair behind her head and tied a low ponytail: "Okay, the class rules have already been introduced to you, then we will start now... Hey? Junior, why have you been backing away? "

Qiao Xiyue looked at Shi Qiu who had retreated to the door with a surprised expression.

Shi Qiu: "... Senior sister, can I escape on the spot? "

"Nope." Qiao Xiyue smiled: "The door has been locked by me." "


Shi Qiu smiled bitterly: "... So, what happens if I don't enforce the class rules? "

"How does that work?" Qiao Xiyue said seriously: "We soul contractors are all warriors, and what warriors have to abide by is discipline!" Class rules are discipline! If you refuse the class rules, then I can only use the unspoken rules. "

Shi Qiu: "..."

Qiao Xiyue: "Say, do you want to obey the class rules, or do you want to be submerged by me?" "

Shi Qiu leaned back against the door, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Senior sister, don't joke... I'm a low-level auxiliary soul contractor, how can I be your opponent? "

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