Shi Qiu: "Huh??" "

Special reaction?

Pharmacy is a drug after all, as long as it is a drug, some people can understand that they have special allergic reactions....

But the occurrence rate is 0.000001%, this probability can be encountered by me?

Shi Qiu smiled bitterly: "It's too moldy, right?" ......"

"Hint: For unknown reasons, your 'spirit' is constantly growing: +1, +1, +2, +1..."



"Just now that tube of potion, +10 should have gone up."

"But now it's still rising..."

"This special reaction doesn't seem to be a bad effect??"


"Hint: For unknown reasons, your 'spirit' is constantly growing: +1, +2, +2, +1..."

"Hint: For unknown reasons, your 'mental injury resistance' is constantly growing: +2, +2, +1, +1..."

"Tip: Your skin cells are undergoing unknown alienation due to a special drug reaction! Skin cell alienation: +1, +1, +1..."

"Tip: Due to a special reaction to drugs, your bones are undergoing unknown alienation! Bone alienation: +1, +1, +1..."


The electronic tone of the system lasted for more than a minute.

After a tube of potions, Shi Qiu's "spirit" actually rose by more than 150!!

You must know that his original "spirit" is only in his early 300s!

Shi Qiu picked up the empty injection bottle just now and sighed unexpectedly: "This is a good thing!" ......"

But Shi Qiu didn't know whether the special reaction of this medicine appeared only by chance this time, or could his physique appear every time he injected?

If it comes up every time... That's a treasure to him!

Shi Qiu muttered, "T88 type mental power upper limit potion..."

"Go back and try a few more..."

But what does the system mean by skin cell alienation and bone alienation?

Shi Qiu just cared about the "spirit" added earlier.

The skin cells behind him were alienated, and he didn't care much about it.

He originally thought that it should be just a normal skin allergy...

However, Shi Qiuyi looked down at the arm he had just pierced with a needle, so frightened that he almost didn't lift the table directly.


I saw that on his arm, there was a white bone substance seeping out from his skin.

And the color of his skin has changed....

Shi Qiu's face changed suddenly. Hurriedly ran into the toilet, turned on the light and looked in the mirror.

He found his skin color, which spread from his left arm to the left half of the whole person... They all turned as pale as dead people! Bloodless!

Shi Qiu: "..."

He touched his left arm again.

It was found that even where white bone material did not seep out, uneven and hard bone could be felt under the skin.

Shi Qiu: "... What the hell is going on here? "

“...... So I'm going to become Junmaro? "

Shi Qiu looked at himself in the mirror with a complicated expression: "Could it be because of the soul of the god of death..."

"Shouldn't I end up turning into a skeleton like the Grim Reaper?"


Early the next morning.

The first thing Shi Qiu did when she got up was to look in front of the mirror again, and then she was relieved.


"It's fine."

The complexion of the left half of Shi Qiu's face gradually returned to normal.

But the overall skin seems to be much whiter.

The bone on the left arm seems to have shrunk back somewhat.

"Fortunately, fortunately... As long as this 'allergic reaction' can be restored..."

After breakfast, Shi Qiu picked up the last useless "hidden property activator" yesterday.

Because there was already such an allergic reaction yesterday, Shi Qiu did not dare to stick this needle again.

And there is only a 5%-15% probability, so Shiqiu itself does not have much expectations.

But it's okay, it's a big deal to buy it later.

Being in the elite class of the junior year, I don't have to worry about not having enough points.

Shi Qiu thought so, holding a good attitude to inject that potion into his body...

"Hint: You injected the 'Hidden Attribute Activation Potion'!"

"Tip: Trying to activate..."

"Hint: Congratulations! Activation successful! "


A system light curtain appeared in front of Shi Qiu.

Shi Qiu looked at the light curtain that appeared in front of him, and his pupils contracted slightly.

"This is..."


The time to enter the space gate to do S-class tasks is in the afternoon.

Shi Qiu took advantage of the morning time to make another trip to the largest 4S store in Shancheng.

He wants to buy a car.

"Hello sir, is there anything I can do to help you?" The shopping guide sister took the initiative to come up and inquire.

"I'm going to buy a car, the full amount, the kind I have now." Shi Qiu's words are concise.

The shopping guide's eyes lit up, and she did not despise Shi Qiu's age, but asked enthusiastically: "Okay, we have 20,000-10 million cars here, what kind of price do you need?" "

"There are no other requirements, but it must be able to be used in high-radiation environments."

“...... High radiation ... How tall is that? "

"Just like the single city space gate A1 area."

The shopping guide sister was embarrassed: "This..."

Shi Qiu: "How, no?" "

"Not for nothing." The shopping guide sister smiled bitterly: "It's that the price may be a little expensive..."

"How much?"

"If there is no brand requirement, it will cost about 3 million yuan."

Shi Qiu was secretly shocked, but he didn't expect it to be so expensive.

The shopping guide sister said: "But if you are an official worker or a college student, you can get a 7% discount." "

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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