"Cool down?" Xia Yao was puzzled: "It's not hot today." "

Qiao Xiyue did not entangle with her on this topic, and said lightly: "You just said what happened to the school today?" "

"Oh..." Xia Yao said, "There are a bunch of pickets from the school today, it seems that something big has happened." "

"Pickets?" Qiao Xiyue was stunned.

She walked to the windowsill of her room and looked downstairs.

Sure enough, I saw several red and blue police lights flashing.

"What happened again..." muttered Qiao Xiyue.



Rotten buildings, ruins.

A cordon was drawn outside, and a group of pickets, as well as the school's military instructors, and several teachers came here.

"This should be the place where the crime occurred." A middle-aged picket turned around and said to the military instructor and the others behind him.

The military instructor swept away.

There are many traces of fighting in this ruin, and there are still traces of blood, and it seems that this place should be a vicious battle.

Of course, it is also possible that there may be unilateral massacres.

"We found this too." The middle-aged man picked up a transparent storage bag and saw that it contained a blood-stained dagger: "After analysis, as well as the comparison of the gene bank, the blood stain on it is Shi Wenlei, and the fingerprint on it is A Ping (flat-headed man), a member of the Black Soul Society." "

Military instructor: "So, it was the people of the Black Soul Society who killed Shi Wenlei, and then absconded in fear of crime?" "

The middle-aged man was silent for a while: "It seems that this is true at present. "

"In addition, the blood stains of three other missing people were found at the scene, all three of them were level 1 soul contractors, plus that level 7 soul contractor of Aping, just enough to have the ability to kill."

"What do you say? Did someone from the Black Soul Society do it!? A voice like thunder sounded.

I saw a big man with a hideous and rough face walking over, with a knife scar on his face, and he was hideous: "Captain Li, what you just said is true?" Did my son die at the hands of the Black Soul Society's cubs? "

Team Lee: "... Combined with all the clues so far, the initial judgment is that this is correct. "

Father Shi sneered: "So it is, I know!" After that, he turned around and walked away.

A team member next to him walked over with a complicated expression and said in a low voice: "Captain, this stone crack is not a fuel-saving lamp, if you say so, I am afraid that he will directly kill the Black Soul Society..."

"I know." Team Li glanced at him: "But you can stop it?" Even if I don't say it, he can find it with a little relationship, and the traces on the scene are almost obvious as if he was telling others. "

The team members had nothing to say.

The martial instructor snorted coldly, what kind of virtue the Black Soul Society is, he knows very well, so he is not the slightest surprise that he can do this kind of thing.

"Since this matter has already had a result, then the next thing will bother you to investigate." The military instructor said to Team Li: "If there is news, remember to inform us, if you need anything, you can just say, we will fully cooperate." "

Team Li nodded: "Good." "

The military instructor waved his hand, turned around and left with a group of teachers.

Team Li stayed where he was, pondering.

The famous halls that the Black Soul Society secretly did were actually known to their pickets.

But there has been no evidence, and I have not been able to catch the handle.

So...... Did Shi Wenlei provoke the people of the Black Soul Society? Or did someone find the Black Soul Society to buy Shi Wenlei's life?

The female team member next to him asked curiously: "Team Li, is this matter closed?" "

Team Li didn't say anything and shook his head.

The female team member was stunned: "How?" "

Team Li shook the bag in his hand: "Have you seen anyone who killed someone and would leave the murder weapon at the scene?" "


"And the scene has hardly been cleaned up at all." Team Li scanned the surrounding ruins: "This is clearly left for us to see." "

"You mean... Maybe the murderers are not those people from the Black Soul Society? The female team member was shocked.

Captain Li took out a huazi, stuffed it into his mouth and lit it, and took a deep breath: "No... It's not right, what I saw on the surveillance was indeed that the people from the Black Soul Society went to Shi Wenlei's apartment and took him away..."

But he didn't understand it even more.

The people in the Black Soul Society are all veterans, how could they make such a low-level mistake? Will it actually be photographed by surveillance?

There are obviously so many doubts.

But it seems that the evidence is conclusive....

What the hell is going on here???


"It doesn't matter how suspicious there are..." Shi Qiu lazily lay on the balcony of his room, watching the cars driving downstairs.

"It is enough for the believer who should believe."

Through Shi Wenlei's memory, he had long understood what kind of person Shi Wenlei's father was.

Manic, irritable, savage, self-righteous, full of thoughts that he is the best, and if he doesn't agree with him, he will do it....

But it should be said that the strength is quite strong.

This kind of person does not use it as a gun, it is simply a waste of resources....

Shi Qiu muttered softly: "I hope you like the return gift I gave you." "

"The seniors of the Black Soul Society..."



The door of the apartment was kicked open.

A man flew straight into the room from the outside and fell at the feet of the short man.

The short man looked down at his subordinates at his feet, and his face suddenly changed color.

It was Shi Zhenxiao who broke in, this strong man who was as tall as an iron tower at one meter and nine meters!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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