"The vice president ... He... He seems to be okay? "

After a long while, a soul contractor couldn't help but swallow his saliva and say this sentence.

Zhou Yanan didn't speak, just looked at Shi Qiu, and his mood was complicated.

Shi Qiu absorbed all the soul power and felt an indescribable refreshment.

He twisted his neck, clenched his fists, felt the power flowing through his body, and then gave himself a blessing technique.

The scars on the skin gradually recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shi Qiu looked up at Zhou Yanan again.

Zhou Yanan frowned: "You... What the hell are you capable of? Why is there nothing at all? With your level 3 physical strength, you shouldn't be able to withstand such pressure..."

Shi Qiu's face was expressionless: "Level 3? Are you sure? "

After speaking, he suddenly released an incomparably majestic soul power!

Layers of qi waves swept around, and this force was so strong that it almost completely exploded his physical body!

"You..." Zhou Yanan's pupils shrank suddenly: "You are not level 3... Are you a Level 5 Soul Contract!? "


The strength that Shi Qiu displayed was level 5, but the soul power that erupted from him was not just a level 5 soul qi amount??

That energy gradually concentrated on Shi Qiu's body, and quickly broke open.

Layers of black fog rolled and surged around, gathered around him, and then turned into thousands of black shadow crows, rushing into the sky, 730 covering the sky!

As Shi Qiu gently raised his hand, the entire sky seemed to be shrouded in a flock of black crows! It's like a huge black swirl of clouds!

The sharp crow cry, as well as the huge shadow formed by the crow cloud, cast a layer of horror on the hearts of Zhou Yanan and the soul practitioners!

Zhou Yanan's body trembled slightly.

A level 5 soul contractor, the amount of soul energy released is actually higher than his level 13??

Is this serious?!

Shi Qiu was still expressionless.


With his raised right hand slowly falling.

I saw the crow entrenched in the sky, suddenly screaming and sprinting down!

The target is Zhou Yanan and the others below!

Only then did Zhou Yanan and the others realize the danger, and hurriedly spread out and dodge around.

But where did they escape the overwhelming crows?



"Aaaah! I don't care about you! Get out of the way for Lao Tzu!! "


With a terrifying scream, one after another fell under the group attack of Wuling, fell to the ground and rolled in pain, gradually being swallowed by black fire!

As for Zhou Yanan...

He was finally completely demonic, and the whole person turned into a hideous and terrifying devil, his skin was full of black-brown sarcoma bumps, two horns grew on his head, and his fangs were even more fierce.

But his physique attributes have indeed improved a lot in all directions.

Whether it's strength, agility, explosiveness... At this moment, he is far beyond the normal human mode of Zhou Yanan.

When Wu Lingqun attacked him, Zhou Yanan released several small evil spirits, forming a "ghost wall" before he could barely block Wu Ling.

"You're really ugly like this."

Shi Qiu shook his head and said.


The evil Zhou Yanan looked at Shi Qiu, his throat moved, and the whole person fell into a deep fear!

Cold sweat also kept seeping down his forehead!

When he was just 30% devilized, he only felt uncomfortable when he was close to Shiqiu.

Now at such a distance, just a glance at Shi Qiu made Zhou Yanan feel almost breathless!

"You seem to be uncomfortable?" Shi Qiu grinned. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Why..." Zhou Yanan didn't understand why he became like this.

He (Ceff) has transformed many times, but never this experience!

He could faintly guess in his heart that this was definitely related to Shi Qiu!

Now he actually had soft legs when he saw Shi Qiu, and he didn't even have the strength to turn around and escape!

"You... You can't kill me! Zhou Yanan said in horror: "I am the vice president of the Black Soul Society, you can't touch me!" Otherwise, Senior Black Bone won't let you go! "

Shi Qiu: "Who said I killed it?" "

"If you do it in the different territory of the space gate, you just happen to encounter an alien attack, the beast tide is chaotic, and it is natural for you to die in the chaos, right?"

Zhou Yanan's face changed suddenly: "You..."

Shi Qiu sneered: "You thought the same when you wanted to arrest me, right?" "

Zhou Yanan swallowed his spit: "Shi Qiu, you calm down, maybe we can still talk... Maybe we can..."

"It's too late to say anything now." Shi Qiu was indifferent: "I, I won't believe your words, I don't believe half a word." "

After speaking, his figure suddenly flashed.

In just one breath, he came to Zhou Yanan.

A scythe split open his wicked chest.


The 17-point sharp value of the Grim Reaper Scythe almost cut through the flesh and blood of Zhou Yanan's body surface like cutting a bean skin.


Under the aura of "Fear of Death", Zhou Yanan couldn't resist at all, grabbed the long handle of the Grim Reaper's scythe like a survival in the water, and slowly bent his knees.

Blood gushed out, both black and red.

Ignoring his screams, Shi Qiu pulled out his blade and slashed it diagonally again.




Zhou Yanan stared at the fish-bubble-like eyes, unable to make a sound anymore.

Finally fell in a pool of blood...


Shi Qiu pulled out the scythe, and a faint soul also emanated from the surrounding corpses, all of which were concentrated and absorbed by the scythe of death.

"Killed the target, get +1 Soul Points"

"Killed the target, get +1 Soul Points"

"The target has been killed, and the acquisition is..."

As the system prompt in his mind continued to echo, Shi Qiu finally let out a long breath.

However, he did not dare to let his guard down.

Because in his induction, he can also feel a hostile value around him...

"You still won't come out?"

Shi Qiu's gaze swept away the direction of the hostility value.

In the fog, Youye's heart suddenly clicked.

"How did he find me?"

Yuye thinks he has done a good job of hiding his breath.

And the visibility of the surrounding environment is so low, he can't see it.

But now that he was discovered, Youye had no choice, hesitated, and had to walk out.

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