The shadow dissipated like smoke....

Shi Qiu's afterlight swept away, sensing the soul power reactions around him, and judging the position of the senior sister.


Shi Qiu narrowed his eyes, turned around suddenly, and a soul devouring slash came out almost instantly!

This soul devouring slash was attached to the ground, and the floor of the actual combat room alloy was scraped with countless sparks.

Another black shadow was instantly slashed and torn apart.

But this time, a silhouette broke out of it, deftly dodged the blow, and did not die with the shadow.

Qiao Xiyue landed like a sturdy female leopard, her movements were light and dashing, and her long hair flew.

However, her face was a little solemn.

Although her strength was suppressed to level 3, with her soul-crushing characteristics, after blending into the shadows, it was almost impossible for anyone below level 20 to detect her.

However, Shi Qiu sensed it...

"Senior sister, if you don't make a move again, you will really lose." Shi Qiu smiled.

"Hmph, junior, then I really have to be serious, don't blame me."

Qiao Xiyue said, her hand turned over, and a black broken sword appeared in her hand.

She raised her hand and flicked it, and the short sword shot towards Shi Qiu.

Shi Qiu quickly turned around and dodged.

"Strange, although the speed of this flying sword is not slow, for Senior Sister, the degree should not be just like this..."

Shi Qiu muttered in his heart.

But in the next second, Qiao Xiyue suddenly appeared behind Shi Qiu!

The little white hand grabbed the short sword and then pressed it against his neck.

“!?" Shi Qiu was shocked.


Just now Shiqiu made sure that he didn't look away, that is not something that can be done with fast movement speed at all, it is proper teleportation!

Qiao Xiyue smiled playfully: "Junior, you lost~"

Shi Qiu felt the coldness coming from his neck, but the corners of his mouth grinned: "Senior sister, not necessarily, right?" "

"Huh?" Qiao Xiyue was stunned.

Then, she immediately felt that her arm holding the knife was pulled violently!

And the one who pulled her arm's clothes was a crow....

The blade suddenly left Shi Qiu's neck.

And Shi Qiu also took advantage of this moment, quickly dodged and rushed out more than ten meters away...

“...... What is it? Qiao Xiyue frowned, turned her head, but found dozens of crows surrounding her.

Shi Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, just before the start of the war, the Wu Spirit was summoned and let it hide in the black fog around it.

Otherwise, the blow just now would really divide the winner and loser.

However, if you don't know what happened to Senior Sister's teleportation just now, I'm afraid you will still be restrained by her...

"Master, it's a shadow." A husky voice came.

Shi Qiu's heart jerked.

This voice....

It's the undead who are talking!

"Shadow Spirit?" Shi Qiu knew that the host of the Grim Reaper could communicate with the undead.

"It's me, master."

"Do you know what she just moved?"

"Yes." Shadow Spirit: "I am very sensitive to shadows. Her ability should be to blend into any shadow at any time, and at the same time she can shuttle back and forth in the shadow she has marked..."

Shi Qiu raised his eyebrows.

With the explanation of the shadow spirit, he gradually understood...

"If you say so, the short sword that Senior Sister just threw should be just a pretense, and the important thing is not the sword, but the shadow brought over with the sword..."

"The shadow of the short sword touched my shadow and marked my shadow, so that Senior Sister could instantly shuttle."

"So it is, got it."

Shi Qiu muttered softly: "In this way, it is simple..."

He looked down at the shadow on the soles of his feet.

Qiao Xiyue was surrounded by Wuling, but those Wuling did not immediately swarm up.

Hellfire is different from other flames, this thing is too damaging and even the target machine can burn down.

If ordinary flames are burned, with a healing technique, the wound can heal quickly.

is to break hands and feet, a bottle of healing liquid can be connected, and everyone washes their hands and God of War.

But being burned by hellfire cannot be recovered with healing. Just like the puppet who was burned to death by Shi Qiu that night, that guy's whole body burned like black charcoal, but he could never recover.

Therefore, Shi Qiu did not dare to use this trick indiscriminately on Senior Sister.

What if you disfigure the girl?

Looking at the surrounded senior sister, Shi Qiu smiled slightly: "Senior sister, do you want to admit defeat yourself?" "

Qiao Xiyue's eyes flashed with playfulness: "Junior brother, don't underestimate your senior sister..."

Saying that, Qiao Xiyue's figure instantly dissipated into a shadow again, scattering like ink drops.

Immediately afterwards, the next moment flashed out from the shadow behind Shi Qiu.

"It's over!"

The corners of Qiao Xiyue's small mouth turned up slightly, and his eyes flashed with pride, and he held the short sword back, ready to hit the neck with the hilt and knock the junior brother unconscious.

However, unexpectedly, Shi Qiu suddenly turned around and retreated, as if she had already known that she would come out of there, and at the same time the scythe was picked up!


The short sword was actually broken by a scythe, and it was as easy as picking off a chopstick! Suddenly made a crisp sound!

The short sword half fell at his feet, and half flew out several meters away.

The blade light and shadow passed in front of the tip of Qiao Xiyue's nose, and did not hurt her.

However, Qiao Xiyue felt that the depths of her soul seemed to be suffering from the pain of being cut, and suddenly her eyebrows frowned slightly, and she snorted.


"This is..." Qiao Xiyue was secretly startled.


The soul was strongly oppressed, Qiao Xiyue subconsciously burst out with all her strength, and the level 16 soul power exploded, and with a "boom", Shi Qiu flew out several meters away, until it hit the wall of the actual combat room before stopping.

Shi Qiu slid down the wall and sat on the ground, with a bitter face: "Ahem... Senior sister, you don't talk about martial virtue..."

Qiao Xiyue rushed, and after about three or four seconds, the pain in the depths of his soul finally eased a little, and his consciousness gradually cleared up.

Only then did she come to her senses, quickly ran to Shi Qiu's side to help him up, and said with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry junior brother, I didn't know what happened just now... You're not hurt, are you? "

Shi Qiu did not speak, but looked ahead stunnedly.

Qiao Xiyue was puzzled: "Junior brother, what's wrong with you?" "

I thought to myself, maybe I was too ruthless just now and beat my junior brother stupidly?

After half a ring, coming back to his senses, Shi Qiu said a little embarrassed: "That... Senior sister, your clothes..."

Qiao Xiyue was stunned and looked down.

It turned out that she had just been scythe-stricken, and not only did she break her short sword, but even her shirt was torn....


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