Qiao Xiyue "poofed" and smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm not such an unfair person."

"I will naturally suppress the level to the same level as you, and I will not use high-level soul techniques, our class has always practiced like this."

When Shi Qiu heard this, he was relieved.

There is a difference between a level 3 soul contract and a level 16 soul contractor, and if Qiao Xiyue really uses a level 16 strength to fight against him, then he has no chance of winning at all.

“...... All right. Shi Qiu knew there was no turning back.

Senior sister's routine can never be completed....

Shi Qiu slowly exhaled, stood up, and his eyes lit up: "Senior sister, stay merciful." "

Qiao Xiyue smiled: "Don't worry, I've always been gentle." "

“...... I believe you are a ghost! Shi Qiu said in his heart.

Shi Qiu suddenly smiled and playfully: "Senior sister, I still want to ask, when you lose, Senior Sister Lan usually mentions what punishment?" "

"Oh, they've tried to take revenge on me many times, but unfortunately, they haven't won me once." Qiao Xiyue shrugged.

Shi Qiu: "... That senior sister, if your first time is so gone, you shouldn't retaliate against me, right? "

Qiao Xiyue squinted: "Hmph, the tone is not small, junior brother." "

"Then let me see how much strength your other hidden attributes have."

Saying that, Qiao Xiyue's beautiful eyes closed, and as soon as she opened them, an extremely terrifying soul power suddenly erupted!

A wave of soul power almost didn't lift Shi Qiu out.

But soon, Qiao Xiyue suppressed his soul power and suppressed the level at level 1 before stopping.

Shi Qiu was puzzled: "Senior sister, why did you only use level 1 soul power?" "

Qiao Xiyue smiled a little: "Even if I suppress the soul power level, my physical attribute strength as a level 16 soul contractor is still much higher than yours, so even if I suppress it to a level lower than you, in fact, I still take advantage." "

"1 level lower than you, it is considered to be fair, lest you not admit it when you get it."

Shi Qiu shook his head: "That's not necessary. Senior sister, it's good that you use level 3 soul power. "

"Huh?" Qiao Xiyue raised her eyebrows: "Junior brother, I found that your tone is really big." "

"No, I mean, because..."

Shi Qiu said, and also displayed his soul power level: "I am already a level 3 soul contractor. "

Qiao Xiyue was stunned for a moment, and then her expression suddenly changed from surprise to shock!

It's only been a week since Shiqiu enrolled!

When ordinary freshmen were still struggling to impact level 2, Shi Qiu had already successfully broken through level 3!

Is there any reason for this, hey?!!

That's a level that others can only do in two or three months!

Even himself, it took a month for the villain to barely touch the edge of a Level 3 soul contractor...

"You... When did it break through? Qiao Xiyue's expression was complicated.

Shi Qiu touched his nose: "Hmm... Yesterday, in fact, I don't feel that I have consolidated my strength much. "

Qiao Xiyue took a deep look at Shi Qiu.

He had just risen to level 3, and before he had consolidated his strength, he dared to let himself use his level 3 strength to fight him...

But at this moment, Qiao Xiyue did not dare to despise Shi Qiu anymore.

Originally, she was just playing with a mentality.

But now....

Level 1 single-kill level 17 alien beasts, and at the same time be seen by the three major forces, and at the same time reject them all, breaking through from level 1 to level 3 within a week....

The things that were found in him seemed to be so legendary....

In such a person, anything outrageous can happen!

If you do lose, it's not a joke!

Qiao Xiyue's eyes became serious.


Shi Qiu was no longer verbose, raised his hand, and the black qi was full of black qi.

As the black mist spread, the Scythe of Death appeared in his hand.

At the same time, he gave himself a buff that strengthened his attributes.

"Buffs: Temporary Double Attack +11%, Temporary Speed +9%, Temporary Soul +12%, Temporary Health Cap +8%, Temporary Reaction +14%, Temporary Defense +5%, Temporary Resistance +5%, Temporary Pain -7%..."

"The undead awakened..." Shi Qiu murmured.

"Shadow Spirit! Possessed! "

As the black mist surged, a strange black shadow shrouded Shi Qiu's body.

Shi Qiu got a hint in his mind:

"Buffs: Temporary Agility +113, Temporary Speed +70%, Temporary Presence -50%!"

From Qiao Xiyue's perspective, it was as if Shi Qiu's whole person melted into the darkness...

"Curious Special's ability..." Qiao Xiyue felt a little novel.

This ability is a bit like my own... But it seems that something is different....

After the shadow spirit completed the possession, Shi Qiu slowly raised his head, and his eyes were cold: "Senior sister, be careful!" "

Saying that, he stepped on his feet and instantly rushed towards Qiao Xiyue.

In just half a breath, he had already arrived in front of Qiao Xiyue, so fast that he almost dragged an invisible, afterimage behind him!

Qiao Xiyue's heart jumped suddenly: "There is such a speed..."

Shi Qiu swung his scythe extremely quickly and slashed towards Qiao Xiyue!

He didn't have any spare hands.

Senior Sister is a level 16 soul contractor, even if she suppresses the soul level, the basic attributes such as reaction power are far more than him several times, if she can't dodge like this, then she has practiced for nothing in the past three years.

Sure enough, Shi Qiu slashed the air with one blow.

Obviously, just now Qiao Xiyue was still in front of her, and the moment she waved the knife, she disappeared in an instant!

It's as if it disappeared out of thin air!

And Shi Qiu's scythe seemed to have only cut through a shadow...


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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