
Zhou Yanan's eyelids jumped sharply.

I saw Shi Qiu slowly come out of the fog.

The pitch-black Scythe of Death was dragged to the ground by him, making a "chirping and stinging" sound.

The whole body seems to be wrapped in a layer of shadow, strange and mysterious.

It wasn't until his face completely broke out of the shadows that people could see his true face completely.

"You Black Soul Society are really pestering people like dog skin plaster."

Shi Qiu's face was expressionless: "I received money from people in the real world, and I would forget it if I sent someone to secretly calculate it, but when I arrived at the foreign realm inside the space gate, I still refused to stop." Chased me so far, aren't you tired? "

Zhou Yanan's face changed slightly.

Shi Qiu: "Why, don't you dare to admit it?" "

Zhou Yanan stared at Shi Qiu for a while, then grinned at the corner of his mouth and sneered: "It turns out that you already know." "

Shi Qiu smiled: "Of course I know, otherwise why do you think your kidney will be inserted?" "

Zhou Yanan: "..."

He frowned, suddenly realizing something.

He glanced back at the headless corpse lying on the ground 24, and then turned back to look at Shi Qiu: "Just now Ah Ping, they were controlled by you!?" "

"What do you say?"

"You... You are an assistant, you can actually manipulate the illusion of people's hearts?? Zhou Yanan's face was incredulous.

What the hell is this help? It's outrageous!

Not only does it have an explosive speed far beyond that of ordinary assassins, but it can also use the ability to control the human heart illusion that can only be used by high-level mages!?

"You guess?" Shi Qiu squinted: "If you guess correctly, the reward will turn you into the same as them." "

“...... Oh, usually in school you never contact others, I thought you were an autistic man, but I didn't expect you to be quite good at playing tricks? "

Zhou Yanan grinned at the corner of his mouth and sneered: "But it doesn't matter what, I thought you would run, but I didn't expect you to dare to take the initiative to send it to the door!" Hmph, then don't blame us! "

"Who sent it to the door, I don't know."

Shi Qiu said expressionlessly.

As soon as he raised his hand, a cloud of black fog dispersed from all around him.

Immediately afterwards, countless crows flew out of it, emitting a sharp crow call.

Countless crows poured towards Zhou Yanan.

"What is it?" Zhou Yanan frowned.

Wait a minute......

This kid is already level 3!?

Shi Qiu had just burst out of soul power and summoned Wu Ling, and Zhou Yanan realized that he was already a Level 3 Soul Contractor!!

"In just one week, there has been such a terrifying progress..." Zhou Yanan was secretly shocked.

This is no longer like the strength that a freshman should have!

And the flock of crows that poured into the nest gave him an inexplicable sense of fear and oppression!

Could it be that Ah Ping and a few of them were not planted in the hands of Qiao Xiyue...

But planted in the hands of this kid ??

Zhou Yanan felt unbelievable.

And by this time the flock of crows had arrived. For some reason, Zhou Yanan's sixth sense told him that these crows would never be touched!

He hurriedly burst out with soul power to dodge and jumped into the air!

And those flying crows directly crashed into the boy who was still standing behind Zhou Yanan, who was still looking confused...

"Ahhhhh (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Only listen to a series of miserable cries.

Zhou Yanan turned around, and the scene he saw almost made him bite his tongue.

I saw that those crows completely turned into a cloud of black fire, burning on the boy, completely enveloping him!

The boy was terrified, and wanted to burst the soul power of the water attribute to extinguish the fire, but it had no effect at all, it was useless to roll on the ground, and the group of crows was rapidly devouring him...

First his clothes, which were quickly burned, then his body ...

The endless desperate screams and wails made Zhou Yanan and the others break into a cold sweat.

"Made! Good thing I didn't touch that thing just now! Zhou Yanan scolded secretly.

After all, it was a junior senior, and the black fire still burned for a while before burning the man to death.

Shi Qiu thought that his level was not high enough now, Wu Ling's level was not high, and the burning damage was really too low.

But the perverted part of this hell flame is that it cannot be extinguished! No matter how thick your blood is, grinding slowly little by little can grind you to death!

With this move, it at least means that Shi Qiu has the opportunity to leapfrog the challenge no matter how strong the enemy is!

Shi Qiu raised his head and looked at Zhou Yanan.

"Why, you were afraid just now?"

Zhou Yanan's face suddenly sank, and he did not answer Shi Qiu's question.

"There is a problem with this kid's soul! Stepping on the horse gives me cleverness, don't follow his way anymore! "

When the remaining members of the Black Soul Society heard this, they were also vigilant.

At this moment, they did not dare to treat Shiqiu as a freshman.

Where can a freshman drop a junior in one move??!

"Listen, quick fix!" Zhou Yanan said in a deep voice: "Let's strike together and catch this kid!" "


The words fell, and several soul contractors all burst out with soul power!

Zhou Yanan also moved, and saw that 860 one of his right hands gradually deformed and turned into the right hand of a devil!

One flashed behind Shi Qiu, and then wanted to grab his head with one claw!

Shi Qiu burst out all his soul power, driving the shadow spirit and merging into the shadow, only to barely dodge this blow.

At the same time, a soul devouring slash was struck, and Wu Ling also rushed towards him!

Zhou Yanan dodged the soul devouring slash, and then went to deal with the surrounding Wuling, chanting a spell in his mouth, and actually summoned a big-mouthed evil ghost! When he opened his mouth, he swallowed all of Wuling!

Shi Qiu: "Lying groove??? "

Zhou Yanan sneered: "I didn't expect it, right? "

I saw that the big-mouthed evil ghost seemed to start making a tummy after swallowing Wuling... Black fire gradually emerged from the inside, and it was obvious that the Wuling began to burn from inside its stomach.

Zhou Yanan sneered: "Hmph, your skill is indeed buggy, but I already understand it!" Your flame will not be easily extinguished, but your level is still too low, and the damage of the flame is not that high. "

"I sacrificed a demon until those crows of yours burned my demon to ashes, and it will be enough for us to deal with you!"

Shi Qiu was secretly speechless.


It turns out that this guy has an IQ!

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