I saw that among the group of exotic beasts, a level 20 bear-headed exotic beast slowly walked out.

On the back of that tiger-headed beast, there was also a tall humanoid monster with a copper head and iron forehead! It is undoubtedly the legendary alien demon!

His eyes were blue and deep, burning as cold as Xuan Bing.

The alien did not hide his rank.

The eyes of all the soul indenies widened and they were terrified: "Yes... It's a level 23 alien! "

There was an uproar in the crowd.

Whether it is a human or an alien race, after breaking through level 20, every level up will be a qualitative leap!

This alien demon actually has a level 23 strength!

It is simply an existence that their students are completely ~ unable to look up to!


Shi Qiu looked at him from afar.

Level 23...

Sure enough, what a strong sense of oppression!

I saw that the alien demon on the back of the alien beast opened his mouth and whispered, not knowing what to say.

But judging by the syllables that came out of his mouth, it should not be said casually, apparently the language of their aliens.

Duan Lan hesitated for a while and said, "Xiao Li, translate." "

Yu Li: "Good. "

“...... Does Xiao Li still understand foreign languages? Shi Qiuhu was suspicious.

Qiao Xiyue explained: "No, she can't read foreign languages directly. "

"But Xiao Li's spiritual power is the strongest among us, she can perceive the meaning of the other party through her spiritual power, and then she can read what the other party is saying."

"So that's it..."

Shi Qiu thought to himself, it turns out that spiritual power still has so many functions?

After a while, Yu Li read the meaning of the alien and said in a low voice: "Sister Lan, they want us to surrender and hand over the materials and be their prisoners." "

Duan Lan sneered: "Surrender? Huh..."

Aliens are bloodthirsty and brutal, especially torturing humans!

If the Terrans fall into their hands, even if they are not played to death, they will become slaves for life!

If it really becomes like that, it is better to die simply!

Duan Lan said deeply: "Xue'er, lend me your heavy sniper gun!" "


Lan Ningxue took out a heavy sniper rifle from the inventory and handed it to Duan Lan.

Duan Lan picked up the sniper and aimed directly at the level 23 alien demon, and gave him a shot without hesitation.


With the sound of a gunshot, the oversized warhead shot straight away.

Of course, it didn't hurt the alien in the slightest.

He didn't even need the alien demon to move himself, and the alien beast under him helped him block the bullet with a slap, only exploding a spark.

This shot was the most crisp answer Duan Lan gave him.

I saw that the alien demon glanced at Duan Lan sadly, no longer said any nonsense, raised his hand, and the beasts became restless.


The group of alien beasts roared viciously, surging madly!

"Ready to fight!"

I don't know which instructor shouted.

Nowadays, there are no options.

On the side of Shan City University, all the soul contractors hurriedly opened the front.

Everyone burst out with soul power.

The defensive soul contractor immediately stepped up and summoned one earthen wall after another.

But that didn't work.

As many exotic beasts rushed up, several earthen walls created by level 10 soul contractors were instantly crushed by the surging beast tide!

In just an instant, the defense line was dispersed.

The alien beast pounced and directly hit the back row.

The torrent of flesh and blood formed by the soul contractor and the alien race collided with each other, and it suddenly turned into a melee!

"Kill!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )



The sound of killing, screaming, and roaring suddenly sounded one after another.

In an instant, this place became a real plane battlefield!

Blood stained the black earth.

Duan Lan's figure flickered rapidly among the beasts and the crowd, and in an instant, several exotic beasts fell at her feet.

Qiao Xiyue is the same, and her speed is faster, as long as it does not exceed level 20 or more alien beasts, she can basically solve it alone.

Lan Ningxue, Xia Yao, and Yu Li formed a circle and leaned in the corner, forming a very perfect triangular output.

"Hold on for a while!" Duan Lan said solemnly: "I have already contacted the outside of the space gate just now, if I can hold on until the city defense army arrives, maybe there is still a chance to turn over!" "

"Yes!" ×4

"Everyone uses conservative tactics, try to delay the fight as much as possible, and save soul power!"

Duan Lan calmly commanded.

"Shiqiu, you give everyone a set of buffs... Well?? What about autumn?? "

The women were stunned, looking left and right, only to find that Shiqiu was gone!

It is surrounded by beast shadows, human figures, and fog with extremely low visibility! However, there is no shadow of Shiqiu at all!

In such chaos, it is simply impossible to find another person.

Lan Ningxue's face changed drastically, and she was suddenly anxious: "What's going on?" What about juniors? "

Yu Li was stunned: "Just... I saw him next to me just now..."

Xia Yao opened his mouth: "The... Shouldn't it have just been washed away by the beast tide? "

All the women's faces were a little ugly.

Shi Qiu, a level 3 soul contractor, is still an assistant, and he has no self-preservation ability at all in the face of such a beast tide!


At this time.

Shi Qiu had already summoned the Shadow Spirit Possession, shuttling through the sea of people and beasts at an extremely fast speed.

Possessed by the shadow spirit, he moved super fast in such a chaotic and dim environment with extremely low visibility, almost fusing with the shadow, and no one noticed him at all.

The alien beasts only saw a shadow that did not know what it was, and "swooped" and passed.

Soon he broke out of the encirclement of the alien beast.

Shi Qiu sensed that in this direction, there was also a level 22 high-level beast.

If you can control it, you may be able to touch that level 23 alien demon.

Otherwise, even if the soul intellers of Shan City University could block the beast tide, it would be impossible to resist that alien demon.


But Shi Qiu was running and running, and suddenly felt that a hostile target behind him was chasing him.

"Did the Alien Demon find me and catch up? ......"

"That's not right..."

Shi Qiu squinted and looked in the direction behind him, in the endless fog, it was used as a cheat.

"It's actually these guys??"

Shi Qiu frowned: "But how did they break through the encirclement of the beast tide?" "

"Did you say..."

Shi Qiu thought of something, but he didn't think about it anymore.

He silently stretched out his fingers and called over the puppets he contracted... Person....

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