"What are you?" The short man stood up and stared at this person angrily: "Dare to go to the place of our Black Soul Society to spread wilderness? "

Shi Zhen cracked his eyes: "Lao Tzu is looking for your Black Soul Society!" "

"Huh?" The short man frowned.

What is the origin of this person, knowing the name of the Black Soul Society, he is not afraid of death to rush in?

And this person doesn't look like a student....

"My son is missing, is that what you did?" Shi Zhencrack questioned.

"This..." The short man understood what was going on.

Presumably, this person is Shi Wenlei's father!

Two days ago, the flat-headed man disappeared, and the short man also felt inexplicable, and it was clear that the flat-headed man took Shi Wenlei away on the surveillance.

However, the phone call of the flat-headed man has always been unanswered.

He also sent people to look for a long time, but there was no result.

Shi Wenlei and the flat-headed man seemed to have evaporated from the world....

"It seems that you admitted it!" Shi Zhen's eyes sank: "Where did you hide my son?" Hurry up and hand people over! Otherwise I'll tear down your broken place!" "

Before the short man could speak, a little brother next to him couldn't help but scold: "you Mad, what are you, dare to threaten our vice president?" "

Shi Zhencrack glanced at the man coldly: "What am I?" Ha! "

The muscles in his arm quickly bulged and gradually formed a substance like the surface of steel.

The soul power of the whole body exploded, and the strength of up to level 19 was fully revealed!

A powerful wave of qi swept around, almost knocking everyone in the room to the ground!

Immediately, Shi Zhen cracked a stride, and came to the body of the mouthy little brother, and a big ear scraper fanned his face...

"Bang-" I saw that the little brother let out a muffled snort, made a bone-shattering sound, turned 720 in the air, fell to the ground without moving, and fell out several back molars.

Of course, Shi Zhenzhen did not kill him, after all, so many people were present.

Immediately he snorted coldly: "Hmph, don't measure yourself!" "

The short man's face was a little ugly.

The coercion of the level 19 soul contractor made him a little breathless.

Only then did he think that Shi Wenlei and his father were the head of the black market dealers, how could he not have some strength?

"What..." the short man broke out in a cold sweat: "Mr. Shi, this matter may be a bit misunderstood... Your son is not hidden by us..."

"Misunderstanding?" Shi Zhencrack stared at the calf-like eyes: "The monitoring is clear, you misunderstood Lao Tzu!?" "

The short man didn't know how to explain it.

"You Black Soul Society is doing business, and you dare to move the soil to Lao Tzu's head, it's really a bit of a backstage that doesn't know what your surname is, right!?" Shi Zhencrack: "If you don't give me an explanation today, I will tear this place down, and tonight you will all sleep under the tiles!" "

The short man's face sank, knowing that he was completely unable to communicate with this man full of rivers and lakes: "Oh..."

"Arrogant old fellow, really think that our Black Soul Society is afraid of you, right? ......"


Ten minutes later....

The room had become a mess, the walls had been pierced through several large holes, furniture and everything had been smashed, and members of the Black Soul Society had fallen to the ground, crying and wailing...

Shi Zhen cracked around the short man's neck and lifted him high in the air.

"Old... Old brother..." The short man was pinched and gasped, helplessly begging for mercy: "There are words... Ahem... There is something to say! "

"Well said?"

Shi Zhen said angrily: "I asked you to say it well just now, why didn't you say it?" "

The short man cried and said, "I really don't know where Shi Wenlei and they went..."

The short man just can't figure it out.

How did things turn out like this!!

"Fart! Is it your people who are on the surveillance? "

“...... Yes, but I can't get in touch either..."

"Then why do you dare to quibble??" Shi Zhencrack said, and the steely arm was a little harder.

"Uh..." the short man rolled his eyes, his throat almost cracked.

At this moment, an eerie aura enveloped the entire room....

"Huh?" Shi Zhen Crack also sensed a powerful soul power fluctuation.

He turned his head and saw a man who was as thin as a skeleton, but with a very heavy yin qi, came out of some dark place, his face expressionless.

"Senior Black Bone..." the short man let out a faint breath: "Help..."

Shi Zhen cracked and looked: "You are Black Bone, the president of the Black Soul Society?" "

Black Bone didn't speak, just stared at Shi Zhen Crack sadly.

"I've advised you enough, Shi Zhen cracked." Another voice came.

Shi Zhencrack turned his head again, and saw a man with a tiger's back and a bear's waist like him, a martial arts instructor of Shan Cheng University.

"It's you." Shi Zhencrack raised his eyebrows: "You also have to be nosy?" "

With a cigarette in his mouth, the military instructor took out a lighter and lit it: "No matter how big a grudge you have with them, go outside and settle it, I don't care what you want." "

"But not here, this is Single City University."

Shi Zhencrack stared at him for a while, and snorted coldly: "Okay." Then let go of the short man: "We have time." "

"Don't fall into my hands when you're outside, otherwise... Hum! "

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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