
Another beast roar, even more tyrannical and ferocious than the one just now!

And that roar was accompanied by a shocking and reverberating magic sound, as if it was close at hand!

The students in the car suddenly panicked, and their faces turned white.

"It's a beast!"

"We've encountered a strange beast!"

"And more than one!"

Long Ming turned his head and scolded his classmates: "Made, panic hammer?!" Why haven't you seen a beast? We have hundreds of masters here, how many exotic beasts are he afraid of? "

Shi Qiu could also sense the approach of a large group of alien beasts with a tyrannical killing aura.

It was exactly the same as the last time he encountered the aura of the alien beast in the space gate, and it should be the same race.

And, there must be more than a few....

Five heads? Ten heads? Hundreds of head!?

No...... It's much more than that!!

Qiao Xiyue and the others also retracted their smiles and stood up one after another.

Duan Lan ran to the window, but it was all fog outside, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Xiao Li, sense the situation nearby!" Duan Lan said busily.


Yu Li immediately closed his eyes and sensed the situation around him with his spiritual power.

When Yu Li opened her eyes again, her face turned a little pale: "Lan... Sister Lan... There are a lot of exotic beasts, and the number ... At least thousands! And all of them are above level 15, and there are more than a dozen that are above level 20! "

"Other than that... Still... There are also a lot of alien demons! "

"What? Alien Man?? You said we ran into aliens?? "

Duan Lan gasped.

Shi Qiu didn't understand, so he asked Lan Ningxue next to him: "Senior sister, what is a different demon?" "

Lan Ningxue pursed her lips, her expression complicated: "It's not good... Alien Demon ... That's an intelligent alien creature! "

"Boom! ——"

The earth shook again, and the body shook violently, as if some monster stepped on the earth, and the resulting earthquake shook!

Long Ming's face turned white.

This strange beast can cause an earthquake with a single kick!

How big of a monster is this??



Inside other carriage vehicles.

The students all became flustered to varying degrees.

"Groove? Doesn't it mean that this mission basically won't encounter exotic beasts? "

"Nima... This roar is also too exaggerated, how many exotic beasts are there around here? "

"Aren't we going to break into their nests..."

"Afraid of a bird feather? Haven't you ever a beast? Big deal, slaughter all these beasts! "

"Idiot!! Do you know why this mission is a junior S? Because in this A1 area, if you don't encounter a foreign beast, as long as you encounter it, it must be above level 15! It is even possible to encounter strange beasts above level 20!! "


Among the cars, only one car is the most calm.

Zhou Yanan listened to the fierce roar outside the car, and grinned slightly.

Then he looked at the other students in the car.

"Look at my eyes for a moment."

Everyone: "Yes!" "×9


"Sister Lan, this group of exotic beasts... It seems to be an organized action..."

"They... They want to surround us! "

Yu Li sensed the movement of the nearby beast tide again, and then reported to Duan Lan.

Duan Lan sank his heart.

With the presence of alien demons, it is not at all surprising that this group of alien beasts are acting in an organized manner.

"It's just... Why...... They behave more like an ambush, as if they already knew that the convoy would pass through here..."

Duan Lan: "How far away are they?" "

Yu Li: "Less than a kilometer!" "

Duan Lan's face was serious, he gritted his teeth lightly, walked to the front of the car and picked up the car walkie-talkie: "This is the No. 1 car, a large number of exotic beasts have been found within a kilometer nearby, and all the carrier vehicles are moving at full speed!" Fight to throw them off! Notify the city defense army outside the space gate to quickly come to support! "

Shi Qiu let out a breath: "I'm afraid it's too late." "

"What?" Duan Lan frowned.

Yu Li was shocked, and then he said: "Former... There is also in front! "

The speed of the carrier vehicle is very fast.

One kilometer, in fact, is a dozen seconds.

A giant orangutan-shaped beast suddenly poked its head out of the fog and slapped it up! A strong wind!

The carrier vehicle almost crashed straight in!

Fortunately, the driver turned the steering wheel urgently, only to drift and dodge.

Everyone in the car swayed before they could barely hold firm.

Long Ming directly hit the glass in front of him.

