Leaving the Empire Mall, it was already dusk.

Shi Qiu saw the food street in the distance: "Senior sister, let's go back after eating outside?" "

"Hmm..." Lan Ningxue answered, feeling very happy, she also wanted to spend some more time alone with her junior brother.

This food street is famous in Shan Cheng and is said to contain the cuisine of several countries.

The two walked around the food court for a long time, basically eating every stall.

Lan Ningxue actually rarely came out to play, most of the time she used to be in school, she was busy with cultivation, classes, tasks, and student union affairs, so she seemed very excited and wanted to try everything she saw.

After eating another skewer, Lan Ningxue put down the skewer with satisfaction, and licked the corner of her mouth.

Shi Qiu smiled: "Senior sister, do you still have anything you want to eat?" "

Lan Ningxue thought for a while: "Hmm... I kind of crave ice cream. "

Shi Qiu nodded: "I just saw a foreigner's ice cream stall over there, let's walk around and take a look." "

"Okay~" Lan Ningxue was happy like a little girl, how could she still look a little cold senior sister?

While walking, Lan Ningxue looked at Shi Qiu next to her, and stuck out her tongue: "Junior, can't you see that you still love shopping?" "

“...... Don't love. "

Lan Ningxue was puzzled: "Then why?" ......"

Shi Qiu shrugged: "You asked me to come out with you to purchase, didn't you just want me to accompany you?" "

“!!" Lan Ningxue's face turned red with embarrassment, and she stammered, "Don't talk nonsense... How could I mean that..."

"Is it... Then I misunderstood..." Shi Qiu: "That senior sister, let's go back." "

“!? How can this be? "

Immediately, Lan Ningxue saw the smile on Shi Qiu's face and immediately understood something: "... Stinky junior brother, you dare to trick me, you are dead! When I go back, I will punish you with the 'unspoken rules' of the class rules!" "

Shi Qiu: "... Is there such a thing as an unspoken rule? "


It was getting dark.

The street lamps were dim, stretching the shadows of the two for a long, long time....

"Junior, I want to ask you a question, you have to answer me seriously." Lan Ningxue seemed to hesitate for a long time, and finally spoke.

"Eh?" Shi Qiu was puzzled: "Senior sister, just ask what you want." "

"That's it..." Lan Ningxue couldn't help but ask: "On the day you confessed to me, it was because Xia Yao and them jumped up, simply because of the blessing and the accident and wanted to be responsible... Or because you really like me? ......"

By the end, her voice had become smaller and quieter and gradually inaudible.

Shi Qiu froze for a moment, he didn't expect Senior Sister to ask such a question.

Lan Ningxue's cheeks were flushed, like ripe apples under the street lamp, looking delicious and charming, making people want to take a bite.

Shi Qiu didn't answer directly, just smiled faintly to himself: "If it's something I don't like, it won't change because of what others say." "

"Hey, it's so ambiguous!" Lan Ningxue pouted, but she was still very happy to hear this answer.

Although Lan Ningxue thought about how to tease this junior brother from the first day Shiqiu joined the class.

But she never thought that she would really be with her junior brother...

While the two were talking, they were almost at school in a blink of an eye.



Shi Qiu only reacted, and felt that a cool silky thing was actually pasted, it turned out to be a "sneak attack" by Senior Sister! He gave him a quick kiss on the mouth, then quickly fled.

"See you tomorrow junior brother~" Lan Ningxue ate and smiled and ran away.

Shi Qiu touched the warmth on his lips and revealed a wry smile, not knowing what to say.

This was his first kiss, but he didn't expect to be taken away by Senior Sister so sneak attack?

Damn it....

I didn't take the initiative....


Back at the apartment, Shi Qiu took out what he bought at the Empire Mall today.

One tube of spiritual power growth, one tube of spiritual power ceiling, and one tube of soul characteristic activation.

The characteristic activation was not in a hurry, and Shi Qiu first pierced two tubes of spiritual power potions into his arm.

As the liquid was injected into the body, a certain energy circulated in his soul power nodes little by little, and Shi Qiu also felt that his spiritual power had improved slightly.

"Hint: You injected the Empire's special T88-type Spiritual Power Upper Limit Potion!"

"Hint: your maximum 'spirit' permanent +10!"

Shi Qiu: "..."

Good guys, really few of them....

Shi Qiu smiled bitterly, although he had thought that this kind of potion that permanently increased the upper limit should not be blessed too much, but 10 points was inevitably too little.

And it's ridiculously expensive, and you need 100 imperial points for one tube....

But it also seems to make sense, if you can add hundreds of them with a pipe, then those rich and powerful people in the empire don't need to cultivate, and they can mass-produce a bunch of archmages just by pricking needles?

However, at this time, a prompt sounded in Shi Qiu's mind again:

"Hint: The Imperial Special T88 Type Spiritual Power Upper Limit Potion has a special reaction in your body!"

"Tip: After using the agent, some people will have a special reaction, and the probability of occurrence: 0.0000001%!"

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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