Shi Qiu was not surprised to see You Ye come out.

"It's really you."

Shi Qiu squinted: "You are also from the Black Soul Society?" "

Youye's face was expressionless: "Yes." "

Shi Qiu smiled playfully: "Then since you are with them, you actually watched them hang up ~ fall away?" "

"I don't know them well." Youye's voice was indifferent and cold-blooded: "They died - it has nothing to do with me." "

Shi Qiu was stunned.

Good fellow, this woman is ruthless enough?

"Then you just hid over there and watched for a long time, what did you want to do?"

You Ye said lightly: "I originally wanted to wait for them to catch you and then snatch you over." "

...... Good guys, and this operation?

Shi Qiu looked at her deeply: "It seems that your Black Soul Society is not so united within it?" "

"Who told you that those who are in the same community must be united?"

“...... Well, that's what was said. "

Shi Qiu nodded, raised his scythe, and pointed at her: "Then now that they are all cold, is it your turn?" "

"There's no need for that." You Ye shook his head: "Just now your strength, I can see it clearly." "

"Although I haven't completely guessed what your soul ability is, you can actually kill Zhou Yanan without any resistance."

"But no matter what, I know I'm not your opponent."

Shi Qiu raised his eyebrows: "So you want to surrender and beg for mercy now?" "

"I'm not going to fight you here." You Ye looked at Shi Qiu expressionlessly: "You have been in college for a long time, and there are still opportunities in the future." We will have a period later! "

"To put it bluntly, you just want to escape." Shi Qiu snorted coldly: "Unfortunately, I didn't plan to let you leave here alive!" "

Youye's pupils jumped.

After only one return to the gods, Shi Qiu disappeared into the fog, and then appeared behind her like a ghost!

Shi Qiu vigorously swung his scythe.

The heavy scythe of death swung in his hand like a light bladed sword.

Split from top left to bottom right!

Make a sound of breaking the sky!


However, this knife cut into the air.

As if at the moment when Youye was about to be hit, the whole person turned into countless black rose petals, fluttering in the sky, but her body disappeared.

The scythe plunges a deep hole in the ground!

"It's useless."

Youye's voice drifted out from the layers of fog, as if it came from a dream: "As long as I want to go, no one can keep me..."

Some of the rose petals regrouped, and Youye reappeared fifty meters away.

Shi Qiu looked back expressionlessly, thinking that this woman was really confident.

He was indifferent and turned his head to lock on the direction where Yuye belonged in the mist.

Then he drove the shadow spirit with all his strength and left at great speed.

The scythe dragged on the ground, scraping out the "croak" Mars all the way!

Yoya: "!? "

She stood on her tiptoes, and the whole person withdrew several meters away.

The knife slashed past him, cutting through her clothes and skin, leaving a trail of blood.

"So fast..." Youye bit his lower lip hard, and at this critical moment, he even bit the corner of his lip.

And under this fog of visibility ...

How did he see me?

"I won't let you go so easily." Shi Qiu's indifferent voice came: "To be honest, I am inexplicably upset when I see your Black Soul Society now!" "


Another chop!


The skin was open, and a wound was also cut on Youye's right shoulder, and blood spilled out.

"Impossible..." A trace of horror appeared on Youye's cold face.

And Shi Qiu's indifferent voice appeared in her ears again: "This convoy was attacked by aliens, it was the handiwork of your Black Soul Society, right?" "

Youye was stunned.

Shi Qiu sneered: "Don't tell me you don't know..."

"I don't know what your Black Soul Society has to do with foreign races, but in order to arrest me alone, make such a big battle, and not hesitate to betray the school and compatriots, it seems that my face is really big!"

"Or is it not the first time you've done this kind of thing?"

Youye's eyes flashed with hesitation for a moment: "This..."

Shi Qiu's scythe once again slashed from a different angle.

This time, Youye's figure once again turned into countless rose petals and scattered.

Unexpectedly, Shi Qiu was so entangled, Youye gritted his teeth and simply turned to attack.

"At this time, it seems that it can absorb the magic energy of the dark attribute..."

"So you can only deal with him with physical attacks?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yuye was also just guessing, but she decided to give it a try.

Her hands formed several handprints, and then the petals around her suddenly turned as sharp as blades.

Immediately afterwards, these "blades" all poured towards Shiqiu like a violent storm!



The petal blades gathered and staggered, with a strong cyclone, the blades rubbed, making a sound like a thousand cuts.

Shi Qiu retreated with one tactic, and dodged urgently to dodge a large number of blades.

Several of the petals flew against his cheek, cutting off several strands of his hair.

There was also a petal that flew past him and slammed into the stone next to him.


A flash of light and shadow flashed, and the petals easily cut through the stone more than half a meter thick, cutting it in half!

Shi Qiu: "..."

"This paralyzed woman really has two strokes..."

Shi Qiu secretly said, "Obviously he is a level 10 soul contractor, but he is stronger than Zhou Yanan, a level 13 soul contractor!" "

"Still, you can't get out of here!"

Shi Qiu said, raising one right hand and spreading his five fingers.

The Wu Ling, who covered the sky and entrenched the sky, suddenly flew towards Youye...

Youye's heart sank.

Just now, she has seen the power of this trick.

Never be touched by those crows!

"Buzz buzz..."


And yet, at this very time.

The earth trembled slightly.

The ground under Shi Qiu's feet began to shake...

"What's the situation? Earthquake? "

Shi Qiu was stunned for a moment.

Under the cracks of the ground, a familiar and terrifying aura surged upward.

"This is..."

"The level 22 alien beast that you just sensed??"

"It's actually underground!?"

Shi Qiu and You Ye both changed their faces, and the two of them got up and jumped away to both sides in tacit agreement at the same time.


The ground finally cracked, the land bulged, and a huge bloody mouth with dense teeth suddenly appeared.

If it weren't for Shi Qiu and You Ye flashing fast enough, almost both of them would have been swallowed by that strange beast!

However, a few soul inners who had just been burned to death, and several people who were headless Ah Ping, were not so lucky.

As the ground collapsed, they fell directly into the stomach of the giant beast along with the dirt!

Shi Qiu looked up at the mountain-like monster in front of him.

Good guys, so big!

This is from the Mountain and Sea Scriptures, right?!

"Good opportunity..." Youye saw the opportunity.

She tapped several acupuncture points of her soul power node with her fingers, and all the soul power of her whole body exploded! The figure turned into countless rose petals again, scattered in all directions, and quickly disappeared into the fog in the blink of an eye...

Shi Qiu looked at the direction of Youye's escape, but did not pursue deeply.

"It's a pity to let this woman run away..."

"But forget it."

"Right now, there are more important things to do..."

Shi Qiu raised his head and looked at the epic tall giant beast in front of him.


The strange beast roared viciously, as if he felt that Shi Qiu didn't put him in his eyes, and he was a little angry, and in a fit of anger, he raised his claws and slapped him down...

And Shi Qiu simply jumped into the sky to dodge, but driving the soul power, a death blessing was thrown out...

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