After Qiao Xiyue stabilized, he glanced at Shi Qiu with some surprise: "Shi Qiu... Can you also sense nearby beasts? "

She didn't understand something.

Shi Qiu is only level 3, even if the S-level soul contractor is outrageous, it should not be possible to have such a powerful spiritual power!

Shi Qiu shook his head: "No, I just guessed." "

In fact, he can't sense the specific location of those alien beasts, but his third-world cheats can sense the hostility value around him.

"Guess?" Qiao Xiyue looked strange.

Fortunately, at this time, she didn't have time to ask more.

Their carrier vehicles were out of the way.

However, the car behind is not so lucky.

"Car No. 5 was attacked by a beast!"

"Car number 9 too! The supply box fell out! "

"This is car number 17! A beast jumped on the roof of our car! "


Calls for help kept coming from the side of the car walkie-talkie.

And screams....

Shi Qiu could hear that some cars were directly overturned by the slap of the alien beast, and there were many explosions...

The convoy of more than two dozen vehicles was washed apart at once.


Vehicle No. 1 was also forced to suddenly stop suddenly!

On the distant horizon, a dark cloud is raging, accompanied by billowing smoke and a loud noise.

The black pressure pressed a large area, all of which were huge beast shadows!

It has completely blocked the way of the convoy.

There is no angle to break through....

A strange beast with a minotaur body saw the carrier stop and rushed to the first one!


Duan Lan squinted slightly, opened the roof sunroof, and jumped out in a flash.

I saw that she was faster than a bullet, and in a flash, she arrived in front of the minotaur and kicked the minotaur in the shoulder!


The body of the more than a dozen levels of the Minotaur exploded instantly! Pieces of meat flying!!

Duan Lan landed lightly, and then said in a deep voice: "Let's all get off the car, it seems that you can't avoid a death battle..."

More than a dozen vehicles stopped one after another.

The soul indenturers got out of the car one after another, formed a circle, and formed a defensive formation to face these alien beasts that surrounded them.

Everyone was sweating coldly, and their faces were nervous.

Most people's expressions are actually not combative, but full of fear and timidity!

Even several instructors showed cowardice!

They didn't expect their faces to be so dark.

The 5% chance of encountering an alien race was actually bumped into by them! And there are still so many at one touch!

This number of exotic beast tides has never appeared in the history of university missions!

Shi Qiu glanced at it.

Although it is a junior elite class, most people actually reach the junior year, and they are only about 10, 11, and 12

Like Lan Ningxue and Qiao Xiyue, they are already in the 15th or 16th grade in juniors, after all, they are a minority.

However, the opponent is a group of thousands of level 15 alien beasts... There are quite a few who are level 20 up...

If you count by paper strength... What's the fuss??

Long Ming said on the side: "Little brother, I originally wanted to duel with you after I went back, but now it seems that I don't have this opportunity, I'm afraid we all have to die here!" "

He said and smiled bitterly: "I thought that as a soul contractor, I would one day die on the battlefield of the alien plane, but I didn't expect it to be so soon..."

"Lao Tzu is still so young, Lao Tzu is still a virgin! Woo hoo..."

Shi Qiu: "..."

Without paying attention to him, Shi Qiu was silent, and looked around as a cheater.

Cheaters can view the opponent's specific properties panel, but there is still a distance limit.

Fortunately, these alien beasts were already close at the moment.

"The strongest is in... This direction! "

Shi Qiu narrowed his eyes and muttered, "Level 23... Alien demon..."

"Intelligence points 150..."

The gap in strength is so big!

And against this guy, the cliché of 'Death's Blessing' may not work.

It's just another way!


ps:emmmm... It will be on the shelves tomorrow, I hope the brothers can support Yihazi more!

I also know that no matter what I say, those who will continue to watch it anyway will continue to watch, and those who will not watch will still leave.

But everyone who can see this, I thank you, if you choose not to read any more, I also hope that the previous content will bring you some little fun.

I didn't plan to write this book as a fast food article, whether it was before or after, I will try to write every chapter well, brothers can rest assured to subscribe.

The first time I came here, I had heard some bad things, but the least I could guarantee as an author was that I would never look for Daixie


I wish everyone a happy reading ~~

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