A moment later, Shi Qiu and Lan Ningxue came out of the compartment.

Shi Qiu straightened her clothes to make sure that the radiation protection suit on her body was not loose.

Yes, this time I finally got back the field that was a passive party in the previous two days.

Lan Ningxue walked behind her, her cheeks were red, and she didn't know if she was ashamed or lack oxygen, her face was so ashamed that she almost buried it in her chest.

Who would have thought that this junior brother looked clear in his eyes, very milky and cute, and he was so astringent when he played hooligans....

"Senior sister, are you still angry now?"

Lan Ningxue's beautiful eyes glared at him, ignored him, and quickly walked out first.

Shi Qiu smiled and followed out.

However, as soon as the cabin door opened, Long Ming walked over expressionlessly: "Boy, I have something to find you." "

Shi Qiu: "Hmm? "

And Lan Ningxue, who had originally walked out, heard the voice and returned, and looked at Long Ming coldly: "What are you looking for the members of our class?" "

Long Ming's expression was a little complicated.

Because he couldn't beat Qiao Xiyue, nor Lan Ningxue...

"It's okay, don't worry, I definitely won't embarrass him, I just have something I want to tell him." Long Ming could only say that.

Lan Ningxue snorted coldly: "Since you won't embarrass him, what is there to say like this, what is there to hide?" "

Long Ming: "..."

Shi Qiu smiled and said, "Forget it, senior sister, I think he really has no malice." You go back first, I'll talk to him. "

Lan Ningxue showed a little worry and hesitated for a moment: "Okay then..."

Then he shaved Long Ming fiercely: "If you dare to disadvantage the members in our class, I will definitely personally burn your zodiac door!" "

Shi Qiu knew that this Long Ming was from the zodiac gate.

The corner of Long Ming's mouth twitched, and he could only laugh dryly twice: "This... Of course not, I am the most honest person. You can totally trust me Long Ming. "

"It better be so."

After Lan Ningxue left, Long Ming turned his head helplessly and took a deep look at Shi Qiu.

"Okay, boy, just because you didn't hide behind a woman just now, I recognize you as a man."

"But you can't beat a woman?"

Long Ming: "If you talk like that, we won't be able to chat properly." "

Shi Qiu: "What's the matter with me?" "

"Fight me."

“...... Ha? "

"How about a fight between men with me?" Long Ming looked serious: "Those who lose, leave Xiyue's side by themselves!" "

The student next to him weakly reminded: "Brother Long, you are a freshman in your junior year, and he is an auxiliary soul contractor, I'm afraid this is not fair..."

"Lao Tzu knows it!" Long Ming glared at the man: "Whose little brother are you?" "

Shi Qiu: "..."

Long Ming turned around and continued, "Don't worry, I will definitely not take advantage of you, I will suppress the level to the same level as you!" By the way, how many levels are you now? Have you risen to level 2? "

"Oh." Shi Qiu: "I'm just level 3. "

"Okay, level 3, then I... Wait, what?? You are already level 3?? "

Long Ming stared, as if he heard something unbelievable: "Impossible!" When pigs fly! You...... You've only been in school for a week! "

"I lied to you about multiple pieces of meat?" Shi Qiu said, raised his hand and waved, and then lit up his level panel.

"This..." Long Ming believed this, was silent for a moment, and said, "Okay! When I go back, let's have a fight, and I suppress the level to level 3... No, you are an auxiliary, I pressed to level 1 to fight you! "

"Those who lose, they must fulfill their promises!"

"It doesn't matter if you want to hit me." Shi Qiu shrugged: "But this condition is not fair, right?" I won, and it doesn't seem to do me any good. "

"This..." Long Ming thought about it, and seemed to think that it was too, so he ripped off a large gold necklace around his neck: "In this way, you win, this thing belongs to you!" "

Shi Qiu frowned slightly: "Good soil." "

Long Ming: "... This is my family heirloom necklace, you can look at the properties. "

Shi Qiu touched his hand on the gold necklace, and the system immediately gave the properties panel.

"Name: Ancient Golden Dragon Tooth Necklace."

"Rating: Rare"

"Attributes: Wearer Spirit +500, Soul +400, Lucky +5"

Shi Qiu nodded in approval: "It's a good thing." "

"Didn't let you suffer, did it?" Long Ming sneered proudly, and put the necklace back on: "But you also have to have the ability to win!" "

Shi Qiu smiled slightly and didn't say anything more.

The two were about to return to the cabin together.

However, at this time, the body of the carrier suddenly shook violently, and two students almost fell to the ground without standing firmly.

"What the hell, earthquake?" Long Ming looked up suspiciously.

Shi Qiu squinted slightly.

He felt a familiar aura approaching...


A beast roar suddenly came from outside the car window.

The sound of the beast's roar flickered far and near in the fog, and it was impossible to judge the specific direction.

But it can really be sensed that the sound is very close!

Long Ming's face suddenly changed, and he was stunned: "This is... Alien Beast?? "

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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