Shi Qiu nodded thoughtfully, and asked again, "What are we going to buy today?" "

Lan Ningxue replied, "Strong anti-radiation potion, powerful soul power node enhancer, powerful adrenaline, strong effect..."

"There is also a set of communication equipment that can be used in high-radiation environments."

Most of these things are relatively common.

However, it belongs to the control resources of the empire, so only soul contractors with imperial points can buy them.

Shi Qiu and Lan Ningxue walked around the mall together for a while, and basically found everything on the shopping list.

After finding something to use, the two did not rush to leave.

Shi Qiu is still coming to the Empire Mall for the first time, and he wants to go around casually.

He found quite a few interesting things here.

Ordinary guns, weapons, and armor are definitely not sold here, and those things can be easily bought in the system mall or trading houses.

Therefore, the entire mall basically did not see the shadow of any weapons and equipment, and there were very few.

Most of the products are potions with various strange effects!

Some of them are animal bones brought out of the alien space door, or some special metal materials.

In short, they are some regulated items.

The regulation of these things is also to reduce the number of important resources falling into the hands of some lawbreakers, such as the stone crack.

"Permanent Mental Power Cap Amplifier..."

"Perpetual Spiritual Growth Speed Blessing Elixir..."

Shi Qiu picked up the two bottles of potions.

Now he urgently needs more spiritual power, so that he can control more puppets at once.

The price is not expensive, just a bottle of 100 imperial points.

Although the upper limit of the addition is not high....

Shi Qiu's body has a total of 700 points, which can be regarded as a rich man for a freshman.

But when you actually come here, you can't actually buy much.

Lan Ningxue asked curiously, "Junior, what are you going to buy so many spiritual power potions for?" Do you want to take the mage route? "

Shi Qiu smiled: "With higher spiritual power, when I fight in the future, I can give you a few more blessings to Senior Sister!" "

"..." When Lan Ningxue heard this, her face turned red, and she subconsciously thought of the first time she threw her blessing to him at the space gate...

Shi Qiu's gaze swept around a large pile of potions, and all kinds of strange effects also opened his eyes.

There are even drugs that increase natural lifespan....

However, the price is also completely unaffordable in the current autumn.

"This is..." Shi Qiu picked up a tube of injection that looked special.

When he picks it up, the system in his mind gives the attributes of his item.

"Name: Soul Hidden Attribute Activation Potion."

"Rating: Rare"

"Effect: After use, there is a certain probability of activating its own Soul Hidden Feature."

"Success rate: 5%-15%"

"Note: Soul Contracts without hidden properties are not valid when used."

"Price: 1000 imperial points or 500 imperial points + half a million imperial coins."

Shi Qiu turned around and asked, "Senior sister, what is the hidden characteristic of the Soul Qiu?" "

It's been a week since he came to college, but he's never heard of it.

Lan Ningxue looked at the potion Shi Qiu held in her hand and explained, "Oh, that can be regarded as the hidden ability of the soul, it can also be said to be a passive skill. "

"Passive skills?"

"Yes, but this passive skill, when you just awaken the Qisoul, will be hidden, and it can only be activated through the kind of potion you have in your hand."

Lan Ningxue sorted out the wording and continued, "For example, my soul trait is to make the bullet carry ice attribute damage, and when hit, it will reduce the opponent's ice resistance by 10%; The soul characteristic of the sunset moon is that after entering the 'phantom' state, it will quickly recover its soul power every second..."

Shi Qiu nodded thoughtfully: "So that's the case, passive skills..."

"However, the success rate of this activation potion is very low, and it is very expensive to successfully activate it."

"And there are some souls, born without passive skills..."

Lan Ningxue smiled bitterly: "So no matter how many times they use it, it's useless... The most important thing is that they simply can't judge whether after the activation fails, whether their face is black, or their soul is not passive at all..."

Shi Qiu smiled bitterly: "Then isn't this thing just gambling on luck?" "

Lan Ningxue: "Yes, you still have to bet on the luck of both sides." I've seen someone spend tens of thousands of imperial points without successfully activating passive skills, and finally he knows that his soul is not passive... Then he exploded mentally and shot himself to death with instant noodles. "

Shi Qiu: "... Wretched. "

But in the end, Shi Qiu still bought the tube of activator.

He was not worried at all that his soul was not passive.

Just kidding, will the "gods" have no passive skills? That's still an egg-and-egg god....

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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