"Vice President, isn't this kid an assistant? How did you run so fast? "

In a squad of nine, a soul contractor couldn't help but complain: "His speed is already stronger than many level 7 and 8 assassins, right?" "

Zhou Yanan and the other nine people ran and chased all the way, but they never caught up with Shi Qiu, but seemed to be pulled farther and farther...

A group of juniors, but they were almost thrown off by a freshman...

It made them somewhat unbelievable.

And why not level 7 or 8? To be able to break through the beast group so easily, at least it must be an assassin above level 10!?

Zhou Yanan was also very irritable: "I TM knows? Could it be that this kid's soul belongs to a leopard? "

Immediately, he asked the soul contractor next to him who marked Shi Qiu: "Hey, you really didn't sense wrong?" Did he really run in this "four-three-seven" direction? "

The soul contractor in charge of marking affirmed, "Vice President, my induction will definitely not be wrong. "

"Could it be that the environment of this world interferes with your abilities?"

"Impossible! My ability to be a soul spell seal, no matter how severe the radiation is, can block my senses, only the ability of space, or unless he leaves this world! "

"Niang Pixi's..." Zhou Yanan scolded: "Then what is going on?" Is it possible for this kid to install a thruster in his ass? "

If a group of them juniors really chased down a freshman, then this face would be lost!

After I went back, I still don't know how to be laughed at by the girls of Youye!

At this moment, the soul contractor in charge of tracking was suddenly stunned, and then said: "Vice President! He...... He seems to have stopped! "


Zhou Yanan's eyes lit up.

"Very good! It seems that this kid is finally tired! "

Zhou Yanan thought to himself, Shi Qiu's soul technique that didn't know what evil sect and crooked explosive speed could run so fast, it must be at some kind of overload price!

He must be weak now.

Now is the perfect time to capture him alive!

"All of them, catch up at full speed!" Zhou Yanan ordered.

"Yes!" ×9

Everyone burst out with soul power with all their strength, running wildly, raising the dust and sand in the sky.

After running for about a thousand meters away, Zhou Yanan suddenly heard a familiar voice next to him: "Senior!" "


Zhou Yanan stopped abruptly, and at the same time raised his hand to signal the person behind him to stop.

"Who's there?" Zhou Yanan looked warily in the direction of the sound source on the right.

I saw that in the fog, several figures slowly walked out.

These people are none other than others.

Exactly the flat-headed man! And the three newcomers who just joined the Black Soul Society in their freshman year!

"Appin??" Zhou Yanan was directly stunned.

"You... You kid didn't die? "

The flat-headed man slowly walked in front of him.

"Senior, of course I'm not dead, I'm alive and well."

Zhou Yanan frowned: "Then where did you run away a few days ago?" Why is it here? "

"Didn't I give you Shi Wenlei's list and let you kill Shi Qiu? Why did you disappear with Shi Wenlei? "

The flat-headed man was silent and did not speak for a while.

Zhou Yanan waved his hand: "Forget it, I'll talk about these later!" "

"Senior, what are you doing here?"

"We're chasing the autumn!"

"He's in this otherworld, too?"

"Hmm." Zhou Yanan looked left and right, and asked the soul contractor in charge of marking: "Where are the people?" "

The soul man closed his eyes, then opened them again, and said, "It's around here!" "

"Nearby..." Zhou Yanan turned his head again and asked the flat-headed man: "You just came over there, didn't you see any figures?" "

"Yes." The flat-headed man said, pointing in a direction: "Just now I saw a figure dangling over there, I thought it was an alien." "

"Over there..."

Zhou Yanan looked in the direction he pointed and nodded: "Very good, everyone continues to chase!" That kid must have been physically exhausted by now..."

And yet, at this time...

"Sneak attack!"

"Poof-" (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

The flat-headed man suddenly drank low, and inserted a knife directly into Zhou Yanan's lower back!

Zhou Yanan: "..."

Flat-headed man: "..."

A group of soul contractors in the same class as Zhou Yanan: "!!?? "

"You..." Zhou Yanan turned his head in amazement and looked at the flat-headed man incredulously...

The flat-headed man's knife pierced his right kidney accurately...

Blood clattered down his pants...

The soul intellers of the Black Soul Society were immediately shocked by this scene.


The man in charge of the marking said angrily: "Ah Ping! You actually dare to be a traitor, you find..."

However, he was not finished speaking.

"Sneak attack!" ×3

The other three Tier 1 puppets shouted almost at the same time and shot at the same time.

Each person held a dagger in his hand and plunged into the back of a person.

The location of the piercing, all kidneys ...

Those who were pierced: "..."

"You guys..."

"Ah!! ......"

With a scream.

The few people all covered their kidneys and slowly squatted down in pain.

It's not just because the kidneys were stabbed.

More because the radiation protection suit is broken, the high-intensity radiation in the environment immediately penetrates through the loophole!

Zhou Yanan really deserved to be the strongest one, being attacked like this, a hole was inserted in his kidney, and he could still stand steadily.

He was suddenly furious, screaming, and a level 13 soul power burst out! A palm slammed on the flat-headed man's head!

"Bang! ——"

The flat-headed man's head exploded like a watermelon, and red juice flew everywhere, pouring on this black earth 2.2, which was particularly dazzling and gorgeous...

The flat-headed man's body finally "plopped" and fell down.


Zhou Yanan covered the stabbed waist and kidney, and vomited out a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, he wiped his nose and found that his nose, and even his ears, were oozing blood!

It's radiation!

The radiation protection suit is broken, and the effect of the agent is almost passing ...

Zhou Yanan quickly took out a tube of injection, plunged it into his arm, and at the same time used the soul power of the whole body to resist the radiation in the environment with all his strength.

This barely held on.

Those three Tier 1 puppets were also killed by them.

At this time, only a gentle sound of footsteps was heard.

Zhou Yanan gasped and slowly raised his head.

I saw that in the fog, a handsome figure holding a scythe slowly walked out.

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