


The earth shook.

You can also feel this strong tremor from the far wilderness.

Military trucks rushing from outside the space gate shuttled through the wasteland, but were forced to stop.

"What's the situation? Earthquake?? "

A middle-aged man wearing a camouflage uniform couldn't help frowning, picked up a thermal telescope and looked ahead.

"General, there is a strong soul power fluctuation reaction ahead, and the level is extremely high!" A Soul Contractor soldier reminded.

"Oh? How tall? "

"At least level 20 or above!"

"Level 20..." The middle-aged man known as the general narrowed his eyes into a slit.

Combined with the roar of the beast he heard just now, he judged: "So it is a high-level "one seventy-three" rank alien beast? "

Unexpectedly, he encountered a high-level alien beast above level 20 in the A1 area, no wonder even the escort team composed of twenty elite classes suffered such a big loss.

It seems that the place where the transport convoy had an accident should not be far from here ...

After receiving the distress signal that the convoy was attacked, the city defense army guarding outside the space gate immediately organized people to rush to support.

However, the radiation in the foreign territory is too strong, most of the equipment cannot be used, and in such a foggy environment with extremely low visibility, it is not so easy to find the convoy.

"Okay, just in this direction, the convoy is moving at full speed!"

The middle-aged man ordered.

Immediately, he said to the subordinate next to him: "Sense it again, lock the location of the alien beast, and see if there are other alien races around, and report the number!" "


The soldier cross-legged for a while, slightly stunned, and said: "General, except for that level 20 alien beast in front... There seems to be someone next to it! "

"People? Is it the soul contractor who escorts the convoy? The middle-aged general's expression became grim: "It seems that there is a fight with that strange beast, let's hurry over to support!" "

Soldier: "But... But that person seems to be only level 5..."

The general was stunned: "What? Level 5? "


The soldier looked strange: "Besides, they don't seem to be fighting." "

The general wondered: "Then what are they doing?" "

The soldier closed his eyes and was silent, concentrating on the picture ahead, and while probing, he said what he saw:

“...... The man was young and looked like a college student... That strange beast was lying in front of the teenager, as if it was wagging its tail at the teenager? "

General: "? "

Soldier: "And that beast seems to wag its tail on one side... While still screaming, my tongue is also spitting out..."

General: "?? "

"And then that boy..." the soldier frowned, "as if touching the head of that strange beast... The words in his mouth seem to be saying something..."

The soldier struggled for a while and read the lips in the picture: "He seems to be saying ... Well...... Good boy, well-behaved, obedient, Dad will buy you meat to eat in a while..."

General: "??? "

Other soldiers in the car: "??? "

The atmosphere was silent for a while.

The middle-aged general looked strange: "... Xiao Wang, did you drink too much yesterday and didn't wake up, which affected your perception? "

Soldier: "... The sound and the picture I read out, that's it..."

"General, I see a strange beast ahead!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this time, the subordinate who was driving suddenly said.

"Oh?" The middle-aged general immediately picked up the thermal telescope.

Sure enough, in the wasteland not far ahead, a super giant beast that looked half rat and half lizard was quietly lying there.

The long tail fluttered leisurely and aimlessly.

However, in front of the giant alien beast, there was indeed a young man who was gently stroking the head of the alien beast.

However, the strange beast was really so obedient and docile lying on its stomach, like a big dog, at the mercy of the young man.

“...... Is that a joke? A subordinate next to him suddenly opened his mouth when he saw this scene, and he was so frightened that the three views were about to collapse.

The soldier in charge of sensing smiled bitterly: "I'm right..."

"General, that boy seems to have discovered us."

"He's coming over to us!"

"I know." The middle-aged general held the binoculars: "I'm watching..."

I saw in the distance, Shi Qiu turned his head and saw the convoy of the city defense army, and was silent in place for a short while, and then took the initiative to walk towards the truck convoy, and raised a hand, as if to greet them.

The soldier said, "General, what now?" "

"What's the matter, get out of the car and see what's going on."

"But... This kid seems to be a little wrong, how can someone make a strange beast..."

"It's okay." The middle-aged general was expressionless and put down the binoculars: "At least he is a human, and the soul power fluctuations on his body are the fluctuations of the human race, not the alien race, I can sense it." "

Everyone nodded, they had always trusted the judgment of the middle-aged general.

A group of city defenders jumped out of the truck in a well-rounded manner.

The middle-aged general quietly looked at the young man who was walking slowly.

Shi Qiu walked to a certain distance, and the city defenders immediately "clicked" their guns, and the muzzles were aimed at Shi Qiu.

Shi Qiu stopped: "..."

"Roar!" The giant beast behind him sensed the threat and let out a roar.

The city defenders were immediately frightened and took half a step back.

Shi Qiu turned around and said something to the strange beast before the strange beast stopped.

The middle-aged general looked at Shi Qiu, his eyes were complicated, and he tentatively spoke: "You... A student at Single City University? "

"Yes." Shi Qiu 0.4 raised his hand and showed his trainee ID card: "I am one of the soul contractors in charge of this escort material mission. "

Seeing that there was no error in the ID card, the defense forces of the cities finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Own people." A squad leader said to the people behind.

So everyone put down their guns.

"You..." The middle-aged general's gaze couldn't help but glance at the strange beast behind Shi Qiu, and asked strangely: "You can control the strange beast?" "

Shi Qiu: "Yes, but it is temporary, and it can not be controlled for a long time." "

Middle-aged general: "What ability do you have?" Illusion? "


“...... Well, if you don't want to say it, forget it. The middle-aged general said, "We are the city defense army responsible for guarding the exit of the space gate of Shancheng, and after receiving the distress signal from you, we will immediately send people to reinforce!" "。

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