Shi Qiu breathed a sigh of relief and gave a 7 discount, then it was about 2 million, although it was a little more expensive, he could still afford it.

"Okay, show me."

Successfully bought an off-road anti-radiation car, Shiqiu drove away from the 4S store, and drove the car to a relatively remote alley.

Five people dressed in black robes and black masks came out of the alley, dressed like this to prevent anyone from recognizing them.

It was the flat-headed man and their five puppet corpses.

Shi Qiu opened the car door and jumped down, and several people shouted respectfully: "Master! "

This radiation-resistant car is not to be used by themselves, but to give them a few to drive.

Shi Qiu raised his fingers and tapped his eyebrows, and the imprint of the contract suddenly appeared on the foreheads of several puppet martial corpses.

Shi Qiu transmitted his consciousness to them through a contract.

"After we entered the space gate heteroplane in the afternoon, you also followed, and followed the convoy of Shan City University from afar, don't be discovered."

"Yes!" ×5

It's time for a rainy day.

He always felt that this mission was not quite right.

The short senior of the Black Soul Society was also among them, which made him feel a little sensitive as a true murderer.

Maybe the people of the Black Soul Society are not too stupid, and they have already reacted that the disappearance of the flat-headed man and the others must be related to themselves!

The rules of the empire are that it doesn't matter how they fight each other in the real world, but once they enter the space gate heteroplane, or are invaded by alien races, all races must be unanimous! Otherwise you will be severely punished by the empire!

However, Shi Qiu didn't believe the guys from the Black Soul Society.

In such a world full of crises, any luck will make you the prey of other people in a minute....

Let these puppets enter the space door with him, it can be regarded as a precaution, and you can support him at a critical moment.

Shi Qiu thought of something again, and looked at the flat-headed man: "By the way, what is that short senior's soul ability, do you know?" "After all, knowing oneself and knowing oneself will not be lost.

Flat-headed man: "? "

Shi Qiu: "... It is the vice president of your Black Soul Society, Zhou Yanan. "

The flat-headed man suddenly said, "Oh... His Qihu is some kind of strange creature called 'Evil Ghost', and when he falls into a fighting state, he will become that kind of evil ghost... I don't know much about the rest, and I wasn't a high-ranking figure in the Black Soul Society when I was alive..."

As soon as he heard the words "evil ghost", Shi Qiu immediately grinned and showed a playful smile...

Isn't that a coincidence?

Shi Qiu smiled: "What about the rest of his teammates in the same class?" How much do you know? "

The flat-headed man thought for a moment and said, "I remember that one is a dark mage, the other is a blood mage, and..."

After Shi Qiu listened silently, his heart relaxed.

Sure enough, as he expected.

The souls of these guys in the Black Soul Society are all dark attributes, and their abilities should be just enough to be used by his newly activated passive skills...

In the real world, Shiqiu still has many scruples.

But in the spatial portal heteroplane ... If they dare to play any tricks, they can just solve this gang of Black Soul Society at once!



1 point, single city space gate teleportation point.

Outside the gate, countless city defenders with guns guarded, and several transporters stopped at the gate.

Today, students from the eight campuses of Shancheng University are concentrated here, and more than 20 members of the junior elite class have gathered here one after another.

Zhou Yanan, that is, the short male senior, squatted in a remote corner, and around him gathered 9 members of the junior black soul society, all of whom were members participating in the mission today.

Zhou Yanan spat out a smoke ring and leisurely: "Did you understand the plan?" "

Everyone: "Understood!" "×9

Zhou Yanan's eyes flashed with cold light: "Very good, listen, we are going to catch alive this time!" It is naturally easy to catch Shi Qiu's newly awakened assistant, and the most important thing is not to let Qiao Xiyue's woman catch the handle! It's no joke if that woman goes crazy! "

Everyone: "Yes!" "×9

On the side, You Ye had been alone and did not communicate with these people, but suddenly let out a sneer: "Since you are so afraid of her, why bother so much, it's better to go back, I alone can capture that Shiqiu." "

Zhou Yanan raised his head and glanced at this woman who was leaning against the wall like a black cold rose rather unpleasantly.

"Youye, don't think that your Soul Spirit Characteristics can be seen by the president! In universities, dare to be disrespectful to seniors, sooner or later you will pay the price! "

Contempt flashed in Youye's cold and proud eyes: "In my eyes, there has never been any difference in the seniors and juniors, and I have always believed that the strong are respected." "

"If you are not convinced, we can go to the actual combat room next to it to practice now, anyway, there is still time before the start of the mission."

Zhou Yanan's face suddenly became particularly ugly.

This cold girl in front of him was actually just a sophomore, a level 10 soul contractor, but it made him, a junior senior, and a level 13 soul contractor, feel jealous!

This is because he has already learned that this cold girl has a super ability to leapfrog challenges!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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