“...... Miscellaneous... What the!? "

Long Ming was shocked and his body trembled.

He looked at Shi Qiu with a stunned expression: "You... Do you like this freshman?? "

Qiao Xiyue raised his face, pretending to be angry: "What's wrong with freshman?" Looking down on freshmen? Didn't you have a freshman year? "

Long Ming was embarrassed: "It's not... I didn't mean that. "

"I mean his strength is too far behind you, and the status gap between the two of you..."

"As long as there is talent, the strength can become stronger, what is the status at that time?"

Qiao Xiyue raised her head proudly: "Junior brother is an S-class soul contractor!" "

Long Ming choked and looked at Shi Qiu with a complicated expression.

S-level soul contractors are indeed rare talents, especially in small cities like Shan City.

"But... I don't believe it! Long Ming gritted his teeth: "Why don't I know at all?" And he's only been here for a few days! How could you possibly be with him so soon? "

"Did I say I was with my junior?"


"I just said I liked him." Qiao Xiyue tightened Shi Qiu's arm and smiled: "Junior brother hasn't promised me yet, so I'm still pursuing~"

Shi Qiu: "..."

Long Ming took two steps back and covered his chest.

He felt a little pain in his little heart....

"But I was afraid of causing trouble to my junior brother, so I never told anyone."

"Long Ming, you are a good person, so you will definitely help me keep it secret, right?"

After Qiao Xiyue finished speaking, she looked at Long Ming with expectant eyes.

Long Ming's body trembled, and he slowly stepped back: "I..."



Long Ming turned around suddenly, as if he didn't want to let people see his sad tears, and raced away.

Several attendants were embarrassed for a while, and quickly followed: "Brother Long... Wait for us..."

Qiao Xiyue was stunned: "Ah this... Wouldn't it, really crying? I thought he was a steel man. "

Shi Qiu, Duan Lan, Lan Ningxue, Xia Yao, Yu Li: "..."

Duan Lan: "... Xiyue, you are too ruthless, everyone is classmates, this is not good..."

Xia Yao nodded: "That is, killing people also requires pig hearts." "

"This will make him die sooner."

Qiao Xiyue let go of her hand, and stretched comfortably without heart and lungs.

"Na, junior brother, just now the situation was urgent, I used you as a shield, you shouldn't mind, right?"

Shi Qiu smiled bitterly.

Of course he didn't mind.

But I'm afraid someone minds....

He already smelled a strong sour smell... It was so sour that he couldn't turn his head and look directly into Lan Ningxue's eyes...


Not long after, the supplies were loaded.

Everyone got into the car.

When I came, it was one car for one class, and when I went back, it was one car for two classes, and there was limited space for loading vehicles, so there were ten cars that needed to be vacated to load supplies.

Shiqiu's class, by coincidence, happened to be assigned to the same car as Long Ming's class.

So the cabin was suddenly filled with a strange atmosphere.

Qiao Xiyue was chatting there with a playful smile.

Sitting on the opposite side, Long Ming's group was sad.

...... The main thing is Long Ming's grief, and this buddy seems to have not come out of the sadness of being issued a good man card.

He sat facing the wall, his face buried in the crook of his elbow, still crying "whimpering," his shoulders shrugging from time to time.

The student next to him looked stiff and seemed to be patting him on the shoulder to comfort him.

Shi Qiu: "..."

On the other side, Lan Ningxue had a face, cold as frost, no one paid attention, sitting there silently wiping the guns in his arms.

After a while, Lan Ningxue got up and went to the toilet in the cabin next door.

Shi Qiu hesitated, and also got up and followed.

When I pushed the door in, I saw Lan Ningxue bending down in front of the sink to wash her hands.

Shi Qiu walked over, stood in front of the washbasin next to her, and called carefully next to her:

"Senior sister?"

Lan Ningxue's face was full of grievances and sadness, and she also swung her body to the side, making a look of "I will never pay attention to you again".

Shi Qiu's finger poked her waist: "Xue'er? "

Lan Ningxue: "..."

Shi Qiu saw Lan Ningxue's expression change, and suddenly felt funny, and called out a word that he originally thought he couldn't call out at all: "... Wife? "


Lan Ningxue's ears suddenly turned red, and she turned around and hurriedly covered Shi Qiu's mouth: "You... You whisper, what if someone else hears you? "

Shi Qiu smiled: "Senior sister, aren't you angry anymore?" "

Lan Ningxue immediately straightened her face again, let go of her hand and turned away: "Who said I wasn't angry anymore?" "

Shi Qiu hugged her waist from behind: "Then, how can you not be angry?" "


Lan Ningxue pushed away shyly: "You... Don't make trouble, someone will come at any time..."

"Hmm..." Shi Qiu tilted his head and thought for a while: "Then let's change to a place where no one will disturb?" "

"Huh? ...... Yikes! ......"

Lan Ningxue was just stunned for a moment, and then she was pulled into the compartment next to her by Shi Qiu...


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