Shi Qiu raised his eyebrows: "So it's like this..."

"So, in almost every city, there are human gathering bases in the space gates?"

Qiao Xiyue on the side snapped her fingers and said, "That's not necessarily, but at least there are dozens of them..."

"While aliens are attacking our world, the empire is constantly sending troops to fight these alien planes."

Shi Qiu didn't speak again, thoughtfully.

Because they had to load the car, everyone stayed at the base for a while.

Shi Qiu felt the hostility around him, if his eyes could kill, it was estimated that he would have been cut by a thousand cuts...

However, among so many people, there are two hostile values that are particularly heavy!

One naturally came from Zhou Yanan's people.

Shi Qiu pretended to help load the car, but through the rearview mirror of the car, he could see Zhou Yanan standing not far behind him, looking at himself with a sinister and sneering expression.

"Is it really coming at me..."

Shi Qiu thought secretly: "It seems that I really have been exposed... To deal with me as a freshman, even the short man, the vice president, personally dispatched, and it was really enough to give me face..."

"But it's fine..."

"I'd like to see what you guys want to do."

"Just in this strange realm, let's make a break!"

In addition, Shi Qiu sensed another hostile look.

But what puzzled him was that this look turned out to be from a woman he didn't know at all? ?

The woman was wearing a tight leather coat, her eyes were cold, and her temperament was cold, like a female spy.

And she has a special style of thieves, and the radiation protection suits of everyone in the audience are white, and she alone is black, as if it is specially made, and the thief pierces the eyes of the thief standing there.

But Shi Qiu couldn't figure it out, he couldn't remember when he had provoked such a woman? How could there be such hostility towards him?

Lan Ningxue leaned next to Shi Qiu, quietly poked his shoulder, and whispered, "What do you think?" Nervous? "

Then straightened his chest: "Don't be afraid, senior sister, I will protect you!" "

Shi Qiu smiled bitterly: "It's not..."

Zhou Yanan looked at Shiqiu for a while from a distance of more than ten meters, then turned his head and asked the student behind him: "Is it marked?" "

That student raised a right hand, his palm facing Shi Qiu, and a dark runic light was shining in his palm.

After a while, he let out a breath and lowered his arm: "Mark it, he will definitely not be able to escape." "

"Very good!"

Zhou Yanan said with satisfaction.

In this foreign land, fog and radiation are everywhere, and communication equipment can only maintain communication within three kilometers.

But it's different with the Soul Contract Ability Mark, no matter where Shi Qiu escapes, as long as he stays in this world, he will definitely not be able to escape!


At this time, a group of students walked towards Shiqiu's class.

The leading man has long hair, looks quite strong, and his eyebrows make people feel that they are not easy to mess with.

Yu Li was slightly stunned when he saw the comer, and then gently poked Qiao Xiyue to remind: "Yue... Sister Yue..."


Qiao Xiyue turned her head and suddenly squinted and smiled when she saw the person coming.

"Hi~Xiaolongzi, long time no see~"

Long Ming came with a gloomy and serious face.

However, as soon as I heard the title "Xiaolongzi", I was suddenly a little strained.

Qiao Xiyue: "Na, is there something wrong with me?" "

Long Ming suppressed his anger: "Should you give me an explanation!?" "

Qiao Xiyue shrugged: "Isn't it cool for you to have a date, don't be so stingy." "

"Once?" Long Ming became excited: "This is already your seventy-second date with me!" "

Everyone: "..."

Shi Qiu: "... This guy is quite persevering. "

Xia Yao squinted: "Well, he is the most persistent of Sister Yue's suitors." "

Qiao Xiyue was stunned: "Is there any?" "

"What do you say?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry..."

Long Ming glared: "Excuse me? This time, in order to help you get the black crystal, those aliens almost threw me to feed the alien beasts! You're sorry and it's over? "

"I didn't let you go, you were going by yourself."


Qiao Xiyue stood up straight and straightened her back: "Otherwise, then you hit me twice and get angry?" "

Long Ming said angrily, "You think I really dare not hit a woman? "

When he says it, he will raise his hand and slap him.

However, the student behind him weakly reminded: "Brother Long, you can't beat her..."

Long Ming: "..."

He silently lowered his hand and only scratched his neck.

"Don't fight?" Qiao Xiyue blinked playfully: "Then you can simply scold me twice, don't hold it." "

Long Ming had been holding back for several days, pointing at Qiao Xiyue's nose and opening his mouth to scold: "You..."

However, the student behind him once again weakly reminded: "Brother Long, it seems that you can't scold her..."

Long Ming: "..."

Shi Qiu: "..."

"Hit and don't hit, scold and don't scold." Xia Yao tilted his head and said strangely: "Senior, then why are you here?" "

Long Ming was silent for a long time and sighed lightly.

"Xiyue, how could I be willing to beat you and scold you?" Long Ming looked resentful: "I just want to ask you, where am I wrong?" I think I am quite sincere with you, why do you just refuse to accept my pursuit? "

Qiao Xiyue smiled slightly: "Oh, this ah... It's simple, because..."

"I already have someone I like."

Saying that, Qiao Xiyue walked to Shi Qiu with a smile, and naturally held his arm affectionately: "It's my junior brother!" "

Shi Qiu: "??? "

Lan Ningxue: "!!! "


ps: I'm sorry for a little cavin these two days, and I will recover slowly after that

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