"So it's not just the alien beasts that attacked the convoy this time, but also the alien demons??"

At that time, after Qiu said everything again, the middle-aged general and the soldiers of the city defense army couldn't help but gasp.

Thousands of exotic beasts!

What kind of concept is that?

You can almost level a small city!

The middle-aged general touched the slag on his chin: "There are few aliens in this area, how could there be so many sudden appearances at once this time?" Strange..."

Shi Qiu didn't plan to say anything about the Black Soul Society.

After all, that was all his conjecture.

And without evidence, who will believe it?

"Well, let's gossip." Shi Qiu smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid that if I delay any longer, my group of classmates and teachers will not be able to withstand it." "

“...... Good. The middle-aged general took a deep look at Shi Qiu, although he still had many questions in his heart, it was obviously not appropriate to ask these questions at this time.

"Without further ado, all get on the bus!"

The middle-aged general looked at the pet-like beast behind Shi Qiu again, with a strange look.

People can actually control strange beasts, which always makes him feel strange...

It feels unscientific...

"24 o'clock autumn classmate, I will trouble you to lead the way."


“...... By the way, this ability of yours to control... Well...... How long will it last? "

The middle-aged general was a little worried about this strange beast, afraid that it was a threat.

After all, that's a level 22 alien beast! In case it gets out of this student's control, it's not a joke!

Shi Qiu saw the general's concern and smiled: "Don't worry, I have a number in my heart, and I can still control it in a short time." "

The middle-aged general nodded.

Now he had to believe Shi Qiu.

A group of city defenders climbed into trucks again.

And Shiqiu... He jumped onto the back of the giant beast.

"A Level 5 Assist... He was actually able to control a level 22 high-level alien beast..."

In the truck, the soldier in charge of driving looked out the window with complicated eyes, and couldn't help but complain: "Has the world really begun to be unreasonable..."

Bystander: "... Maybe this is the difference between geniuses and us ordinary people. "

The middle-aged general did not speak, leaned his elbows against the car window, and looked deeply at Shi Qiu sitting on the back of the alien beast in front of him.

"General, just now in that place, I smelled a smell of blood." The soldier next to him hesitated, but still said: "It's not the blood of alien beasts, it's human." "

General: "I know. "

The soldier opened his mouth slightly and was stunned.

"There must have been a killing here before we came." The general took a deep look at Shi Qiu's back again: "What happened, only this kid himself knows..."

"But leave this alone for now, it's important to support the transport fleet."

“...... Also. "


"Damn aliens! Lao Tzu is fighting with you! "

"Defensive Soul Contractor protects the back row! Hurry up and top it! "

"Ahhh... My leg! Lao Tzu's legs!! ......"

On the frontal battlefield on the side of the transport convoy, the scene was chaotic.

A temporary team of hundreds of elite soul contractors is fighting with all their might.

The students had tried very hard to maintain the formation, but they still suffered heavy casualties.

If it weren't for the strong support of the teachers of twenty classes, I am afraid that the entire army would have been wiped out long ago...

"Hell..." Long Ming released a soul technique and gritted his teeth: "Haven't the reinforcements arrived yet??" "

The people around him, one after another, fell down with soul power ... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, many people actually know it in their hearts.

The so-called waiting for reinforcements is actually just to give yourself some hope and comfort...

Under the influence of high-intensity radiation in a foreign territory, there are almost not many equipment that can be used normally, and even if the city defense army arrives, it is almost impossible to find their exact location in the first place...

The chance of really holding out until reinforcements arrive is very small...

Lan Ningxue carried a heavy sniper and jumped to the highest point on a small hill.

While her spear is aimed at the enemy, she is also trying to find Shi Qiu's figure in the chaos.

"Still not..." Lan Ningxue bit her lower lip, only feeling that something hot was rolling in her eye sockets, about to flow out.

Could it be that he really died in the mouth of a foreign beast?

With such a surging tide of beasts, the beasts launched a frenzy, and it was a matter of an instant to divide a person...

Engulfed by the beast tide, you may not even find the bones in an instant...

Lan Ningxue was feeling sad and clapped a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't be distracted, trust him."

A voice sounded behind him.

Lan Ningxue was stunned suddenly, and when she looked back, she saw Qiao Xiyue standing behind her and smiling at her slightly.

"How could you..." Lan Ningxue didn't understand how Qiao Xiyue could guess what she was thinking.

However, Qiao Xiyue pushed her sharply at this time: "Be careful!" "

The two jumped to each side.

A level 20 alien beast swooped into the air, splashing countless flying stones, directly crashing the small hill, almost tearing them to pieces!

697 "Sunset Moon! Cher! "

Seeing that the two of them were in difficulty, Yu Li immediately cast a soul technique to cover, and an oversized fireball technique blasted over!

Xia Yao also hurriedly used his Void Control ability to help them cover.

However, the limit that their two level 10 soul masters could give to a level 20 alien beast was still too small.

The tiger-type beast was only bombarded by the skills of the two women and paused in place, and then pounced again.

Lan Ningxue rolled on the ground, then quickly pulled his chest, got up, and struck the body of the strange beast with a heavy shot!

At the same time, he also used the recoil force to fly backwards and fly out.

However, the bullets of the heavy sniper gun, hitting the fur of the strange beast, as if scraping, did not work at all.


The eyes of the alien beast were red as blood, and it opened its blood basin and tore and bit, and Lan Ningxue could almost smell its fishy saliva!

"It's over..." Lan Ningxue looked desperate.


However, at this time, the figure of the level 20 alien beast suddenly fixed in the air, unable to move forward.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Dingqing saw that when the strange beast was flying in the air, it was grabbed by the back of the neck by a larger lizard-shaped beast.

The lizard beast immediately pulled it fiercely, and threw the level 20 beast to the side...

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