When Youye was only at level 9, he had already killed a level 13 beast!

Although the two are also A-level soul indenturers, their talents are worlds apart!

So the only thing Zhou Yanan could do was to crush her in the name of senior and vice president... But the girl doesn't eat this set....

This made Zhou Yanan very angry!

Such an unruly girl, in the Black Soul Society, I am afraid that only a strong person like Senior Black Bone can calm her...

You Ye's beautiful cold eyes swept over the four students who were surrounding Zhou Yanan: "You are members of my class, why are you standing next to him?" Listen to his orders? "

"This..." The students were immediately embarrassed, looking at Zhou Yanan for a while, and You Ye for a while, at a loss.

This is forcing them to take sides!

These two people, on one side is the vice president of the Black Soul Society.

On the other side, there are the most promising up-and-coming stars in the company! It is said that he is also a named student of a top famous teacher in the capital! It is also the big red character next to Senior Black Bone!

It's hard to decide....

But after thinking for a moment, those students finally chose to stay by Zhou Yanan's side, and none of them stood on Youye's side.

After all, Youye is still only a sophomore, and he doesn't have any actual power in the Black Soul Society, and if he provokes her, he will be cold-eyed at most.

But Zhou Yanan is the current vice president, provoked him, and it will be difficult to live in college in the future!

Seeing the final decision of his teammates, Youye did not feel much disappointed.

Zhou Yanan raised the corners of his mouth proudly: "How about it, do you still think you can do it alone?" "

Youye's face was expressionless: "Just as I want, I just happen to have a few cumbersome troubles." "

After that, she flicked her long hair and turned away dashingly.

"Cut..." Zhou Yanan was gloomy: "Self-righteous woman, pretend to be nm?" Wait, sooner or later Lao Tzu will let you kneel in front of me! "


After another while.

One after another, all the students gathered to make final preparations in the preparatory area.

At this moment, the people in front of the space gate teleportation array were surging, and those who could gather here today were all Soul Breakers above level 10, elite students of Shan City University!

In Shan City, soul contractors above level 10 are already the backbone of resisting alien invasions!

Shi Qiu and others were the last to appear.

Duan Lan walked in the front, leading Qiao Xiyue, Lan Ningxue, Shi Qiu and the others through the crowd.

Several senior sisters exuded a cold temperament, and Teacher Duan Lan needless to say, walking all the way through the crowd, without looking at anyone, his calm eyes did not have a trace of impurities, as if he was indifferent to everything.

It seems that the moon is bright in the sky, and it is impossible to see it.

Let the men salivate over them, but they dare not take half a step closer.

Only Shi Qiu knew how cute and coquettish his senior sisters were.

Although sometimes there are a little bit of black belly....

"Wow! You see, it's Senior Sister Qiao, Senior Lan and their class! "

"Ahhh I'm so happy to be able to go on a mission with the goddess..."

"Huh? That person... Isn't it the most arrogant newcomer in history who refused the invitation of the three major forces last time? Isn't he a freshman? Does he also want to participate in this mission? "

"Lean! I came to the junior S-level mission to mix experience! What kind of backstage is this kid? Lao Tzu fought for three years to win this mission! "

"That is, if you really want to run into a foreign race, can he help a hammer as a freshman?"

Many people are obviously very dissatisfied that Shi Qiu can also join this mission.

The reason is simple, they think that Shiqiu has taken advantage of them. This kind of task is definitely not a help for a freshman, but it is necessary to share the reward with them.

However, the deeper layer is... They all knew that the risk rate of this mission was very low, so they all knew that the possibility of Shi Qiu's reward for being safe and sound was very high....

They can all mix.

But I don't want to let Shiqiu mix.

Because Shi Qiu is a freshman.

Most of the people here are in the elite class, and when they awakened their high-rated Qi Soul in their freshman year, they tacitly assumed that they were the proud sons of heaven, thinking that they were superior to people.

However, the brutal rules of the university quickly dealt them a heavy blow, because even genius and genius still have a gap.

They spent three years in college before they could barely get an escort mission.

People are like this, just like an old employee who has been working for twenty years, it will definitely be unpleasant to see a new person who has been joining for less than a year and getting the same salary as himself. However, the old employee may never think that he has not improved in twenty years.

Therefore, they naturally felt jealous of students like Shi Qiu who received special treatment, especially when Shi Qiu and Qiao Xiyue were in the same class....

Thinking that Shi Qiu could stay with the goddess in their minds every day, train together, eat together, and live in the same apartment... This makes them even more upset!


Shi Qiu naturally sensed those unkind eyes, and helplessly showed a wry smile.

The eccentric Xia Yao came from nowhere to come from nowhere, took Shi Qiu's arm, and asked with a wink: "Junior brother, what do you say we will have for dinner in a while?" "

Shi Qiu: "This..."

When the surrounding students saw this scene, they suddenly became even more angry.

"I'm so sour!"

"Why not me?"

"Arm! Arm! His arm touched! "

"Abominable! That junior is definitely a pure LSP! "

"Abominable! This green tea man! "

"Goddess Yao, don't be deceived by his simple milk dog's appearance!"


"Hint! The hostility of the surrounding crowd is increasing: +5, +9, +13..."

Shi Qiu: "..."

Xia Yao just stared at Shi Qiu curiously, as if he didn't pay attention to the feelings of others at all: "Junior brother, why don't you speak?" "

Shi Qiu: "... Senior sister, did you do it on purpose? "

Xia Yao looked innocent: "What?" "

Who knew that at this time, Qiao Xiyue also came out from the other side, and held Shi Qiu's other arm with a smile: "Junior brother, I will wear a radiation protection suit for a while, I will help you put it on?" You are definitely not skilled in wearing it for the first time. "

Students around him: "!!??? "

"Warning! The hostility of the surrounding population continues to increase by a high range: +20, +26, +33..."

Shi Qiu: "..."

“...... Senior sister, do you want me to die? "

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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